Chapter 81-85

Chapter 81 Slei and Wang He are together Seeing herself, seeing the world,...
  Time flies, and it's time to go back to school in a blink of an eye It has been half a day since the press release. Mu Qing's house was filled with joyful laughter, and the two children were walking around the house with their new schoolbags on their backs.
  Zhang Weiwei even uploaded his new clothes in advance, but they haven't had new clothes for half a year.
  This is also Mu Qing's fault, but when buying clothes, you buy one size fits all, and regardless of the style, you only care about the quality.
  During this time, even Mu Qing only put on new clothes with Master Wen. There is no way, what she experienced the most in the last few years was the cold, so most of the clothes she bought were for keeping out the cold, or for home clothes, and there were really not many such summer clothes.
  And the clothes of the two children were even more neglected. So in the past two days, Zhang's father went to the office with his salary to buy some new clothes for them, thinking about wearing them after school started, who would have thought that they would wear them now.
  And in the afternoon, Mu Qing looked at her phone, both surprised and puzzled, she really didn't expect that Sile would actually add her WeChat.

  It's strange how she adds her on WeChat, okay, do you pretend that you don't know her? In the end, Mu Qing held the idea of seeing what Si Lei wanted to say, and she agreed to Si Lei's friend request.
  However, she was shocked by the first sentence Sleigh sent. She actually wanted to borrow food from herself. Is her brain broken? !
  Of course, the cauldron that made Mu Qing feel very unhappy was finally put on Jun Zhao's head. The trouble he caused was of course losing his temper with him.
  Mu Qing still doesn't quite understand why Jun Zhao fell in love with Slei back then, no matter how she looks at it, this girl doesn't look like a good match.
  For Sile's request, Mu Qing certainly would not borrow it.
  Moreover, no matter how unreasonable this person's request is, just listen to what this person has to say. I don't know where I found her number, and what she said after adding it really made her feel that maybe the end of the world came and she was stimulated, which made her brain a little hard to use now.
  Si Lei: "Mu Qing, lend me five thousand catties of food."
  This was the first sentence S Lei sent, and Mu Qing was of course stunned. The first reaction in his heart was, is this person really S Lei? Is the brain really okay? Does she know who she is talking to again?
  Mu Qing: Are you insane? ! Even if you want to borrow food, then you should keep your voice low. ΨSitu Ψ Ψ Net Ψ Document Ψ Sharing Ψ and Ψ Online Ψ Ψ Ψ Reading Ψ Si Lei
  : You lend me food, I will not look for Jun Zhao anymore
  Mu Qing: You do, if he If you don't care, I'll give him to you. It’s fine to send it to you directly, and it’s just right for you.
  If Jun Zhao really cared about her, then Mu Qing didn't think that an unfaithful man was worth five thousand catties of grain. So, she just went to look for it, just ignore her and count herself as a loser, she really didn't know what to say.
  Slei: Jun Zhao and I go to school together, aren't you afraid?
  Mu Qing: Are you sick? What should I be afraid of?
  Sley: Are you sure you don't want to borrow it?
  Mu Qing: Please pay attention to what you say, the Internet is not a place outside the law, so don't say anything you shouldn't say and leave evidence.
  Slee: What can I say? Just ask if you can borrow it.
  Mu Qing: No, why didn't you ask Wang He. Aren't you guys above AUO but not full lovers? Don't you want to watch the morning together?
  Slee: How do you know this?
  At this time, Sley felt a little flustered, as if the fig leaf for many years was suddenly lifted, even though she was separated by a network cable, she still felt ashamed.
  Mu Qing: If you want people not to know, you have to do nothing yourself. I advise you not to go too far in life, you still need to show some face, after all, you are still a girl. Your means don't work in this day and age.
  After Mu Qing said this, she directly blacked Slei. She really didn't think that Slei is now a player of this rank, and she hasn't recognized the current situation until now. Such a person will be eliminated by this society sooner or later. .
  And she still really wants to see Sley's final outcome. In her last life, she didn't know about it. In this life, she wants to see how far such a person can go in this society.
  On the other side, Sile couldn't believe that Mu Qing ignored her at all.
  She is still thinking about men and women, so she can't understand why Mu Qing ignores her. Isn't she afraid of what will happen if she and Jun Zhao go to school together?
  In fact, she didn't understand Mu Qing at all. Not to mention the end of the world, even if she used this reason to borrow money from Mu Qing before the end of the world, she would probably be kicked out by Mu Qing.
  Mu Qing turned around and blamed this incident on Jun Zhao. Of course, Jun Zhao didn't know what happened at all. In the end, after knowing this matter, I just felt that I had suffered an unreasonable disaster again.
  Then he was also shocked by Sley's operation. Sure enough, only at this time can a person's true nature be exposed.
  Mu Qing couldn't think of a solution, and Sile could only find a solution from Wang He. She looked at the phone showing that she had blocked Mu Qing, and couldn't help crying for the first time in a place where no one was around.
  She didn't understand why the world suddenly changed when everything was fine. It was clear that everything was fine before, and there were many suitors around her, so she could still pick and choose. Unlike now, she seemed to be Wang He's subordinate. products are the same.
  How can someone like Wang He be worthy of me! For the first time, she hated her own background, why are her parents just teachers, why can't they make herself like Mu Qing.
  Not to mention Mu Qing's life, even Lan Ling himself can't match it. At least Lin Ling's family now has their own house, and there is no shortage of food and drink in the family. Now her father heard that he has also joined the government.
  Sley always knew what she wanted, wiped away her tears, and then she thought about how to go to school, which she must go to.
  In her own home, she tried it some time ago, and this way is currently not feasible. The road of Mu Qing and Jun Zhao seems to be impossible now.
  Then there is only the last way - Wang He!
  Five thousand catties of food for Wang He's family is not a small amount, and she is not sure what to ask for. However, if this food is used as a dowry gift, then it will be different. If they were together and were going to get married, she believed that Wang He would be willing to give the bride price of five thousand catties of food.
  It's just that the time left for Sley is not long now, she only has half a month to pay and sign up, and she won't wait when it's overdue.
  Now several of their universities have merged to form a joint university, which is located in Mianshi, and there is only one such university in a province. She was lucky. If she was enrolled in their school but went to other provinces, she would basically not be able to come here. The cost of the journey would be astronomical.
  Therefore, faced with such a good opportunity, Sley was reluctant to give up no matter what. If she hadn't even tried hard, how could she not regret it.
  The deadline for registration is June 15. If she can't get enough food to pay the tuition before then, she probably won't be able to go to school. It is conceivable that the time is still very tight.
  That night, Sile found Wang He, not saying that she wanted to go to school, but that she wanted to watch a movie with him.
  Watching movies is something they often do together, and such an invitation would not be out of place. In the evening, the two watched a movie in Wang He's room.
  The Liar they watched was a romance movie, which was chosen by Wang He. Every time I watch a movie, I watch this type of movie, and Wang He's thoughts can be said to be very obvious.
  It's just that Sley has been avoiding it all the time, and today she doesn't plan to avoid it anymore. When you want to face something, you can no longer run away, which is something Sley has always believed in.
  Her WeChat motto is "See yourself, see the world, and see all beings." She knows what she wants in her heart, and then she will work hard to get it.
  At this time, facing Wang He's probing hand, she no longer pretended to dodge inadvertently.
  Wang He was a little surprised when he got the hand of his sweetheart, but when he looked at Slei's serious eyes watching the movie, he immediately

She also understood in her heart that she had promised herself.
  After all, it was she who proposed to watch a movie today, but it was all proposed by herself before. In Wang He's heart, there was a feeling of guarding the clouds to see the moon, and he felt very moved for a while.
  It's not that he doesn't know that his mother doesn't like Sleigh, but he really likes her. She was his favorite person in college. No matter what she is, he won't give up easily.
  Thinking of this, he tightened his right hand, felt Slei's slightly sweaty hand in his right hand, and then he was relieved in his heart that this was not a dream.
  A few days passed like this, and Wang He and Sile had a very happy few days. Every day is double-entry, and Wang He also leaves work on time every day. After get off work, he uses a bicycle to play around with Sile.
  Or two people just stay at home and make small things for snacks, or go up the mountain and find some fun things, in short, everything is very beautiful.
  They also kissed under a thousand-year-old tree. At that time, Wang He was extremely nervous. It was obviously not the first time, but when Slei's soft lips touched his, his heart beat shamefully accelerated.
  As for Sley, she only felt that these few days were very long and difficult. When you have to be close to someone you don't like, it's really disgusting. At this moment, this is Sley's true state of mind. She originally looked down on Wang He, but now she finds him extremely disgusting.
  Sley's mentality has changed a lot. She used to be proud in her heart, at least she was a lovely girl. But now, she didn't even know herself anymore, and her heart became dirty and dark.
  But how wrong is she? She just wants to go back to her old life.
  The opportunity came quickly, and Slei also waited until the time when her goal could be achieved...

Chapter 82 The five thousand catty bride price, she played with the hearts of these boys
  This evening, after Wang He's holiday, the two of them sat together While resting at the door, Sley suddenly mentioned Lan Ling.
  It turned out that Lan Ling sent his admission notice in the group today.
  "Lan Ling said today that she can go to school." Sley pretended to say this inadvertently.
  "Oh..." Wang He also felt depressed when he said this. After all, he is also a student, and he also wants to fulfill the wish of Han Chuang for twenty years.
  "Ah, I want to go to school too." Sley looked at Wang He seriously, "I know you might be worried, but we can get married first."
  Wang He was excited when he heard Sley's proposal. But when he thought about going to school, he still hesitated. If they got married, the money would naturally need to be paid by their family.
  "I'll talk to my mother tonight." Wang He held Sile's hand, feeling a little heavy in his heart, and he didn't know if his mother could agree to the marriage.
  At night, Wang He still told his mother.
  "Wang He, think about it yourself, this is the path you choose." Hao Fang was so angry with her son that she almost fainted.
  Who would have thought that at this juncture, he would agree to pay for Slei's education? Is this something that a normal person can get out of? !"
  "Mom, don't be like this, I really like Slei, just this time, just this time?" Wang He also felt very sad, and he also understood that five thousand catties of grain is not a small amount. But he really couldn't let it go, thinking of this, he knelt down directly, "Mom, it's the last time, just marry Silei and me." Hao Fang sneered, "Do you think
  she really wants to live with you? ? If I really treat you well, I should find a job at this time and work hard with you, instead of leaving you to study alone!" "
  Mom, it's really the last time!" Wang He doesn't understand many things Yes, but he just wanted an answer, an explanation for the past two years.
  Hao Fang looked at her son's sad face, tears were about to fall, what evil did she do, his son was going to meet such a girl. She couldn't believe that if her son was let down, he could still get up.
  "Okay, I promise to pay her tuition, but you have to register, and then you can pay her after the bridal chamber is over." Hao Fang sneered in her heart, isn't this little girl pretending to be innocent?
  She really didn't believe that a married girl could have a market if she went to college. Don't think that she doesn't know the current university, it's the same as the high-level academy in ancient times, not everyone can go there, whether others can see her is another matter.

  She, Hao Fang, has seen people all her life, and she has never missed anyone.
  "Mom, Lei Lei will definitely agree." Wang He was very excited, and then went downstairs to tell S Lei the news.
  Sley knew that they were discussing her own affairs upstairs, so she also told her parents about her plans.
  The failure of the last interview made Si Yannian completely give up. He couldn't go back to his previous life. The nourishing life of being a teacher and opening a small shop in the past is gone forever. So when faced with his daughter's choice, he has no way to refuse. Wang He is a good young man, and he still hopes that the two of them can live a good life together.
  In the end, Wang He's family upstairs, Slei didn't care what agreement they reached. All she cares about now is that she gets what she wants.
  So when Wang He came, she became a little nervous, and she didn't know if Hao Fang could be persuaded, and then seeing Wang He's happy face, she felt confident, and the matter was likely to be completed.
  So, a smile appeared on her face, but she didn't expect that the old woman Hao Fang would ask herself to register with Wang He first.
  "Leilei, my mother agreed, but she said we have to register first. Didn't you say you wanted to marry me before?"
  Sile almost scolded the idiot, she did it to lie to him. ☉思☉兔☉网☉
  "Okay, then let's go to register tomorrow."
  Wang He saw that Sile didn't show any reluctance, and was still very happy in his heart. He shouldn't doubt Leilei. Sile has always been so lively and gentle, even her voice is sweet, how could she lie to him.
  The two made an appointment and went to register the next day. After the registration, Sile found out that Hao Fang wanted them to have sex!
  Sley almost left at that time, but reason controlled her, and she showed shyness on her face, and then she agreed in order to go to school.
  After a painful night, Sley finally got her admission notice as she wished.
  However, after she got it, she secretly cried.
  At this time, Slei can finally face her real self. Before the end of the world, she played with these boys' hearts. She pretended not to know their feelings, and she just regretted that a spare tire might be gone when she faced the confession.
  But she has always thought that she is pure and flawless, but now, she knows, she is not. A disaster exposed her true heart, she is such a dirty person.
  But what could she do otherwise? It was all this world that caused her to become like this, otherwise she would still be a little fairy in everyone's eyes.
  And her parents did not interfere with her choice this time. Facing her crying, they just closed the door for her, trying not to let others see the nonsense and gossip. This is the only thing they can do now.
  On the other hand, it can be said that they are also very satisfied with such a choice.
  Wang He's son-in-law seems to be doing well so far. At least they are married, and their family will not have to pay rent if they continue to live here. On the second day after they registered, Wang He came over and said that the family's rent was waived, and as long as they did not divorce, they could live in this house forever.
  Si Lei and his family think so, but Hao Fang is not easy to get along with.
  Now that Silei has become a daughter-in-law, and her rent has been reduced, she naturally dislikes this family even more.
  Before entering the door, she spent five thousand catties of food in their family to study. Don't think that she doesn't know what this little girl is thinking, doesn't she just look down on their family? ! She is waiting to see the retribution of their family! She didn't think Sleigh could spend her whole life with her son.
  Cui Yue was also a little sad when she heard Slei's crying next door. She doesn't understand what's wrong with everyone, how a disaster has passed, and it's only been half a year, and everyone has changed, into a look she doesn't even know.
  Cui Yue's heart is also irritable, she also wants to go to school. However, she knew that her family would not bear the expense, and they envied that Sleigh's family could soar into the sky and marry a local, so they never had to worry about the house.
  They are also urging themselves now, wanting to find a local by themselves, then get married and have children. However, she is only 20 years old now, is it really okay to end the first half of her life so early? She also wants to go to school and have a wonderful life.
  She doesn't want to stay here forever. Speaking of this, she still envies Slei a little, at least Wang He is really kind to her. Although she also knew that Slei didn't like Wang He, she had heard it from Slei when she was in school, and Slei said that she didn't know what Jun Zhao and Wang He were thinking, and she would only know after Jun Zhao confessed. Yes, she was also frightened at the time.
  Cui Yue didn't want to comment on her friends, but this time, the marriage between Sile and Wang He completely broke her cognition. She felt that everything she saw in the past seemed to be unreal.
  Mu Qing on Silei's side basically ignored her, and Mu Qing didn't care what kind of good fortune she was. This person's intentions are not righteous, and his good fortune in the last days is not high.
  On Mu Qing's side, Jun Zhao also moved some of his food from Mu Qing's house to pay tuition fees, and got the admission notice that afternoon.
  Of course, before the 15th is the admission notice, and the specific time to go will have to wait for the school's specific arrangements. It's just that what the school gave them was to arrange their family affairs as soon as possible, and they could go to school at any time.
  They also have to prepare at home, prepare some food that can be stored. I heard that they eat big pot meals when they go to school, and the taste may not be very good. At this time, the food you bring is very important. Jun Zhao finally decided to bring some meat sauce, which is very suitable for eating and being durable.
  And the meat sauce is not like hot sauce, and its nutritional value is also good. The meat in it is made at home, so there is a lot of it, and it can be eaten as a dish. It is enough to bring two jars of this kind of meat sauce, anyway, I will come back after a while.
  Also, I have to talk to my parents in the rest of the time. After all, Mianshi can't go home every day, so naturally he has to explain something.
  But time always passed quickly, the school informed them to go to school on the 17th, and Mu Qing didn't go to see Jun Zhao off on the day they left, but just told him not to be reluctant to eat or drink outside. She doesn't like seeing off, it feels weird.
  In the days after Jun Zhao left, Mu Qing couldn't cheer up, and the two children in the family also went to school.
  They went to the school in the county. I heard that the teachers in primary and secondary schools are all special-grade teachers, so there is no need to worry about the two of them's studies now. If you are admitted to university and graduate smoothly, you will definitely not have to worry about work in the future.
  And Mu Qing has never worried about this problem. The teachers in the school are now Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and she is not worried about the grades of her two younger brothers at all. At least in her last life, she had never heard of a student who had been studying in school and finally failed to enter the university.
  Basically, everyone's problems were solved.
  Now the family is most concerned about Mu Qing's job, Zhang's father and Mu's mother are also helping her find a job. But Mu Qing really didn't like the job they were looking for, and many of them themselves didn't like it.
  Fortunately, Jiang Lele helped her solve this matter in the end, and it was a job that was very suitable for her.

Chapter 83 Mu Qing has a job
  Early in the morning, Jiang Lele called Mu Qing.
  "Qingqing, didn't you say you were looking for a job a while ago?" Jiang Lele was very excited, "My current work unit is recruiting, and I have reserved a position for you. Will you come or not?" "Huh?" Mu Qing asked a
  little I didn't realize it, when did Jiang Lele find a job?
  "This unit is pretty good, it shouldn't be far from your home." Jiang Lele has been rather bored recently, thinking that it would be okay if a little sister came to accompany her.
  "What job?" Hearing what Jiang Lele said, Mu Qing regained his energy, took a sip of the juice on the bedside, and continued to ask.
  "It's quite leisurely, isn't it that all species are slowly disappearing now?" Jiang Lele said here with a heavy heart, "So the country has set up a gene bank to preserve the genes of these animals and plants that are about to disappear."
  Yes , This gene bank was built in a former arsenal, only an hour's drive from Mu Qing's home, and an hour's drive from Mianshi, which is the middle location between Mianshi and Mu Qing's home. That's why Jiang Lele thought of Mu Qing so quickly.
  "It means that you have a lot of animals and plants?" Mu Qing became interested, and she couldn't refuse this.
  After knowing this information, Mu Qing decisively accepted the job that Jiang Lele introduced to her. After all, it is not easy to find a job that is close to home and free.
  The most important thing is that this job, which can meet many species of creatures and enrich the ecology of one's own space, is simply tailor-made for her.
  "Well, it was built in an abandoned military factory and combined with a super large underground cave." Jiang Lele thought for a while, "Probably, it has been built for two years." Jiang Lele's words were actually
  exposed Well, the higher-ups actually knew about the end of the world a long time ago, but they didn't announce it to the public. But although it was not announced, the government has greatly protected the lives of the public, and China is now the country with the highest survival rate.
  "Well, thank you, I think it's not bad." Mu Qing had already got up at this time, standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, she was quite happy.
  "Think about it, the current job is not like before. It will be difficult for you to come in and want to go out." Although Jiang Lele thinks this job is very good, she still needs to remind Mu Qing.
  "Well, thank you, I'll bring you something when I come." Mu Qing put on her home clothes, and was about to go downstairs to tell her family about it.
  "I don't want good things, just bring me some honey." Jiang Lele said that he likes to eat sweets very much. But in this damn world now, there is no way to buy sweets, and even a little honey is eaten too quickly.
  "Okay, I'll bring you some more." Mu Qing smiled.
  "Then you can come to report in three days. Our two positions are next to each other. If you come to Zitong County in three days, I will pick you up." Jiang Lele continued: "There is one more thing, the nature of this work unit is considered half-hearted You and your family should pay attention to the confidential work, and it doesn’t have to be too secretive, just don’t make a big deal of it.” “
  Understood, thank you, Miss Jiang!” Mu Qing made a rare joke.
  "It's embarrassing." Jiang Lele also expressed embarrassment on the other end of the phone.
  The two hung up the phone without saying anything else. After Mu Qing went downstairs, there were six elderly people downstairs, and the house was much deserted now.
  She went to the backyard for a stroll, and then saw grandma picking tomatoes. Now, some of the tomatoes on the fish pond had to be picked every day, otherwise they would fall into the water.
  Mu Qing didn't tell grandma and the others about his job right away, but waited until everyone came back at night, and then announced that he had found a job after everyone came back.
  Of course, Zhang's father and Mu's mother still asked a lot about Mu Qing's work. However, Mu Qing said that this job is semi-confidential, and they can't tell them too much, so everyone didn't ask a lot of things.
  It's just that everyone knows that Mu Qing's new job is a newly established department of the National Environmental Protection Bureau, and the current name is the National Gene Bank.
  In the evening, the whole family was very happy because Mu Qing found a job. Mu's mother even cooked for herself and made two more dishes as extra meals.
  For these two dishes, Mu Qing's favorite is the Dongpo pork, which can be very different from the braised pork that he usually eats.
  First of all, to make Dongpo pork, you need to cut the pork belly into large pieces, which are the kind of big pieces that you really eat. Then tie it with washed white cotton thread, and it must be tied in a cross shape.

  Put the tied meat into the pot under cold water, add green onion, ginger, and cooking wine, cook for 20 minutes, and then take it out.
  Finally, make a base with chives and ginger slices, spread it on the bottom of the pot, then put the cooked pork belly on top, add a handful of dried chili, two slices of cinnamon, three bay leaves, five grains of star anise, and six pieces of yellow Soil rock sugar, then pour dark soy sauce for coloring, add a large bowl of cooking wine and put a bottle of beer.
  Just simmer the pot on low heat for two hours, and finally the Dongpo pork is fat and thin, soft and smooth, not greasy at all, and it is chewy after a bite, leaving a mouthful of fragrance.
  Of course, you need to pay attention to the cotton thread when you eat it. Because there is a little stinky cat named Gamma in Mu Qing's family, you must pay great attention to these cotton threads, otherwise the cat will eat it if you don't pay attention, which will be troublesome.
  Because of this Dongpo pork, everyone talked a lot less at the dinner table. He kept eating meat, and even ate two extra bowls of rice.
  This also led to everyone not asking too much about Mu Qing.
  In the end, what everyone basically knows is that the content of this job is very easy, which is to protect the genes and seeds in the national gene bank on a daily basis.
  The next day, Mu Qing received an email from Jiang Lele, which contained the most basic introduction to the job. In fact, this job requires some professional knowledge. Mu Qing studied liberal arts before, so he doesn't know much about it. :-) Thinking:-) Rabbit:-) Net:-)
  However, she is not the only one who doesn't understand these things, and Jiang Lele doesn't understand these things either. Both of them are strictly speaking through the back door. So there is not much work to do, just take care of these plants according to the rules brought by the scientific research staff, and manage the allocation of materials. To put it bluntly, they are the logistics staff in the office.
  And if Mu Qing didn't have good supplies, Jiang Lele probably wouldn't have given her such a good opportunity.
  According to the documents sent by Jiang Lele, she knew what she needed to do every day.
  It is nothing more than managing and managing equipment, as well as running errands for scientists. Of course, you have to cooperate with the scientific researchers inside to do the experiment. Mu Qing doesn't know what the experiment is, and she has never even heard of this department in her previous life.
  Then it is also written in this employee code that you can go out with the group to collect genes, or go to other countries to collect genes. The country still attaches great importance to this area.
  Jiang Lele also said before that she also works here. Judging by her condition, she thinks this job is relatively leisurely, and the position and prospects are good.
  After talking with the family, no one has any objections, and now I have to wait a few days to join the job.
  As for how to get to Mu Qing, Dad Zhang felt that he could not drive, so he gave the car to Mu Qing, "I can stop driving every day, and just ride the little donkey that Mu Qing bought, let her drive." "No, I
  will Just ride my newly bought little donkey, otherwise it won’t work if it eats and drinks well every day.”
  Zhang’s father’s proposal was immediately rejected by Mu Qing, the place of work is not far from home, she saw Look, even if it takes less than an hour to drive there, even if she rides a donkey and walks faster, it will take less than two hours.
  "The little donkey has something to do every day. The soy milk porridge you like is made by the little donkey." Grandma Mu said that the little donkey has been doing a lot of work recently.
  Two days ago, she brought a large millstone and a small millstone from the old house to the back yard with a few kilograms of millet. The big millstone can be used to grind flour for the livestock, while the small millstone can be eaten by itself.
  Grandma Mu also took into account that if there was a power outage in the future, or if the electricity was not enough, she got it back. Otherwise, she really couldn't remember the things that she hadn't used in the past ten years.
  Now these things are inconspicuous. After a while, Grandma Mu is afraid of being stolen.
  "If you want me to say, it's not far anyway. It would be nice to let your dad drive you every day. It just so happens that he also picks up your mother every day." Hearing what Grandma Mu said, everyone thought it was good, and asked
  Zhang Bao to drive every day It is also possible to send Mu Qing there, anyway, his working hours are very flexible and will not be subject to any restrictions, and there is no daily check-in system.
  In the end, everyone felt that Dad Zhang could drop by every day. After seeing off Mama Mu, he would send Mu Qing to work, and pick her up at night, just in time to go to various construction sites.
  It's just that resources are tight now, so we still need to plan a route. It would be good to add Mu Qing's route to his current daily inspection route.
  The family turned on the map in the mobile phone, and then started to help Zhang's father plan according to the map.
  With the efforts of the family, the route was quickly planned. Zhang's father sent Mu's mother off every day, and then sent Mu Qing to him, and finally went around and went back. They took a perfect route for Zhang's father. In this way, too much electricity in the tram will not be wasted.
  In this way, Mu Qing's various matters at work were resolved.
  On the third day, Mu Qing calmly reported with a series of identification documents and other materials required for this job.
  There is no way, the nature of this unit is quite special, and she has spent a lot of time just busy sorting out her various materials these days.
  Then she brought a box of honey that Jiang Lele liked, and was sent to Zitong County by Zhang's father to report.

Chapter 84 On the first day of work, where is the love between children in the last days...
  Early in the morning, everyone at home woke up. Grandma Mu and the others were busy preparing lunch for Mu Qing. It is really not good to eat out. They went to the cafeteria to see the government staff meals, although they said there were meat and vegetables, but the taste didn't look very good.
  Fortunately, there are still a few of the smart lunch boxes I bought before, and I can bring lunch to Mu Qing from home, and it will still be hot when I arrive at the unit, so everyone doesn't have to worry about Mu Qing's daily meals.
  Dad Zhang drove Mu Qing all the way, and arrived at a station in Zitong County in about half an hour. At this time, the station was already very lively with people coming and going, and there were still many rickshaws waiting to solicit customers.
  After rejecting several cars, she called Jiang Lele and said that she had arrived. After confirming the location, she saw Jiang Lele who had been waiting here for a long time and came to find someone. He waved to himself.
  Zhang's father also saw the person coming, and after confirming that this was Mu Qing's friend, he left with confidence. Before leaving, he did not forget to remind Mu Qing to eat well.
  When Jiang Lele came with a young man, the first thing she said was, "Qingqing, you are so much more beautiful."
  Today, Mu Qing is still wearing a skirt made by Master Wen, but this time the skirt is obviously different. It was as gentle as the birthday party attended by Mr. Jun Zhao in the previous life. A burgundy skirt was embroidered with a large camellia flower, making the whole skirt look a lot more three-dimensional.
  "You too!" Mu Qing was telling the truth, Jiang Lele's condition was indeed better than last time. Today, she is wearing a pair of bright yellow off-the-shoulder short sleeves, and a pair of ice silk trousers on her lower body, which is fashionable and cool.
  "That's right, it's been a lot easier recently." Jiang Lele has to thank Mu Qing for the honey and AI
Grass, to please the old man well, her current job is arranged by the old man for her.
  "You really are not ashamed!" Mu Qing treated this new friend mercilessly.
  "Hey, give your box to Xiao Wang." Jiang Lele smiled, "Xiao Wang will be our colleague from now on." "
  Hello, my name is Wang Teng Teng, just call me Xiao Wang from now on." Simple and honest The young man, wearing a pair of glasses, looked like he was doing research, unlike himself and Jiang Lele, it didn't look like that at all.
  "Then I'll trouble you!" Seeing Wang Tengteng reaching out his hand, Mu Qing gave him his luggage.
  Wang Tengteng just smiled shyly, then pushed his glasses and stopped talking.
  "Qingqing, hurry up, we still have to catch the bus." Jiang Lele pulled Mu Qing away in a hurry, "The sooner the bus goes to the location, the better."
  Jiang Lele took Mu Qing to the car and picked one The seat in the front row, "The winding mountain road in Sichuan Province is really uncomfortable. You don't know, I vomited many times." Mu Qing just smiled and didn't speak.
  She never fainted after she grew up. Passed by.
  "Our unit is built in a deep mountain, and the cave inside is so big that it is said that it can accommodate millions of people, and the entrance of the cave can directly fly in a helicopter." Jiang Lele was very pleasantly surprised by the arrival of the new friend, "Haha, and there is There is a shuttle bus and you can go there directly."
  Mu Qing is still interested in the unit that Jiang Lele mentioned, she only cared about her own three-acre land in her previous life, and never thought about other things at all. Even after being reborn this time, I don't care about anything, and only after I have built my one-third of an acre of land very firmly can I feel in the mood to enjoy life.
  "Is it in the mountains?" Mu Qing is quite confident about their side, at least, as long as it is not a big city, basically they will not be submerged next year. Even if it seems that some counties have been submerged, but because they are basically built against the mountains, the casualties are very small.
  "Well, that's why I feel uncomfortable going to work every day." Jiang Lele said that he really didn't take the winding mountain road much, and the feeling of being overwhelmed in his stomach was really uncomfortable.
  "Just get used to it slowly." Mu Qing looked at the scenery outside the car window, the road seemed to be newly repaired, slowly winding into the deep mountain.
  There are many caves in the three southwestern provinces. In her previous life, she heard about it on WeChat from her classmates in Guangxi province. Many people from their side moved into the caves in the mountains to live.
  I heard that apart from the fact that there are more snakes, insects, rats and ants in the cave, it is not affected by volcanic ash, and the underground temperature is also warm in winter and cool in summer, which is very good.
  It's just that the big caves were requisitioned by the government in the end, and they didn't know what they were doing. It seemed that they were lucky enough to be able to participate in this life.
  The car arrived in about half an hour. Jiang Lele was right to take a seat in advance, because the car was very bumpy, and people would fall easily if they stood up.
  "Okay! It's finally here!" Jiang Lele waited until the car stopped, and then rushed out of the car. Even though she was wearing a mask, she couldn't stop her from taking a few deep breaths. With such a big age, you have suffered the most in the past few months."
  "That's just the reason why you lived so happily since childhood." Mu Qing couldn't help but rolled his eyes.
  "Hey, how can you say that, I'm still not your cutie!" Jiang Lele regained his strength, and came over to climb Mu Qing's arm, the two of them seemed very intimate.
  "Okay, let's go through the formalities, I'm so excited." Mu Qing pulled out his hand in disgust.
  Looking at the scene in front of him, Mu Qing was a little excited. The huge cement passage seemed to be embedded in the mountain, and people entered in an orderly manner, passing through the security check one by one.
  "It is said that this huge laboratory built in the mountain can withstand a magnitude 12 earthquake. It is said that half of the mountain was hollowed out." Jiang Lele was behind Mu Qing, and then praised him.
  "It's pretty solid." Mu Qing nodded. She observed it when she came here. This place is surrounded by mountains, and it doesn't look like a place that will be flooded in the future. She feels quite at ease working here.
  Of the post-apocalyptic disasters, she is only afraid of the flood, and she doesn't care about the others at the moment. She is already fully prepared.
  "Of course, this is a project that the top team in China has been working on for several years." Jiang Lele obviously knows a lot of things, and now she is willing to share some news with Mu Qing.
  Jiang Lele always has a feeling that Mu Qing may know as much as she does. It can be seen that she can take out what she needs without hesitation. She is definitely the same as her family. Made a lot of preparations.
  But things like honey are not something you can have with preparation.
  "Okay, let's go to line up too." Mu Qing said no more, followed the line and lined up.

  While queuing up with Jiang Lele, Jiang Lele told her that the university town in Sichuan Province is not far from the scientific research base here.
  Only now did Mu Qing know that this base is not only for biological research, but also has other laboratories. It's just that Jiang Lele in these laboratories didn't know what it was.
  Jiang Lele knew that Mu Qing's boyfriend was studying at the Union University in Sichuan Province, so she told her that the university town in Sichuan Province was also here.
  There is a large scientific research base here. In order to facilitate the life of those scientific researchers and professors, the university town in Sichuan Province is naturally arranged on this base. However, because the base is too big and there are many exits, even if it is near the base, it is not very close to Mu Qing's work position.
  Of course, Mu Qing didn't think about being able to meet Jun Zhao every day. It's the end of the world, and there are so many loves between children.
  When the line reached Mu Qing and the others, they entered the room and it became cooler the further they went in. However, the air conditioner was not turned on at this time.
  Sure enough, the underground is warm in winter and cool in summer. As long as the basic living foundations such as air circulation and waterproofing are done well, an underground house is really much more comfortable to live in than the ground.
  After entering the underground base, Mu Qing saw people coming and going, everyone was very busy, with various materials in their hands, coming and going in a hurry.
  In the end, it was very convenient to check Mu Qing's various materials, and the check was completed in a short while. +this+work+product+you+think+rabbit+in+line+read+read+net+friend+organize+organize+upload+upload+ Now we have entered the 5G era, even if the signal is damaged, but
  still There is an intranet, basically all personal information is online, paper materials are just a form, and Mu Qing knows that after a year, even this form will be eliminated, because it also requires costs.
  After Mu Qing and the others checked the materials, Jiang Lele took Mu Qing to visit the two of them's action environments. At this time, Wang Tengteng had already put the alley brought by Mu Qing on her workstation for her.
  At this time, Jiang Lele helped Mu Qing to popularize the work of the two of them. The previous information was information after all, and the particularity of their work determined that these materials could not fully explain the content of her work.
  First of all, the first thing is that things in the base should not be talked about at home, especially if the content is designed to be kept secret.
  Then it's about their work. In fact, Mu Qing's current position is designed to make Jiang Lele's work easier.
  Jiang Lele is currently a staff member of the National Environmental Protection Agency, which is responsible for climate monitoring and analysis of various data. Of course, the two of them are currently in the logistics staff of the National Gene Bank, which manages the genes of species.
  Jiang Lele is not too young and is still the master of logistics, while Mu Qing and Wang Tengteng are both deputy directors. The three of them are considered a small office.
  According to Jiang Lele, Wang Tengteng is a really talented student who studied big data management. And Mu Qing was hired by her to repay the favor. Although Jiang Lele didn't say so, Mu Qing also knew that he couldn't help her. It is probably because she gave Jiang Lele a lot of convenience during this period, so she gave it back to herself. Work.
  This is also the reason why Mu Qing has always been willing to trade with Jiang Lele, they will not covet this little thing of themselves. Then he was very kind, he gave them convenience, and when they needed it, they would naturally repay the favor.
  Just like the previous donkey and this work, it is the same principle.
  As for Mu Qing's work at this stage, he only needs to understand the operation of their entire department. Many of the specific things are operated by Wang Tengteng
  . He just learned this, and it is relatively easy to do.

Chapter 85 Surprising Lunch Look at her charming big eyes...
  The whole morning passed quickly, and it was noon.
  When it was time for no rest, Wang Tengteng had already gone to eat. Jiang Lele thought of showing Mu Qing the way and also introducing the cafeteria, so she asked Mu Qing to go to eat with her.
  You know, Jiang Lele is very satisfied with this cafeteria. In her opinion, the treatment in the cafeteria of the scientific research unit is much better than that of the government, so her salary last month was basically used for food. The cafeteria here is still very good. not bad.
  Facing Jiang Lele's invitation, Mu Qing said no, she brought the meal herself. Then he took out his super luxurious lunch box, which looked like a big box with several layers from a distance.
  And Jiang Lele didn't believe that Mu Qing didn't go to dinner with her. Of course, she didn't doubt that Mu Qing couldn't afford to eat. Mu Qing didn't look like he couldn't afford to eat at all.
  Don't think that she, Jiang Lele, doesn't know, Master Wen was taken away by her, and now he is raising a man who is obsessed with making clothes. This is a rich man.
  She could tell that Mu Qing's skirt today was made by Master Wen.
  "What do you eat?" Since it's not that you can't afford to eat, it should be that the food she brought is really not bad. Jiang Lele was still curious about Mu Qing's food, so she approached Mu Qing and asked.
  "I don't know what I brought at home." Mu Qing didn't talk nonsense, she really didn't know what was brought to her at home, but it's not bad if you think about it.
  "Then open it and let me have a look." Jiang Lele was quite curious, she really wanted to see what people who had a mountain of grain at home ate in her eyes.
  Mu Qing didn't say anything, but just opened the lunch box for Jiang Lele to look at.
  After opening it, Jiang Lele immediately leaned over, and she was stunned when she saw the tall lunch box opened. See what her charming big eyes saw!
  One piece of halal fish, sweet and sour pork tenderloin and braised pork ribs are all filled with a grid, and there is also a winter melon ball soup for one night! Finally, the white rice was steaming.
  Thinking that she spent so much money eating in the cafeteria, every meal was nothing more than meat and vegetables. And looking at the color, it is definitely not as good as the small pot dishes I ordered!
  "Qingqing, your food is too rich! Can you eat so much by yourself?" Jiang Lele looked at Mu Qing with a face of accusation, "How can you let me go to the cafeteria to eat?"
  Mu Qing smiled, "Then you can eat with me, anyway, you bring a lot." Facing the subtext in Jiang Lele's words, she understood very well.
  Of course Mu Qing can eat so much food, but she won't be hungry if she eats less.
  And Jiang Lele just did her such a big favor just now, it's not easy for her to pretend not to know and refuse her at this time.
  "Okay, then I'm not being polite, don't worry, I'll give you work points, just double what I usually eat!" Jiang Lele sat down generously, she never knew politeness since she was a child, and she didn't anyway Just let Mu Qing suffer.
  "Let's eat." Mu Qing did not refuse, this is the healthy way of communication.
  Jiang Lele was so satisfied with this meal that she almost forgot about table manners. Fortunately, I have seen some things in the world in the past few years, so I controlled myself. During this period of time, either the food was not good, or there were many fewer high-end places, so the taste was not so delicious.
  And the taste of things in Mu Qing's house is very delicious because of the space green liquid, which makes Jiang Lele have a taste
I can't hold it anymore.
  The two of them ate very quickly. Although Jiang Lele was very full at the end of the meal, he still felt a little unsatisfied.
  "Oh my god, Qingqing, you are so happy, don't you eat so well every day?" Jiang Lele is actually very jealous of Mu Qing now.
  "No, it's just the first day of work today." Mu Qing didn't talk too much about the situation at home, and thought in his heart not to bring so much in the future, just like Dad Zhang and the others, just bring a little more of the same dish.
  "Can I eat with you occasionally in the future?" Jiang Lele leaned closer, "How about I pay for it?" "Maybe there will be only
  one dish every day in the future, and it is impossible for my family to get up early every day to cook so many for me." "Mu Qing looked at Jiang Lele, then picked up the lunch box and wiped it with a paper towel, it was impossible to wipe it, the water in the base was charged by card, it was too expensive.
  "It's okay, just eat occasionally. If I want to eat every day, my salary can't afford it." Jiang Lele doesn't care. For her, being able to eat delicious food is very satisfying.
  "Then I have no objection." Mu Qing said that he didn't care.
  "That's great!" Jiang Lele hugged Mu Qing, expressing her happiness.
  The two came back from dinner, and Wang Tengteng also came back from dinner. In the afternoon, Wang Tengteng took Mu Qing to familiarize himself with the work.
  Her current job is to assist Wang Tengteng in data management and material allocation. Although they are a director's office for the logistics of the National Genetic Administration, they are only part of the plant families under the gene bank.
  What they manage is only a small part of the seed bank. Specifically, she heard Wang Tengteng say that these seeds are the seeds of crops, which is a relatively important part of the seed department. You know, if these partial seeds are finally cultivated, the people in their seed branch can be promoted.
  As for how to achieve good results, that is the business of other departments of this seed branch, and they are not in charge of them. They only care about the records of seeds coming in and out, and the deployment of other materials.
  For this job, Mu Qing found that she had no way to steal a single seed, because each seed was recorded, and only the practical departments of scientific research could be used.
  One afternoon was enough for her to learn a lot about this job, and she basically figured out what she was going to do in the future.
  But to be honest, she is not interested in the content of this job, she prefers the practical departments of scientific research, which are departments that can get access to seeds.
  However, now she still needs to take it step by step. Even if she is barely in the same department, she still needs to have a chance to change.
  Mu Qing fell into work like this, working five days a week and taking two days off. The lunch she brought every day turned into a dish, and sometimes she would eat it with Jiang Lele. Grandma Mu felt that she had wronged her, so she made even more efforts at night to compensate Mu Qing with delicious food.
  Now, Wang Tengteng is the only one in their department who works all year round, while Mu Qing and Jiang Lele don't miss any holidays, so the two of them have the lowest salary and the easiest one.
  And Mu Qing didn't have a good chance to change jobs, and knew that this matter was urgent, so he could only put down the matter at hand first.
  And soon, one thing can't be hidden in a small place, let alone Mu Qing and his family have never tried to hide it.
  Therefore, the news that Mu Qing had a job gradually spread in the village, and no one in the Mu family told anyone, but Wu Lili from Mu Ma's work unit saw that Mu Qing was with Mu Ma every day, and then asked Mother Mu.
  Mu's mother felt that there was nothing wrong with having a job, so she said it directly. Of course, she didn't say anything about Mu Qing's work in detail. She only said that she had entered a state secret agency, so they didn't know much about it.
  Wu Lili was not satisfied with Mu Ma's answer, and she was also very dissatisfied with her current job. There is also a younger brother in her family who doesn't go to school now, so she can also find a job. She also thought that if there is any good job in Mu Qing, let Mu's mother tell her about it.
  However, seeing her faltering and stingy look now, I can tell that this is definitely not possible. So in the past few days, when she saw Mu's mother, her nose was not her nose and her eyes were not her eyes.
  Of course, Mu Ma always ignored Wu Lili's expression. Everyone in the unit knows that this person is difficult to get along with, and they don't want to meddle with her.
  Now, she is thinking about how to make more delicious supplements for her daughter every day after get off work. In addition, the matter of her husband's second brother also worried her a lot during this period.
  After Zhang Qingquan came here, his health recovered soon, and he is now working in the construction team. But after the second brother recovered, the Zhang family came to the door again.
  She has also seen the shamelessness of the Zhang family. She treats them like this and expects that they will fail to support your family. She also said that the second brother should give up the job to Zhang Ling, otherwise she will report the inside story of their family's recruitment.
  Not to mention that they were really not afraid of reporting. Baolai always recruited workers based on real materials. Even his second brother was used to working on the construction site, so he was not afraid of other people's investigations.

  You know, the reputation of their construction team in Quanxiang is well known to people from all over the world. The quality of the construction is nothing to say, and the benefits are also excellent.
  Although the daily pot of herbal tea is a bit clearer, it is all their personal stuff. Without these life-saving things in the scorching heat, how could there be such a high efficiency and such a low accident rate.
  It's just that they don't want to lose this person now, so their family is helping the second brother prepare to sue for divorce. For this matter, she didn't take too much trouble during this time, and she didn't have time to pay attention to Wu Lili at this time.
  Mu Qing didn't know these things, if Mu Qing knew, he would probably beat this Xiren out with a big stick. Now, as long as it's not a big deal, who wants to take care of you!
  Last time, if it wasn't for Lin Rongrong to report herself, this kind of thing would have fined a lot of food, and might have collected a lot of land and houses. Who cares about this kind of thing that doesn't involve murder.
  If you want Mu Qing to say, parents have not changed their minds now, they are still restrained too much! Wouldn't it be fun to just hit the door with a big stick? Regardless of whether his face is ugly or not, the first thing he thinks about is how to live well.
  Of course, she didn't make them change all at once. For example, didn't you feel soft-hearted towards Ao Jia's family before? After the last
  time, didn't you obediently listen to yourself? $思$兔$网$
