Twins In The City 1

Years went by quicker than anyone could count them. Blaze and Crusher were growing closer with each passing day. They helped Roarian take care of the forest and the animals, with Crusher's discomfort for animals fading away into passion for caring them instead. As they did, they also did their best on taking care and raising their children.

Speaking of children, Magma and Inazuma were growing up faster than their parents could catch up to them. They were the best of friends, an inseperable team that loved the animals and loved to race, just like their parents did. And of course, they grew up in the Great Forest, with their Uncle Roarian happily watching over them if their parents were ever busy.

Other than their Uncle Roarian, their other uncles came to visit them as well. Their Uncle Pickle and their Uncle Darington came constantly, bringing their quadruplet children/the twins' cousins PJ, DJ, BJ and Darling with them. Their Uncle Gasquatch, Uncle Speedrick and Uncle Zeg came to visit as well, always having fun with their twins and watching over them if Blaze and Crusher were busy helping Roarian.

Everything was as perfect as things could be...

Well, at least everyone else thought they were...




"Wa-hoo!" 7-year old Magma cheered as she zipped through the field. "Come on, Zuma! Catch me if you can!"

"Oh you bet I will, Maggie!!" 7-year old Inazuma dashed beside his sister with a beaming grin.

They zoomed through the field and laughed. They paid no attention to where they were going, only focusing having their fun, and were clueless until they fell from a cliff top.


They screamed as they began to fall. Luckily, a certain flying lion managed to catch them before they could reach the ground.

"Uncle Roarian!"

"Are you both all right?" Roarian asked.

"Yes!" Magma beamed and nodded. "Thanks for the save, Uncle Roarian!"

"You're welcome," Roarian sighed in relief. "but you two must really be careful when you're racing. You both might in danger or hurt if you don't watch where you're racing,"

"We will..." the twins answered.

"Good," Roarian smiled and landed on the ground, setting the twins down. "Now you two should get going, it's getting late,"

"But it's still afternoon..." Magma whined.

"Yes, but it's still late, and your parents might get worried," Roarian chuckled and patted their heads with his wings. "Now go on, get home, and stay out of trouble,"

"Yes, Uncle Roarian..."

Magma sighed. Inazuma patted her shoulder comfortingly as they watched their uncle fly off.

"Maybe we should get back to Dad and Papa," he suggested. "I mean, Uncle Darry and Uncle Pickle are coming to visit today,"

"Oh yeah!" Magma beamed. "Race you back home?"

"You're on!"


"Glad to see you guys," Blaze greeted as Crusher gave Pickle a hug of greeting. "Where are the quadruplets?"

"Pickle's sisters are babysitting them since Darling's sick, and her brothers wouldn't leave her be," Darington replied.

"Fair enough," Blaze nodded and smiled. "The twins went off to race and should be back soon-"


"There are the twins!" Pickle laughed as he picked up the two racing towards them. "How are my two favorite niece and nephew?!"

"We're your ONLY niece and nephew," Inazuma said.

"My favorites nonetheless!" Pickle giggled.

"Well, you four have fun!" Blaze called out as he and Crusher turned to leave. "We'll be helping out Roarian on something, but we're just nearby! Call us if you guys need anything!"

"Bye, guys!" Darington waved them goodbye.

"You kids stay out of trouble!" Crusher yelled out.

"We will!"

As soon as the two were gone, Darington turned to the twins, who were jumping like jumping beans.

"So... what do you kids wanna do?"

"RACE!" the twins screamed with a beam.

"Of course you wanna race," Pickle shook his head with a smirk.

 "Come on, I know the perfect field for you two to race in!"

They drove through the forest and through the trees. They soon made it to a huge, empty field, where the twins squealed before taking off to race, screaming with enjoy. Darington and Pickle watched they take off, sighing in relief.

"Man, it's like watching Blaze and Crusher race," Pickle commented. "Only friendlier and more like a team,"

"Oh yeah," Darington chuckled. "Remember those old times, before the hardship came?"

"Yeah, I remember," Pickle laughed. "How they'd race around the tracks of the Monster Dome-"

"The what?!" Magma questioned as she and her brother zipped back to them.

"What's a Monster Dome?" Inazuma asked.

"Uh..." Pickle and Darington exchanged glances.

"Come on, uncles, what's a Monster Dome?!" Magma huffed impatiently. Gotta thank her Papa Crusher for that attitude.

"The Monster Dome... is a place, where races take place," Darington hesitantly answered. "RIght, P?"

"Right." Pickle nodded.

"Why haven't we been there?" Inazuma tilted his head.

"Yeah, where is this Monster Dome?!" Magma agreed with the question. "I wanna race there with Zuma!"

"We can't go there," Pickle awkwardly said.

"Why not?" Inazuma asked.

"Yeah," Magma said with a huff. "Why?"

"Erm..." Darington exchanged a glance with his lover. "Well... uh..."

"You wouldn't want your parents to worry!" Pickle quickly said. "I mean, we don't have their permission to go, anyway, and you know how worrying they can be,"

"Well... I guess..." Inazuma sighed.

"Then let's go ask them!" Magma cried out.

"Good idea! Let's go!" Inzama agreed, only to be stopped by Darington.

"Woah, woah, slow down, you two!"

"I... don't think your parents would say yes," Pickle told them.

"Why?" the twins asked.

"Because they... don't have good memories in that place anymore," Darington admitted.

"Let's just... not talk about it anymore, okay?" Pickle gave them a small smile.

"Okay..." the twins murmured.

As soon as their backs were turned, however, Magma pulled on her brother. They huddled together to talk.

"I don't know about you, Zuma, but I REALLY wanna go to the Monster Dome!" Magma grinned.

"Me too, but how? We're not allowed to." Inazuma pointed out.

"We'll just have to head there ourselves!" Magma declared. "We can leave using that entrance that our uncles used to get in here!"

"I don't know..." Inazuma bit his bottom lip. "Dad and Papa might get mad..."

"What they don't know won't hurt them," Magma urged, pulling on her brother's tire. "Now come on!"

"But--" Inazuma tried to oppose, but only managed to yelp as his sister dragged him off.

The twins zoomed through the Great Forest and found the entrance, way up on the cave above them. Magma thought for a moment before her eyes lit up.

"Ooh! Zuma, make a trampoline with your inventing bag!"

"I don't know if this is such a good idea, Maggie..." Inzauma whimpered.

"Well, if we don't go now, we won't have another chance!" Magma pleaded. "Please!"


"MAGMA! INAZUMA!" Their uncles' voices echoed through the forest. "Where are you two?!"

"Come on, Zuma, Uncle Darry and Uncle Pickle are coming!" Magma cried out. "Come on, make a trampoline!"

"Okay, okay..."

Inazuma sighed and closed his eyes. The fire pattern on his sides glowed bright red, causing his chassis bag to glow and open to create a trampoline. Magma beamed as the trampoline was created.


She leapt onto it and kept jumping until she reached the cave. She landed with a thud, gasping before squealing, looking down at her brother.


Inazuma gulped but nodded. He got on the trampoline and began to bounce up. He yelped as he jumped high and made it to the cave entrance. He sighed in relief as he landed safely.



"Come on, Zuma, let's go while we still can!" Magma pulled on her brother's tire.

"Okay, okay!" Inazuma sighed as he was dragged once more.

Meanwhile, Pickle and Darington were searching around the forest frantically and in panic. They checked every nook and corner of the Great Forest for the twins, but they were nowhere to be seen, heightening up their fear and panic.

"Pickle, what do we do?!" Darington yelled out. "Blaze and Crusher trusted us, and the twins are nowhere to be found!"

"We'll find them, Darry, don't worry!" Pickle assured him.

"How?! We don't even know where they are!"

"Hmm... true..." Pickle hummed in thought as they passed the entrance. "Maybe they- hey, has this trampoline always been here?"

"I don't think so..." Darington shook his head.

The pair looked up at the cave entrance. Pickle gave it a thought before an idea came to him, causing him to stiffen. Darington turned to him, confused.


"Darry... this is gonna sound crazy... but what if..." Pickle hissed before sighing. "What if they used this trampoline to get up... there?" He pointed up at the entrance above them.

"That means... oh no..." Darington gasped. "They're gonna head to the Monster Dome!"

"Let's go after them before they get there!" Pickle cried out. "Who knows what Cryo or what the other monster machines might do to them once they realize who they are..."


"Aw man, the ocean!" Magma groaned as they reached the edge of the island. "How are we getting across this?!"

"Maybe we should head back then...?" Inazuma suggested.

"No way!" Magma shook her head before grinning. "Ooh! I know! Zuma, make a submarine for us to use!"

"Why do I have to do everything?"

"Because YOU'RE the one with the chassis bag,"


Inazuma sighed before his chassis bag and flame symbol glowed once more. From his bag came out scraps and parts to create a lilac submarine with a red flame symbol on it. Magma squealed at the sight of it.

"Perfect! Hop in!"

They twins hopped inside, and Inazuma took the steering as they dove down into the water. As they did, Pickle and Darington spotted them and gasped.

"Oh NO, they're getting away!" Darington yelped.

"I'll call Swoops!" Pickle told him, taking out his phone. "We HAVE to catch up to them before they reach Axle City!"


"WA-HOO, WE'RE SWIMMING!" Magma cheered as the submarine zoomed through the ocean. "WE'LL BE IN AXLE CITY IN NO TIME!"

"I still don't know about this..." Inazuma hissed. "What if Dad and Papa get worried?"

"They'll be fine- OOF!" Magma yelped as the submarine hit something. "Woah! What was that?!"

"I... I think we hit land," Inazuma spoke, taking the steering again. "I'm taking us up,"

He moved the steering up, and they resurfaced above the water. They gasped as daylight hit them, and in front of them was a new island with a city on top.

They had done it.

They had reached Axle City.
