Chapter 26-30

Chapter 26 Xiaonian's family hasn't been here for a long
    time We got together...

    Sichuan Province is a major military strategic province, and it was even the country's nuclear strategic deployment base before.

Later, after knowing that the volcano might erupt, the country secretly built several nuclear power plants, which can fully supply the huge energy consumption generated by the large-scale infrastructure construction in various places.

    Although volcanic ash often overwhelms the wires, the most indispensable thing now is manpower, which can basically be repaired quickly.

    But even with electricity, it would be useless not to have enough food. After all, people can't live by recharging, they still have to eat food.

    There is no food - this is why the end of the world is getting more and more difficult.

    In the first year, because of the volcanic eruption, a large amount of high-temperature gas was injected into the space, causing it to become hotter and hotter, and the temperature was extremely high. Moreover, the volcanic ash after the eruption fell on the surface of the plants, suffocating the plants alive. At the same time, the volcanic ash blocked the sunlight, a large number of light-loving plants died, and many animals also died.

    For many years later, because the volcanic ash blocked the sun, it was not hot anymore, but it was getting colder every year, and food could not be grown at all.

    All food can only be grown in greenhouses, and large hailstorms must be protected.

    It is said that high-power pulsed xenon lamps are all turned on in those greenhouses, and a lot of the water in the early stage is polluted by volcanic ash and cannot be used. It must be filtered first to grow normal vegetables and grains. In the later stage, the water is frozen, and it can be used. The volcanic ash inside is a good fertilizer, but it needs to be heated and thawed first, which consumes a lot of energy.

    It is very difficult for the outside world to grow something and get it. From the first year, it has been either drought or flood, or hail. The first second is a huge sandstorm, and the next second may be torrential rain.

    Moreover, the climate is weird, and food cannot grow at all.

    The production of food is limited, and it is impossible to guarantee the food of the vast population. Therefore, the people of the later period in China eat all kinds of edible bacteria that do not need sunlight, as well as various fungus and mushrooms with a musty smell.

    Rice noodles and so on are basically invisible to the general public. In the ten years of the last days, no matter what, even a box of matches is precious.

    On February 3, 2121, the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month

    , on the day of Xiaonian, Zhang's father, who had been busy repairing the house for more than half a year since Mu Qing had almost never had a day off, finally had time to catch his breath.

    Now he is busier than before the merger, because he is the captain of the construction team in Quanxiang, so he needs to be responsible for the construction of the entire township.

    In the past half month, as the country continues to adjust the population diversion. Many people have gone to big cities before, but the capacity of the city is limited, so many people who have no place to live are shunted to the next level.

    For example, you mentioned Chengdu City, so many counties and villages are within the scope of Chengdu City, which can be regarded as meeting your requirements. Why can't you find a place to live? Many people who took refuge were unreliable and had to go to the countryside in the end.

    Seeing this situation, the Jun family was a little lucky. They were sure that they could only go to the countryside when they went to Xinjiang. Now this situation is very good, the house is repaired immediately, and the family also has a local person to rely on.

    They now know that Mu Qing's family is in very good condition, and that the food Jun Zhao brings to his parents every day is nutritious and rich, and sometimes they will be given some. Judging from this period of time, if I have something urgent, the other party must be willing to help.

    So usually, they will also ask Jun Zhao if there is anything that needs help with the military situation, and if you need it, don't be polite.

    Jun Zhao said that Mu Qing's side is going well, and there is no need for help. Yes, it went well. He knew the living standard of the Mu family. Before the end of the world, there were not many people who could be so good, and even less after the end of the world.

    As mentioned above, with the continuous influx of people, Dad Zhang has been very busy in the past half month. The amount of food allocated to him by the above, so the number of workers under his hands skyrocketed again.

    People from outside need to find a job, but the country is only recruiting for this position at present. They have food and work points, so shouldn't they be robbed? The only thing the construction team is currently doing is to repair houses, and there are not too many buildings for them to repair. The most important thing is to increase efforts to accommodate these people.

    Therefore, during this period of time, some people even wanted to give Zhang Dad a gift, but because they were all grains and fruits, there were a lot of them at home, and even the daily produce could not be eaten, and they needed to be freeze-dried and put away, so he didn’t want them. . Of course, many of these gift givers are not suitable for this job, and he will not let these people in out of the attitude of being in charge.

    Otherwise, if these people come in and something happens in the end, then he also needs to be responsible. I don't know how many people are waiting for him to have a problem, so he is unwilling to let him appear in the position. Don't think he doesn't know, there are several former labor contractors going to the government to act to replace him, and he can't be caught.

    Dad Zhang wants people who are either well-established, who can directly start building houses, or who are strong, who work as small workers on the construction site, but the salary is half of the salary, or work points, if a meal meal.

    At the same time, these people are basically middle-aged men, seniors and juniors, who work very hard, and will never cheat, cheat, and be lazy. Getting this job is hard-won, and I don’t know how many people around are envious.

    Moreover, only middle-aged men have strength, like young men in their twenties, who basically have no strength, can't endure hardships, and are very incapable of doing it.

    Because of this, his team is actually a relatively good team in Liu Town. They came in with their skills and attracted some people with real skills.

    The other construction teams have had a lot of troubles during this period. Only Dad Zhang's side is going well. If everyone wants to find a salary, they will turn to him immediately. If they fail, they will consider other teams.

    And during this time, Jun Zhao's parents also joined the construction company, because their family used to do circuit-related business, so now they are in charge of the circuit in the team and work under Zhang's father, which is a good cooperation with Zhang's father .

    It can be said that in the early days of the end of the world, those who have some practical skills, follow the sails of the times and seize the opportunities, will live well later, at least they will not face the situation of starving to death. In Mu Qing's view, it is enough to not starve to death in the last days. Don't you see, many people are struggling on the verge of starving to death, and there is no food or clothing at all.

    Of course, there are still many people who are not engaged in production now, and these people will gradually find out later that the country does not support idlers! If you don't work and don't create value for society, there is no need to waste social resources for so long.

    Now, even the construction team only has one lunch a day, and it's just a bowl of white rice, nothing else. Of course, there are 0.5 work points for skilled workers. One work point can buy a bowl of white rice.

    Now, basically one work point can buy a person’s rations for one day. If you eat less, you can still have two days. It can be said that the country has given everyone a way to survive. As long as you are willing to work, you can survive.

    In the last life, Mu Qing and Mu's mother brought their two children and lived to the last ten years. However, they have no connections, and all the positions have been basically divided up, so they can only go to mine. If in other countries, they are old, weak, sick and disabled, basically waiting to die.

    And in this life, Mu Qing is no longer an orphan who lost everything, behind her can be said to have the capital to run amok in the last days. Zhang Dad is no longer just a small construction worker, and everyone has started a new life.

    When Mu Qing thought of this, the sky gradually darkened. However, the house is brightly lit, and the unique daylight dome light makes the whole house look the same as during the day, which really simulates the sunlight and is very real.

    Today's Mu's house is quite lively, because it's the New Year's Eve, and there are a lot of dishes. At Mu Qing's invitation, people from the Jun's house also came over. Of course, only serious relatives from the Jun family came, while the other four families who were just friends did not come.

    And every family brought some food when they came in, and handed it to Zhang Zhangcheng and Zhang Weiwei to Grandma Mu after entering the door, most of which were rice noodles.

    Now if you go to other people's house to eat without food, you will eat plain rice, and you will be beaten, and it is not impossible to even lose your relatives.

    Of course, even if they all brought rice noodles, the value of the meal is not equal. It's just that it's the best they can come up with.

    After all the people were gathered, Mu Qingcai rejoiced—fortunately, the dining room was built big enough, so so many people could still sit down.

    Because the dining table is designed with mechanisms, it can be enlarged, and there are people at the bar. Generally speaking, although it is a bit crowded, everyone is on the table anyway.

    As for Mu Qing's family, they usually don't use this dining room, because the kitchen is also very big, almost a big big room. So usually, they eat at the big bar next to the open kitchen, but today is more formal, so they eat in the restaurant.

    The younger generation ate at the bar with Jun Zhao and Mu Qing. Here is Uncle Jun Zhao's eldest cousin, his uncle's younger cousin, her aunt's cousin, and her aunt's cousin. There are also the youngest son of the eldest brother, a pair of twin daughters of the cousin of the aunt's family, and the daughter of the cousin of the aunt's family.

    Of course, Mu Qing's two younger brothers are also here, and the two boys of the Zhang family finally have no adults to watch this time, so they are very happy, but it is still very polite to have an older sister by their side.

    A table of children was supposed to be noisy, but the adults had already said that no nonsense was allowed when they came, so it was still quiet.

    Jun Zhao chatted with them quite happily, the family hadn't been together for a long time, and the usual meals made them not in the mood to get together.

    And when they talked, they took care of Mu Qing and spoke Mandarin instead of dialect, so that Mu Qing had a chance to say a few words...

Chapter 27 Little New Year's

    Eve Dinner She is still young, she is still a baby...

    Before deciding to invite Jun Zhao's family When people were eating, he asked Jun Zhao to go back and tell them in advance. Everyone didn't want to come. But thinking about it, there is friendship only when there is reciprocity. Although they can't give the same things, they only need to do what they want.

    Since the little girl is willing to invite them to celebrate together, it means that these things should be nothing to her. Thinking of this, they couldn't help sighing.

    Now that so many people can be invited to dinner, there is probably a mountain of grain piled up in this house.

    Today, not only Mu's mother and grandma Mu cooked the meal, Jun Zhao's mother, grandma, and grandma came over early in the morning to prepare with them. After all, it is not easy for them to prepare meals for dozens of people.

    In addition, the tastes may be different, since we have invited others, of course we are following their tastes. The ingredients are all prepared, in order to prevent them from coming, they are embarrassed to cook, so the meat and vegetables are almost very small.

    Vegetables and fruits are ready to be brought out at the end.

    So, at night, to live up to expectations, a large table of dishes was placed in front of everyone.

    Jun Zhao's mother and the three of them didn't go to the backyard, but they were still shocked when they saw the baskets of vegetables and fruits brought in.

    But these potted tomatoes in the living room and dining room alone are rare. If you take it out, it can be given away, or you can even enter the cafeteria. You know, cooks are very popular now. Although I don’t know about stealing them, they are all big pots of rice now. Take a bite and say try it smell.

    So at night, everyone had the most sumptuous dinner in recent times.

    There are many dishes on the table, such as braised fish, halal fish, shredded apples, boiled yellow croaker, braised tendons with mushrooms, three flavors in casserole, fresh walnut kernels in milk soup, assorted honeycomb tofu, fried minced pork with kimchi, soft fried shrimp cakes, sweet roasted longan, Lucky prawns, crispy pork slices, bitter gourd stuffed meat, sweet and sour red bell pepper, fried fish sticks with celery and yellow sauce, fried pork in red sauce, ear slices in red oil, shredded chicken, braised chicken nuggets, salt-fried meat, pearl balls, red pepper Stir-fried shrimp, authentic Chongqing spicy chicken, hairy belly hot pot, braised tendon, tofu crucian carp, stir-fried garlic moss meat, dry-stir-fried green beans, braised lion head, spicy fish sticks with green onion...

Today is mainly Shandong cuisine and Sichuan cuisine, because it is
    cooked The people serving the dishes are from these two places, but fortunately, the people on the table are also from Lu Province and Sichuan Province, so there is no scruples about eating.

    You know, many people have just come to Sichuan Province, but they are not used to the taste of Sichuan Province, only to find that in the later stage, it is cold and humid, and chili is better!

    So that's why Mu Qing asked Jun Zhao and his family to cook, otherwise, they probably wouldn't be able to eat well at night. She also wanted them to eat a better meal, after all, they were all Jun Zhao. family.

    Just as she cared about Mu Ma and the others, she believed that Jun Zhao also cared about his family. He lives in his own home now, and to a certain extent, he wants to reduce the burden on the family, otherwise, food is so expensive now, he is embarrassed to do this.

    For today's dishes, there are still a few dishes that Mu Qing likes the most. When Mu Qing arranged for Zhang Weiwei and Zhang Zhang to serve the dishes together, they were brought to the bar.

    The first course is Potato Pork Ribs.
    The ribs have been taken out since the morning, and soaked in water for a long time after thawing, bloody water came out. It also makes it more relaxed and the meat is a little more tender when you eat it.

    Marinate the soaked pork ribs with salt, pepper and cooking wine for half an hour. After marinating, heat oil in an iron pan, fry the oil at 50% low heat, and fry until the surface is slightly burnt, then take it out. When the oil temperature rises again, deep-fry until golden. No oil wasted and the potatoes were fried a bit.

    Take another pot, heat the oil, add sliced ginger, garlic, and bean paste and fry until fragrant, pour in the ribs, stir-fry over high heat, add warm water to cover the ribs, add an anise, no more.

    A spoonful of light soy sauce, a spoonful of cooking wine, salt, simmer for 15 minutes on medium heat, pour in the previously fried potatoes before serving, and consume a spoonful of oil. Finally, collect the juice on high heat, add a few green bell peppers, decorate with color, and finally take it out of the pot.

    The potato ribs made in this way are fragrant, glutinous and tender enough to make people's lips and teeth fragrant.

    The second course is the beautiful hot and sour money belly.

    It is made with a whole money belly, which is tripe, and it is full of weight.

    At the beginning, cold water is put into the pot, green onion, ginger, star anise, bay leaves, cinnamon, a small handful of peppercorns, salt, cooking wine, and then white marinade to taste.

    Hard vegetables like this kind of beef offal are suitable for this kind of white stew. After leaving the pot, marinate for two hours, remove and slice.

    At this time, it is time to test the skill of the knife. It must be sliced with an oblique knife, and it must be sliced thinly.

    Heat a pan with cold oil, then add minced garlic, and after frying the aroma, the second half bowl of shredded ginger, which can enhance the taste and aroma, and half a bowl of chopped Chaotian pepper, stir fry the aroma on a low heat first, then put Sliced tripe.

    Finally, stir fry evenly, add half a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of soy sauce, a teaspoon of oil, and an appropriate amount of sugar. Stir-fry over high heat, and put green garlic sprouts in before leaving the pot, which can increase the visual conflict of color and make the flavor more prominent.

    The final beef tripe has the same taste, q soft and elastic, and the hot and sour soup wraps the tripe, which makes people appetite. The visual conflict of red and green also makes this dish eye-catching on the table.

    There are also several other dishes, which are the same as these two dishes. They are Mu Qing's favorite dishes cooked by Mu's mother, and they are all placed in front of Mu Qing at this time.

    And everyone was also shocked by the dishes on the table. They all knew that the dinner should be good tonight, but they didn't expect it to be so good.

    From head to tail, every part is there. In addition, there is also a portion of seafood, river delicacies and those running on land, which can be regarded as taking care of everyone's different tastes.

    And the amount of food is very sufficient, there is no way, who made the food intake of the family members become larger now, so when cooking, it is inevitable that the amount will be larger.

    But today, thinking of so many people, this weight has doubled.

    Today's meal is not about meeting parents or anything, and Mu Qing doesn't want to get married either. The apocalypse is here, so why get married! Moreover, she is still young, she is still a baby, and she has been thinking about 28 before talking about it! However, Jun Zhao did not live to be 28 years old in her previous life.

    But people in the last days no longer have the energy to think about these things.

    Of course, she thought too much. Everyone was very excited when they saw such a rich menu. No one thought about it at all. They only thought about how to be polite later without letting others see that they were greedy. I am full.

    Moreover, Zhang's father is in charge of the construction team now, and outsiders, who have no influence, dare not provoke their family. Now, outsiders are thinking about how to get into the construction team. As for the locals, since Dad Zhang is now an employee of the government, they are unwilling to offend them.

    The village head who used to bully Zhang's family all the time has not come out to find a sense of existence for a long time now. Now they have quite a lot of power, controlling the distribution of housing in the entire village, as well as the site selection of homesteads and so on.

    However, after all, it is not as powerful as Zhang's father in the village. Moreover, now that the site selection for the homestead has been selected, the construction team member said that basically he objected to it and it didn't work. If someone is unprofessional, they can call you back.

    What's more, you can't say it, and you can't fight it. Let's just say that those members of the construction team, if they randomly pull over a dozen people, a fight would be terrible.

    After all, the members of Jun's family came from Lu Province, and they were really poor and nothing but a little money in the card. It may be that I haven't eaten this kind of food for a month. This meal, everyone really only cares about the food. These dishes tasted extremely good before the end of the world, let alone in front of people who have eaten white rice for a month now.

    It's just that everyone hasn't eaten well this month. It's not that they haven't seen the world. No matter how you like it, the table manners are pretty good. Therefore, the meal was very enjoyable for both tables.

    Jun Zhao is talking about young people, while Dad Zhang is talking more about the future prospects and various policy matters.

    This was the second time that Mu Qing saw Jun Zhao's family members, and her family members were also quite reserved, and no one mentioned the matter of the two children.

However, Jun Zhao's family members felt a little envious when they saw such a big house and thought about the new policy of the country.

    Now the country's regulations are that the houses built before the end of the world are their own.

    It's just that there will be no more. Now, the immigrants who moved here can only be allocated a standard two-bedroom apartment per household registration. Even if the population increases in the future, they have to buy it themselves.

    But Mu Qing knows that this policy will change soon. After all, the population is constantly pouring into the countryside, and it will be considered good to be allocated a building by then. Even the living room is a house, and one family can live in it. Some people's houses are simply mud houses.

    Therefore, now, taking advantage of the fact that there are not many people, occupy the house first. You only need to let the house officially fall under your household registration, and you will not be forced to block people when it is allocated. But if the house is handed over after the policy is implemented, then it is unclear when the time will come.

    And people who came from the city later, unless they were very rich, that is, had a lot of supplies, they could only live in the cellar. After one night, if they were not careful, they would be suffocated to death. The country later improved the construction method of the cellar. This is better.

    Mu Qing's family has a big yard, and half a month before the end of the world, she called Zhang's father and asked him to build two small courtyard bungalows on the front and back of the foundation that he bought earlier, which is regarded as occupying the land. Otherwise, after next year, when everyone realizes that the mountains are good, they will definitely occupy the vicinity, and it will not be easy to repair houses. Also, she doesn't want too many people near her home.

    In the future, no one will live at the foot of the mountain, and all will live on the mountain, and the last time is on the mountainside. At the foot of the mountain, there will be floods.

    In the evening, everyone left shortly after dinner, but Mu Qing asked Mu's mother to pack a bag of vegetables and fruits, one bag for each family, it was a gift for them, and it was also a way to improve their lives. People work so hard, I believe Jun Zhao is also sad.

    It's just that the current world is like this, and it's impossible for her to sacrifice herself for others, at most it's like this now.

    Chapter 28 A lot of college classmates have come to Sichuan Province, they can still be like now...

    In the evening, after seeing off the people, Mu Qing's family prepared to clear the table.

    Now, basically the rest is very early, and there are no recreational activities without rest. It was only after seven o'clock when Jun's family left, this time Jun Zhao sent his parents back. It is difficult to walk in the mountains at night, Jun Zhao took a powerful flashlight to let everyone see the way clearly.

    As soon as the people from Jun's family came out, they were overheated. Only at this time did they feel that Mu Qing's house was really cool. It is really good to be able to turn on the air conditioner in such a big house at this time.

    At this time, the work-point system is in place. Mu Qing’s family still has a large number of people, and each person in the country is allocated 50 kWh of electricity. There are 7 people in their family, 350 kWh, and the total distribution of electricity is also a lot. But so much electricity is still not enough, and the excess electricity has to be bought with work points.

    Zhang's father basically no longer eats at the construction site, and has two work points a day, all of which have been replaced with electricity. Because it is only the third day, everyone does not know whether the electricity for this month will be available.

    However, if it is not enough, you can replace it with some vegetables. A catty of vegetables can be exchanged for 10 work points, and 1 work point equals 5 kilowatt-hours of electricity.

    Zhang's father's salary can buy 300 kWh of electricity every month, adding up to 650 kWh of electricity for their family this month.

    Everyone was tired all night, Jun Zhao finished seeing off his parents, and came back at night.

    When Jun Zhao's family arrived home, they opened the paper bag, and there were fruits and vegetables inside. These things are definitely worth 100 work points. They all know about the new exchange table.

    For this great gift, they have no way to give an equal return, they can only keep their mouths shut when Ao Jia's mother and daughter come to inquire.

    Lin Rongrong stood at the door with Ao Jia, and saw that each of them had a big bag, what was inside was unknown, and it was not worth anything.

    It's just that Mu Qing is such a bad thing that he even gives it to outsiders, but his own aunt doesn't even give him a mask. They now have to change their masks every day, which is another big expense.

    However, thinking about it, she was about to run out of money, so Lin Rongrong decided not to change it every day in the future. Otherwise, the family will almost be in trouble. Besides, there is no university now, so it is time for Ao Jia to go out and find a job. Even if you can't find a job in the government, it's better to collect firewood first.

    Thinking about what her husband said, after this period of time, Jiajia can be arranged a job in the government, she is still very happy.

    And Ao Jia didn't know anything about her mother's going to let her go out to work. She could accept it as an office, but she really didn't want to go up the mountain to collect firewood.

    If Mu Qing knew what the mother and daughter were thinking, she would just sneer. Is the government so easygoing? Even Ao Mu will have to be taken down after a while.

    To work in the government, one must not only have good connections, but also strength. Their family doesn't have these two, so what can they do to stay inside. Didn't you see that Zhang's father has been on the construction site for twenty years, and his subordinates are all people in this field, and someone wants to pull him down every day?

    If he hadn't sent some fruits to the township government and the army, he probably wouldn't be the captain now, maybe he would be the person in charge of a construction site.

    And if they don't pick up firewood now, they will probably disappear. No one is stupid. Everyone knows what it means when the sun is covered. Even if the high temperature continues now, the temperature will eventually cool down.

    Didn't you see that Mu's mother went out to collect firewood every day but Mu Qing didn't stop her? Because, in the last days, you really need to do something to calm down, and this thing is indeed useful. At that time, mother Mu can relieve some pressure.

    After drinking the green liquid, they are all in good health, and they are not so afraid of heat, so even if they stay outside, the impact is actually not big.

    The next day, because Mu Qing was quite tired last night, she slept in as usual.

    In fact, even if she is not tired, she still wants to sleep in. The rare thing is that no one calls her, because everyone has their own business and is too busy.

    As for the two younger brothers, what they envy most is that the elder sister can sleep late. Grandma will call them on time every morning, and then they have to arrange things for them. Although they liked to play in the garden-like vegetable garden at the beginning, it doesn't mean they still want to go after playing for more than a month.

    Moreover, there are a lot of fruits in the house now, so they can hold the fruit plate in the living room to eat without having to go. Although it will be full after eating, it is no longer restricted!

    After Mu Qing went downstairs, her two younger brothers put the things on the bar for her. After heating it in the microwave, she quickly finished her breakfast.

    A small tomato, which the two of them picked from the tomato rack above the fish pond, grows like grapes; and then a sandwich with a smiling face on the baked bread, with fresh lettuce and ham in it ; Finally, there was a bowl of yogurt with fruit oats in it; and then there was a bowl of fruit porridge, which was Mu Qing's favorite mango porridge.

    These fruits and vegetables are all freshly picked from the backyard. The leftover dishes every day are either made into freeze-dried vegetables by the two old people, or dried in the sun.

    For example, mangoes, yellow peaches, etc., because Mu Qing likes to eat dried fruits, they basically turned into dried fruits. There is never enough of these things in her bedroom. The two younger brothers also often sneak in to steal food. They always think that the elder sister's food is the most delicious. Mu Qing can't change this idea, and only thinks that children are naive.

    Mu Qing's breakfast is very rich, the two children like these things in the kitchen very much, and they are very active every time they make breakfast for Mu Qing.

    But because of the small portions, they didn't enjoy the game, and the rest of the family were not used to Mu Qing's way of eating, and so far she and Jun Zhao only ate like this. Jun Zhao's share was finished when he and his two younger brothers were cooking. For others, everyone has steamed buns and porridge in the morning, and then it is served with kimchi. Their meals are cooked by grandma Mu or mother Mu in turn.

    I have to say that the kimchi made at home with the vegetables in the greenhouse tastes really good, and Grandpa Mu praised it several times. One bite, it is very crisp, and it is hot and sour, which is very good for rice and appetizers.

    Waking up in the morning and eating cold kimchi made me feel a lot better.

    And Mu Qing didn't know whether it was because the seeds were good or her green liquid was useful when faced with the compliment.

    Anyway, she will go to the vegetable garden, take a stroll, and see the production. Then she took her own small watering can and sprayed it. A drop of green liquid was added to this small watering can. She sprayed it everywhere every day, and the vegetables and fruits in the house did not fall.

    With such a small breakfast, Mu Qing quickly finished eating, and she felt that she could eat more now. After eating so much, I'm still not full.

    So, after eating, she went to the sofa in the living room to lie down, swiped her phone, and continued eating with a big fruit plate in her arms.

    While receiving the mobile phone, she saw the club group in the previous university, and the discussion was very lively. It was in this club that she and Jun Zhao met. She's an old senior in there.

    It's just that Jun Zhao's relationship with her in this class is average, and some of them don't have a good relationship with her, so she doesn't speak positively like the old group.

    In it, she usually doesn't speak, just to read what everyone says.

    A lot of things can be seen from everyone's chat.

    For example, she probably knows that everyone is basically concentrated in the three southwestern provinces.

    And because the population has been evacuated, now is the time for major infrastructure construction in various places, so it is very convenient to travel, give something, and take a ride with the transportation team. Now, many people do this.

    After all, resources such as oil are now restricted to purchase. Even if there is no purchase restriction, everyone does not have so many work points to buy.

    Mu Qing learned that because there are several people from Sichuan Province in the club and only one from Guangxi, everyone basically came to Sichuan Province. A few people went to Guangxi.

    In fact, the school she went to was in the capital, and there were still very few children in the south, and some of them were willing to go to school in the south, because the north was too far away after all.

    Right now, the signal isn't very good because the ash is often overwhelmed and revealed.

    Although the signal is not very good, it is harmless to everyone who has experienced such a major event. Everyone discussed enthusiastically. Of course, some people had a bad relationship with Mu Qing, so they said:
    Lan Ling: Isn't Mu Qing's family from the capital? How can she live as a girl now!

    Xin Hai: Well, I also know this, the capital is flooded now, where is she now?
    then they are guessing about Mu Qing's current situation.

    Mu Qing thought it was a bit ridiculous. Before the apocalypse, he still pretended to be a fake, but now he has revealed his true colors so quickly?

    Mu Qing: I said that my hometown is from Sichuan. For details, you can just look at how well the locals around you are doing. [Smiling] Wang He:
    My family is from Wen County. There is a piece of cherries. Now it is basically local People's lives are not bad
    Wang He and Jun Zhao have a good relationship, and they can be regarded as friends with Mu Qing, but they are just so-so. Mu Qing did not expect to stand up at this time.

    Mu Qing: My family is okay, anyway, I don't have to worry about food...
    Mu Qing didn't say much, what are you talking about, she has always understood the principle of making a fortune silently, and practiced it deeply.

    There was silence in the group for a moment, but after a while, everyone became active again, asking each other how they were doing, where they were and so on.

    Mu Qing didn't think it was interesting. Everyone is now a college student or has just graduated. There is not much malice. Of course, there is not much pressure. I always feel that the future is bright, so let them keep going.

    It doesn't need a year, just another month. At the Lantern Festival, they will know what it is like to be short of water for a month.

    It’s not that it hasn’t rained. Recently, there have been several light rains due to the hot weather, but the country then made an emergency broadcast.

    The rain mixed with volcanic ash can cause skin cancer risk even if you drench it, let alone drink it.

    Only then did the water purification system in Mu Qing's house show its effect, but many people in the village did not have deep wells, so they were somewhat polluted. Usually washing clothes is barely acceptable, but if you drink water and cook, you still need to go to the government to queue up for water. Not to mention that some people are afraid of death, and they don't even use this water to wash their clothes.

    Mu Qing believed that in the group, he and Jun Zhao should be the most comfortable.

    In the later stage, I hope they can still chat with such hope and enthusiasm like now...

    Chapter 29 New Year's Eve Going out is very enviable...

    After the small year, the Chinese New Year will soon be here. Things became more and more, and many people came to Zhang's father, wanting to ask if they could speed up the progress and let them live in a new house before the Chinese New Year.

    But not to mention that it takes time to build a new house, the quality of the project must also be guaranteed. Finally, let the house breathe, otherwise it will be too humid to live in and you will get sick.

    There are many explanations for these things every day. There is also the matter of the workers. The government allocates so much food to the construction team every month, and he has to plan.

    Now, Dad Zhang has to drive the car to inspect the project every day, otherwise he is worried.

    But because the government has restricted the purchase of gasoline, he has a certain share, but it is far from enough.

    So now, he drives Mu Qing's BYD electric car to go out every day, and then goes to the newly built charging pile in the village to charge every day. Mu Qing doesn't use this car, but supports him very much.

    Zhang's father is very satisfied with driving a car. You must know that many members of the construction team have to walk, or because they are far away from home, they sleep on the construction site every day. The weather is so sweltering now that mosquitoes are going to bite people to death.

    Even at night, it was unbearably sweltering, and he lived in a construction site in a very humid environment. He had experienced this kind of suffering before, and now he saw it and felt very touched. It's not easy for everyone, those who come to the construction team, which family doesn't have a lot of people waiting to eat.

    This month, Zhang's father is not good, and because he didn't take a shower, he was forced to sleep on the first floor by Mu's mother. Mu's mother has to take a bath every day, and she loves to be clean. Even in the few days when water resources are precious, no Also wipe.

    But Zhang's father didn't care about this at first, and he thought, he is on the construction site every day, everyone else is dirty, and you are the only one who cleans up every day, it doesn't look like that!

    At this time, Mu Qing stepped forward, because she couldn't bear it anymore, and when she came back home every day, there was only a layer of soil, which also brought great difficulties to grandma and the others to clean.

    "Dad, you are the leader now, it's different!" Mu Qing looked at Zhang's father without words.

    Dad Zhang was taken aback for a moment, that's right, I don't work every day now, just checking the quality and progress.

    Because there are fewer people and more projects, the status of skilled workers is higher. All the people under them who understand technology are doing well, at least two meals
    a day . The construction site provides a meal, and then the work points can buy a meal. A skilled worker earns 0.5 work points per day plus a meal, while he is paid two work points per day.

    As for eating, he had exchanged eating for work points before.

Therefore, he can be regarded as one of the high-paid members now.

    "Well, I got it!" Dad Zhang said that he adapted quickly, so he took a shower that night, and then went up to the second floor cleanly. The husband and wife finally got back together!

    You don't have to be irritated by the eyes of the two of them coming and going every day. It's because Mu's mother can't understand his dirty look, and it's not like there is no water in the house, so what is he doing? , I always feel that my mind is not very good, and I don't know how I fell in love with him in the first place.

    Another three days have passed, and it is almost the Chinese New Year.

    Finally, under Zhang’s father’s haste and intentional eccentricity, Jun Zhao’s five-story building was repaired. Although the cement was relatively damp just after painting, but because the weather is very hot now, it dries quickly. It doesn't make much difference to live in now.

    When the house was handed over, the Jun family couldn't believe it. They never went to see Brother Baolai, and they didn't expect that their family was the first to live in the new house.

    In fact, Zhang's father wasn't too partial. Originally, they were the first group of people who booked the room, so of course they came in order. You know, many people are still queuing now.

    Both parties have checked and handed over the formalities. The house can be settled in their name.

    And Dad Zhang also took this group of people to other places, but in the end they were divided into two groups to work. As more and more jobs were received, Dad Zhang thought about expanding the scale of workers. Now he has almost adapted, and many places have formulated systems and rules and are on the right track.

    So I also have experience to recruit newcomers. You know, the quota given by the government has not been used up yet. Every month, the government gives a certain quota, which is also required, that is, a certain amount of work needs to be completed, and then the population and housing problems need to be solved.

    Now, the resources in his hands can only maintain a team of 2,500 people, and he needs to solve the housing problem of 100,000 people every month.

    This is only halfway done, and he has already solved a lot of problems, and all the people who handed over the house today have moved in. That's a lot. And soon the second batch and the third batch will have to hand over the houses.

    There is no problem in completing the task. Thinking of this, he relaxed a lot.

    More and more people have come here recently, and some people have lived in the Lingju's house. Basically, they have paid a lot of food. The Jun family also wanted to give him some food, but he didn't want it. The food in the house is enough. Too much, too much to eat.

    On the day of the move, Mu Qing asked Mu Ma to bring some vegetables and apples. Although the Jun family felt embarrassed, but they shied away and accepted it. This time, even Jun Zhao’s friends also had them. In the end, everyone was happy.

    However, because it was relatively close to Lin Rongrong's house, and it was daytime, they saw the things given, and their hearts were full of resentment at this time.

    Ao Jia looked at those fresh fruits and vegetables, and her heart was so full of hatred that she could bleed. Why would my aunt's family not give it to these outsiders? She is simply unworthy to be her aunt.

    Many people don't have these fresh fruits and vegetables in stock now, and although the state-run supermarkets have them, they can't buy them either.

    She hated her so much, but Lin Rongrong still smiled and greeted Mu's mother. Mu's mother was very anxious when she saw her sister. At this time, she was still at home with nothing to do, so she was not in a hurry.

    "Sister, the coming days may be difficult. You should prepare something in advance. It is also possible to go up the mountain with Jiajia to collect firewood
    ." Mu's mother refused before she could bring them.

    "There's no need for this, Lao Ao can still support himself." Lin Rongrong originally thought that she could satirize Mu's mother, Zhang Baolai's man couldn't even support his family. But Mu's mother felt that their family was really good. After all, people working in the government were paid well.

    Seeing that this little sister who had been heartless since she was a child really believed it, Lin Rongrong became even more angry, what should I do? According to Lao Ao, the current situation is not optimistic. But let her bow her head, she couldn't do it.

    The Chinese New Year was over in a blink of an eye, and Jun Zhao also went back to celebrate the New Year, but he had to come back later, because their family was living together now, and there was no room for him to live in.

    However, for formal occasions like the New Year's Eve dinner, he still needs to go back together. Lu Province attaches great importance to these traditions.

    In fact, many people live together, which is very common after the end of the world. Everyone is saving food and money, it is really unbearably hot, so we put a large air conditioner in the living room with the door open, and try to accommodate as many people as possible.

    On such a hot day, the house is relatively humid. If the air conditioner is not turned on, it will really kill people.

    Now air conditioners are not available to everyone, there are only two in their building, and Zhang's father sent a lot of vegetables and fruits to the electrical sellers in the town, so he bought them at a high price! Of course, it wasn't given to them, it was said to be lent to them.

    One in Jun Zhao's room, and one in his parents' room. It's just that it has been moved to the living room of the two houses now, and everyone uses it together, and the electricity bill is shared together.

    Well, because of Mu Qing's family, now it is taken for granted that Jun Zhao's family has a higher status in the building and has more right to speak.

    The Chinese New Year is very cold in previous years, but this year we have to turn on the air conditioner.

    The family today is Zhang's parents, Mu, mother, two younger brothers, and grandparents, and then tomorrow, the first day of the Lunar New Year, they will all go to the uncle's house as usual.

    Now the Mu family is a big family, living better than everyone else, and living better than too many people.

    At least they have water to drink every day, the water pipes are enough, and they wear clean clothes every day, even with fragrance, and it is very enviable to go out.

    However, the local people have an advantage, and the government is strict in management. Except for the robbery in a particularly remote place, there have been no bad incidents in other places.

    And those remote places are slowly being injected with population and troops. China's 1.4 billion people are crowded here, how can it be sparse. This is also the reason why there is a shortage of food, and there is no land. What should I do?

    You know, 1.4 billion people need 1.4 billion mu of land to feed them. Even if there is not so much, there must be hundreds of millions of mu. But now, the arable land in Sichuan Province is only 100 million mu. Hundreds of millions of acres, naturally not enough to eat.

    Not to mention that in the later stage, not all of these lands can be used.

    Sitting at the New Year's Eve dinner table, everyone is in a good mood, there is food at home, and there is no panic. Compared with those people outside who are anxious all day long, that is much better.

    At the dinner table, everyone was optimistic about the future life.

    But Grandma Mu still regrets that this year's aunt's family did not come to eat together, the main reason is that Mu Qing really doesn't like them, these things Mu Qing's, of course, she doesn't like them so she won't let them come.

    Mu Qing didn't feel regretful at all, the aunt was not born to grandma and the others, they had no children back then, so they picked one up, but later gave birth to Mu's mother, so the aunt always felt that the whole family owed her.

    If Mu Qing was to say, he still owed it, and if he wanted to owe it, it was Lin Rongrong who owed Mu's mother. It really took her face to think like that.

    In the previous life, their family had a good life, but they just couldn't die from starvation. But, in the end they wanted to borrow a potato, and none of them would! It's just a potato, and they won't starve to death if they borrow it...

    Then in this life, she won't care about their family, people will not change...

    Chapter 30 New Year's Day Away Relatives Red bright and attractive, q soft Waxy...

    At the New Year's Eve dinner table, the two boys were the most greedy, drooling looking at the food on the table. I usually eat well at home, but it's not so good.

    Looking at the two younger brothers, Mu Qing wanted to beat them up. The food is good tomorrow, but they are greedy, especially the little ones who are weird and can't get enough of what they eat every day.

    In the end, Grandma Mu spoke to start the meal, and everyone started to start the meal. The New Year’s Eve dinner in the south is not like eating dumplings in the north, and the emphasis is on the amount! There must be many dishes, and there must be a fish, which means more than every year.

    There are a lot of dishes today, so everyone is sitting at the big table again. A large table of dishes, fortunately, the family members are now healthy and eat a lot because of the green liquid, so they are not afraid of wasting.

    Seeing everyone eating well, Grandma Mu was very pleased. There is no way, people who survived that era, they just like food, and they also like their children and grandchildren to eat more.

    However, the two elderly people who are in charge of the family's agriculture and animal husbandry are also worried about the fact that the family is so able to eat. What should the good grandchildren do if they can eat so much and ruin the family?

    Then, I looked at the dogs squatting under the table next to them, looking at them with sincere longing. Grandma Mu thought that even the food intake of the dogs and cats in the family gradually increased.

    During this time, they made dog food every day and provided Alpha with the freshest dog food. These two dogs, not to mention eating the tomatoes at home every day, have two pots of dog food every morning and evening. Yes, they use pots, and they pull a lot.

    Fortunately, they know that they don't need to clean up for them if they know to go to the toilet in the pigsty, otherwise her old woman would have to educate the two dogs!

    So, what should I do if the consumption at home is high? That is of course more hard work.

    As for the two dogs, my good granddaughter also said that the dogs can't get enough to eat, especially Alpha, who is already very fat, so let them feed less. But Alpha is very hungry every time, every time they eat something, the two dogs come over to watch immediately, how can they eat it!

    And because the family is very busy, there are two dogs who accompany the two elderly people the most every day, so they try their best to satisfy the food intake of the dogs. Otherwise, they really couldn't bear to look at those wet little eyes.

    And Alpha and Beta also like grandma very much, who would let grandma be the only one who would give them food. Others would only eat in front of them, and deliberately greedy them. But greedy to greedy, they are willing to go every time they are called, otherwise, what if they want to give it to themselves, and they don’t go in the end so they miss it?

    Fortunately, during this period of time, Qingye may have adjusted the dog's stomach, otherwise, Alaska like Alpha, whose stomach is so fragile that he would definitely have diarrhea every day and go to the hospital.

    I have to say that Alpha, a silly dog, is really likable, squatting on the ground and sticking out his tongue, and occasionally the whole ear of the plane, making people so cute.

    However, after the end of the world, most of their space for activities is in the courtyard. If they go out, they may be caught and eaten by outsiders. It is not impossible for the local people to catch and eat them. People nowadays are quite short of meat and vegetables.

    And everyone in the family knew that Mu Qing saved a lot of things because he wanted to open a homestay.

    However, they didn't know how many of these things there were. Before, they only knew that there were many boxes delivered by express every day, and no one knew what was inside.

    However, Grandma Mu knew a little bit through Mu Qing's intentional disclosure, but she didn't know too much about it. Only Mu Qing knew what was in the house, and she was the one who got what was needed.

    Of course, Grandma Mu kept the things produced later. Take it when you need it. These things are dry goods such as fruits and vegetables, and they are usually consumed. They feed Alpha's two catties of fruit every day.

    Because we don't know what the future will be like, and we don't know the specific situation at home, so facing the future, everyone is still quite worried.

    It's just that if they knew that the warehouse in this house was full, they might not be so worried.

    In fact, from what Mu Qing saw, their worries were purely infected. It seems that when others are worried, they are also worried, very superficial.

    The food at home changes every day, and it doesn't drop at all, but gets better and better. They can't really feel the hardships in the last days.

    I just feel that the life outside is much worse than before, at most it is because I don't have enough sense of security in the face of today's troubles.

    For the New Year's Eve dinner, Mu's mother and grandma made it together, which was very suitable for Mu Qing's taste. As for the two younger brothers, they would eat everything and not picky eaters. This was Mu's idea all along.

    And Mu Qing's favorite dish is braised pig's trotters on the table.

    Chop two big pig's hooves into large pieces, put cold water into the pot, blanch three treasured green onions, ginger, and cooking wine together. Remove from the scum after blanching.

    And the colored sugar is not colored with dark soy sauce, but with rock sugar. Stir-fry the rock sugar and cold oil in a pan. When the big bubbles turn into small bubbles, add the pig's trotters and stir-fry evenly to let the sugar color adhere to the pig's trotters.

    Add a few slices of ginger, a few grains of garlic, a few dried peppers, one star anise, and a small piece of cinnamon. After frying until fragrant, add flat warm water, two spoons of light soy sauce, and half a spoonful of pepper to increase the fragrance, and cover it Cover and simmer for another hour.

    Before it comes out of the pot, add a small spoonful of salt to season and collect the juice, and then come out of the pot. The braised pig's trotters are bright red, soft and glutinous, and the taste is soul-stirring.

    Of course, the other dishes are also extremely delicious, but only this one dish is favored today. She still remembered that before their family's food was replaced by medicine, she saw Ao Jia eat a piece of pig's trotter, she was really greedy.

    Who made her like to eat this before the end of the world, and now she likes it even more. For pig's trotters alone, she has stored as much as a freezer.

    After dinner in the evening, put the dishes and chopsticks in the dishwasher, just clean up the table, and everyone went back to the room to sleep.

    And the two dogs are also full today, and they can get bones after eating every day. They don't understand why the food that humans eat is so delicious, it really makes the dogs want to stop.

    Alpha was kicking his feet after eating, when he heard Mu Qing barking, "Alpha, Beta, go to bed!" After hearing
    this, the two dogs stood up and followed Mu Qing up to the third floor up. And the cat Gamma is always elusive, but every night he always returns to Mu Qing's room and sleeps with her.

    It can be said that there are the most creatures in Mu Qing's room. That night, Jun Zhao came back relatively late, and everyone at home was already asleep, but the light was left for him in the living room. After he went upstairs, he went straight to sleep, thinking that he would still be busy tomorrow, and he was always so busy during the Chinese New Year.

    And the next day, Mu Qing got up very early in the morning. After washing up, Mu Qing and the others went to his uncle's house to celebrate the New Year, and Jun Zhao also returned to his own home to celebrate the New Year.

    On the first day of the new year, they also need to spend together.

    Jun Zhao usually does not go to the house, but also lightens the burden on the family. The appetite of a young man is not just for fun.

    Half a child, eating me to death is not a joke. Even human traffickers are unwilling to abduct and sell such a young man, because there are too many thieves to eat, and he can't work.

    Here, Jun Zhao was busy cleaning up the new home with his family. Over there, Mu Qing’s family drove directly to the uncle’s house in Mu Qing’s energy car. This has been a tradition for many years. I went to my uncle's house to get together on the first day of the new year. It was a reunion day.

    Zhang's father has two older brothers and one older sister. He is an old man in the family. His older brothers and sisters dote on him, and the relationship between their brothers and sisters is relatively close. However, Mu Qing felt that this aunt was not easy to get along with.

    After arriving, the eldest aunt saw Mu's mother and began to complain that the newcomers often steal things recently, which made people panic, and everyone didn't go out very much recently.

    That's right, before everyone's family didn't have any valuable things, but now, every family's food is the most valuable, which is the lifeline.

    Then, I looked at Mama Mu and the others in their bright clothes, and then asked if there was no shortage of water at home. I heard that Baolai was the captain of the construction team. They were in the next town, so it was impossible to go to work, but the aunt wanted to ask Does Baolai know anyone from the construction team here, and wants the eldest son to go in and work.

    The aunt's family has two sons. The eldest son is not the uncle's own son, but was brought over by the aunt in front of him. The youngest son, who is round and round, was born after they got married. Mu Qing didn't have any feelings for this cousin, and he didn't have much contact with him in his previous life.

    Zhang Dad and the others don't like to take advantage of others, even if it is difficult, they never ask for anything from their brothers and sisters.

    For these two cousins, Mu Qing knew that the uncle's family did not favor anyone.

    After the apocalypse, many parents left the hope of life to their offspring. Although human beings lived a difficult life in the end, they survived. They were also alive in the ten years of the apocalypse. It's just that there is inevitably a huge differentiation, some people live well, and some people are struggling at the lower level like her.

    This is unavoidable in every society, and it is also a situation in every era. It does not mean that there will be no such things in the last days. In the last days, this kind of situation is more common.

    There is also the second uncle, the second uncle came alone, the second aunt returned to her mother's house, and their son came with the second aunt, and the second uncle had no son himself. It is inevitable that a person who is alone today seems a bit miserable.

    Uncle and Uncle, they could tell that they cleaned it up on purpose. Although the clothes they wore smelled like volcanic ash, they were still clean.

    As for the aunt's family, their aunt, uncle, and their son came, and Mu Qing was speechless because they were dressed very messily.

    Among the people sitting there, their family was the worst dressed.

    Both Mu Qing's family and her uncle's house built big houses, only the second uncle's and eldest aunt's house built bungalows, but they had a lot of money, but now the money is depreciating rapidly, no matter how the country stops it, it will be useless.

    Therefore, Mu Qing also learned that they had quickly exchanged money for food in that half month.

    Rural people are always very sensitive to famine...
