Twins In The City 3

"RACERS, START YOUR ENGINES!" Bump Bumperman announced as the race began to start.

"Oooh, I'm so excited!" Magma squealed. "Ready, Zuma?"

"Ready!" Inazuma nodded with a grin.


With that, the racers took off with a zoom. Cryo took the early lead, followed by Glacier and the other racers. Magma and Inazuma were at the very back but tried their hardest to catch up.

"Hurry, Zuma! We have to catch up!"

"Okay...!" Inazuma grabbed her tire then they both zoomed off.

They approached Starla, and Magma beamed as an idea came to her.

"Come on, Zuma, let's show them what we can REALLY do!"


Inazuma laughed as he grabbed onto his sister and swung her over. Magma cheered as she managed to jump over the cowgirl truck and zoomed to her front, catching her off-guard.

"Sorry, Ms. Starla, but we're taking the lead!"

Magma giggled and dashed off. Inazuma passed Starla with a 'bye' then he headed to catch up with his sister. They soon made it to Watts and Gabby, and they went around them, which made the two gasp in surprise.

"Excuse us!" Inazuma called.

They caught up to Stripes and AJ. Inazuma jumped over them, causing them to stop in surprise. Magma took advantage of their surprise and zipped past them to catch up with her brother.

"Pardon us!"

Soon, they were right behind Glacier, who noticed them and sighed. He stomped his tire down, causing ice crystals to appear in front of the children, who both gasped in shock.

"Whoa! How did he do that?!" Inazuma cried.

"Same way WE'RE doing this!" Magma hissed and grabbed his tire.

They pointed their tires at the ice crystals, and lightning and flames appeared out of them, melting the crystals before they dashed off. They grinned as they both jumped over Glacier, who was shocked to see them pass his cheat.


"Excuse us, mister!" they giggled and zoomed off.

The twins were so close to the finish line, but they had to pass one more truck; Cryo! But he was very close to the finish line, almost about to pass it.

"Time for some speed?" Inazuma asked.

"NO! Blazing Speed is cheating!" Magma opposed, shaking her head. "I have a better idea! Throw me over Mr. Cryo then jump! When I land, I'll tow you! Got it?"

"Got it!"

Magma grinned as Inazuma held her tire. As soon as they were close enough, he threw her over Cryo then jumped a few minutes later. Magma cheered as she landed in front of the periwinkle truck, stealing the lead and shocking the other.


"See ya, Mr. Cryo!" Inazuma waved as Magma towed him and made him land beside her before they zoomed off.

"And the winners are... MAGMA AND INAZUMA!" Bump announced as the twins crossed the finish line together, causing the crowd to cheer.

"WE DID IT!!" Magma squealed. "WE WON!!"

"YEAH!" Inazuma cheered.

"Here you two go!" Bump handed them the giant golden trophy. "The new champions of Axle City!"

"Us?" Inazuma said. "Really? Wow, thanks! Come on, Maggie. Let's head home. We did win the race, but we better get back before Papa and Dad get worried."

"Leaving so soon?"

The duo turned to see Starla approach them with Stripes, AJ, Gabby, and Watts.

"Yeah," Inazuma said. "We live far away, and we need to get home before our parents and uncles get worried about us... right, Maggie?"

"Far away, huh?" Cryo confronted them and narrowed his eyes. "How far? And who ARE your parents?"

"Uh..." Inazuma gulped.

"Why do YOU wanna know so badly?" Magma growled.

"My cousin gets suspicious, that's all," Sparkle spoke up as she and the Blaze Family joined the group. "But really, you kids came here all by yourselves?"

"We're not kids!" Magma repeated for the hundredth time. "We're big trucks! And who our parents are is none of your business! Come on, bro. Let's go."

"Woah, hang on!" Phoenix went in front of them. "We can't let you children roam around without adults,"


"MAGMA!!!" voices called out. "ZUMA!!"

"Those are our uncles!" Inazuma cried.

"Listen, nice meeting you," Magma said. "Thanks for the trophy, but uh... we better go to our uncles."

"Wait..." Stripes frowned. "That sounds like..."


From the entrance, Pickle, Darington, Speedrick, Zeg and Gasquatch burst in, all panicky and worried.

"Oh, there you are!" Darington sighed.

"UNCLES!" Magma dashed to them, holding the trophy out. "LOOK! ZUMA AND I WON THE RACE!"

"You... are... IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!!" Pickle shrieked.

"Why? It's just a race... right?" Inazuma tilted his head, confused while hiding behind his sister, who gulped at their usually happy uncle's shriek.

"Yes, but you left the house WITHOUT ANY OF OUR PERMISSIONS!" Darington yelled out.

"You... know these kids...?" Starla questioned, eyes narrowed at them as they all turned to face her and the others.

"Oh shoot, the toxics." Speedrick hissed.

"So... you know these kids..." Cryo narrowed his eyes at the green truck. "Who are their parents?"

"NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" Pickle roared out.

"Uncles, you know them?" Inazuma asked.

"They're... old friends. But not anymore." Darington hissed.

"I KNEW something was up with them." Magma gritted her teeth.

"Why?" Inazuma asked with a gulp. "They... They seem so nice..."

"Seeming to be 'nice' is just how they look," Speedrick huffed. "Come on, let's get you two home before-"


Everyone winced at the familiar voices that were coming their way, with the Blaze Family looking horrified but hopeful.

It couldn't be...?

Could it...?

Inazuma, on the other hand, stiffened and cowered behind his sister, who swallowed a hugged the trophy in her tires. Darington and Pickle gulped before hissing.

"Oh no..."
