Slivers of Light

Silhouette found an old farmhouse on the outskirts of town. The owners had left in a hurry years before. Or were taken? Could they have been among the fierce hordes they had to fight in order to the reign of terror? A lot of that happened during his first life, and the reminders were still everywhere. He was used to the overwhelming recollection of much of the War, but he was reluctant to think about them too much, That brought back the more devastating, personal losses he had endured since. He curled up in a corner and squeezed his lids shut, however every single time, as he tried to sleep, he saw a pair of golden eyes. Intense and burning at times. Hard and cold. Soft and imploring. Desperate, at first, while in the cold spring, then filled with disbelief, followed by painful hope and a deep sense of hopelessness. Who was this Redeemer? ...No, didn't he call himself Lan Zhan at one point?

'Lan Zhan...Lan like bunnies?'

'Lan Zhan...Lan Zhan...Want a loquat?'

'Lan Zhan ...Sing me a song...'

Slivers of memories instantly shut down. They made him feel as he did, gazing at the man, glowing in the moonlight and freezing prisms of water. Sad and happy. Mistrust and love. Fear and safety. These were dualities that he did not want to face. Yet something was forcing them into the light and he knew that something was himself.

Yet that face. That incomparable face would not leave his mind. Neither the glimpses of the unmarred youth or the current mourning lines of an exhausted man would leave him alone. Could it be that they had suffered together and while he was gone, sleeping and dreamless, the other had suffered alone?

He toughened himself. 

'So what? He probably deserved it, right? I have my own self to protect and nobody is ever going to do that for me. Get it together, Wei Ying. Take care of Mo's crappy revenge and shake the dust of this place off your feet as soon as possible. Let the past take care of itself and let Karma do what she does best. Hate to be a hard-ass, Redeemer. or Lan Zhan, whatever you call yourself now.  Don't care how fucking beautiful you are, this boy is on his own.'

He finally drifted off and slept the afternoon away/

When he struggled awake, it was because of that face, panic-stricken, and the voice begging him to let him take him away. They were coming for Wei Ying. They were going to kill him, and he remembered thinking how much he would welcome it. But him,?  He needed to leave Wei Ying's side and refused to. The voice was pleading and desperate, and he heard himself muttering, 'Get lost. Get lost.'

'Gods, what have we been through? And when will be I be strong enough to see this through to the end?'

Silhouette began to dress and when it came time to do his hair he held the red and gold ribbon Redeemer had tied it up with. He ran one of the long tails through his fingers, and he felt them tingle. Then his stomach growled. First, he ignored the plea, then his stomach roared in a stern demand.Wei Ying decided he might as well head into town. Perhaps he could bat his silver eyes and bum a dinner off Redeemer as well. He seemed to be a real, soft touch. He just needed to remember that there was not a soul around that he could trust. He tossed the black robe around his shoulders and pulled the hood over his head.

By the time he arrived at the Inn, he paused as he heard raised voices. The crowd was a bit rowdy, and he almost left instead of courting trouble, however, he heard the stern and steady voice of Redeemer interrupt. 

"Those who were not there, in the midst of it all are not qualified to speak, I was. I saw. I know what happened."

The innkeeper shouted back. I have excellent sources..."

"I have actual experience. The Yiling Patriarch was innocent of the charges. Yes, he finished his cultivation using dark energy. But what is that? Simply the other side of the energy I use. Why is one right and one wrong? There were others, behind the scenes, others, manipulating scenarios to frame The Yiling Patriarch, in order to cover up their attempts to grab power. They needed a facade to hide behind."

"Who are they?"

"I seek those answers to this day. Who here knew the Yiling Patriarch back then?"

A few raised their hands.

"Hm. I counted 5. That means 20. Most do not admit it. How many sought his assistance? Who had some Emperor's Smile with him? Who fought by his side to help defeat the Wen? Who saw us win the day because of his power?

Murmurers of ascent began to flood the room, but there were also those who boo'ed at Redeemer as well. He ignored them as if they were vermin.

'Then spread stories about that honor of what he did for us. He was not a god . Not a demon. He was only a man who was vilified and died. Died trying to save us and live in peace."

Out of the corner of his eye, Silhouette saw two shady men staring at Redeemer. One was holding a cup of tea. Another popped a cork from a bottle of wine and poured a small taste of wine in it. He called a servant over, handed him a coin, and nodded at Redeemer. Silhouette watched in horror as Redeemer took the cup, and before he could reach his side, he had taken a healthy sip. He forced people aside in a frenzy, hands and elbows flying, and caught him as he raised the cup again. Wei knocked it on the the floor.

"Oooooh! That wasssss not polite. Against rule...rulllllllle...wha number rule was that one?

...One...Number one!!!!!!!! Knew I'd think of it!"

"Lan Zhan!" He whispered urgently"They spiked your drink. Wine, they added wine to it. We need to get you to your room!"

Redeemer looked at him in shock. "Drunk?" His eyes grew round and his bottom lip trembled. "Uncle will be angry."

"So? What, will he make you write something? Stand you up in front of the class? Hit you with a ruler?"

He hung his beautiful head. His voice became small.

"No, kneel. Remove robes. Face the elders. Discipline whip."

Wei Ying sat down, stunned, and wanted to vomit as he remembered the scarring across the expanse of what had once been the most perfect back he had ever seen. At first he thought, 'He is confused because he is loaded.' 

Then he saw the slow tear falling down one cheek, and then another.
