Redeemer Introduced

Redeemer. His night name was used for a secret life he would never have dreamed of years before. Yet it was a life that had become more real to him than people close to him could possibly realize. They thought he had been beaten into submission, leaving him re-educated and isolated. They preferred him as a bitter automaton devoted to dispersing evil to a blasphemer who dared to love someone who was anathema. He simply sunk within himself, perfecting aloofness and silence. He held his own deep counsel and let them think what they wanted to think. Consequently, he became more dangerous than they ever dreamed. A man going slowly mad, with the single-minded mission. To enter chaos in order to seek answers from the dead about the disappated.

There were only two left that could still touch Redeemer's broken heart and core, locked tight against further intrusion. They still saw him with eyes of love and loyalty, but it was really, not enough to save him. The others in his Sect only approved of him in one way; they sought his exceptional dedication to rushing into chaos and bringing order. On the other hand, they either despised or feared his reason for it. And they would have forced him into seclusion if they knew its fullest extent. His constant attempt at rewriting of current distortion after each night hunt as he haunted inns and taverns; engaging with the men who lied for money, dismantling them, and taking away their platforms, would have horrified those still in the blind lockstep of 4000 Rules of oppression.

But it had become his life, private, to be used in place of love and contentment, and it would have to do.

A/N...This is unusual for me, an opening like this. Chapter Two will be Silhouette Introduced. I want them set in concrete, and then I will begin chipping away.

Thank you and love to all my followers. And my eternal gratitude to my indispensable WangXian Writers Group. It is your patience and inspiration that keeps me going on this journey of transformation.
