
I hate hospitals. I hate the awful food. I hate the touchy nurses. I hate the lying doctors. I hate the security who can't keep their damn guns safe.

   I hate the awful feeling of dread. The feeling that the person laying there. . . might not be there tomorrow. They're alive but at what cost? Do they even want to be alive?

   Why must all good people die young? People who protect. People who save. People who love. Are the good people doomed to meet an early end?

   There was a chilling numbness that swept over me after Error got shot. It settled over my soul like a dark cloud. After my initial reaction I didn't react… and maybe I should have.

   Maybe I should have done something. Maybe I should have been angry. Maybe I should have been sad. Maybe I should have been hopeful.

   I shouldn't have been so… Empty.

   I didn't leave the hospital despite my hatred of the place. Error needed someone there and I was willing to be there. I had a pillow and a blanket. The chair was rather comfy.

   I was often not alone anyway. Ma was there a lot. And Geno brought Morang. Ink was there almost as often as I was. Asy showed up sometimes.

   1 week. No response. 2 weeks. No response. 3 weeks. No response. 4? Nothing. 5? None. 6… No response.

   From both Error and me.

   I responded to words fine. But my emotions just… stopped. The numbness was the only thing I felt besides dread. It was suffocating and oddly repetitive...
