29| paradise lost

"PANCAKES, ONE FRIED EGG, SIDE OF BACON." Luke placed the three plates on the circular table around the Gilmore's. "Chicken noodle soup for the sick girl," He placed the bowl in front of Lorelai. "Side of mashed potatoes."

"Thanks, Luke."

"How's the cold coming?" He asked Lorelai. "It's the third day in a row you've ordered soup for breakfast."

"Oh, thanks for the tally!"

Rosie took a bit of her food, listening to the bickering with an amused grin. "You know what helps get rid of a cold?"

"Endless, vague questioning first thing in the morning?"

"A healthy immune system not achieved by bacon and pancakes everyday." Luke retorted.

"Oh, my second guess!" Lorelai said.

Swallowing down the pancakes, Rosie shrugged. "Hey, it's your food."

"All I'm saying is, eat a vegetable now and them, maybe some high-fiber cereal in the morning—"

"Listen, grandpa, my soup's getting cold."

"At least eat the carrots this time, not just the noodles."

"I promise." She finally said, prompting him to head back into the kitchen. As soon as he left, she took out the carrots and placed them on Rosie's plate. "Quick, before he comes back, eat my carrots."

She looked at the soggy boiled carrots on her plate and sighed. "If I do this for you, will you let me pick today's movie?"

"Done deal."

"Then I'll do it." She stabbed the carrot with her fork.

"I thank you for your sacrifice."

     The diner's doorbell chimed, signalling someone new entered the diner. Before Rosie could turn to see who it was, Shane ran to the counter to face Jess. "Hey." She smiled at him, and leaned over the counter to kiss him.

     Rosie felt her stomach turn, and her fork fell back on the plate. "I just lost my appetite." She said, purposefully loud. It didn't slip by her that Jess rolled his eyes at her from a distance. "Rory, you do it." She said, pushing the plate of carrots to her side of the table.

"I would, but I have to go meet Lane." She said, grabbing her tote bag before heading out. "Good luck with that!"

She waved goodbye to her, then turned back to Jess and Shane. "Luke, I'm out!" He yelled into the kitchen before leaving with his arm intertwined with Shane's.

"Wow, you must really like him." Lorelai said as she observed her lost-in-thought sister.


"You like Jess." She stated obviously. "You know, blindness is not a side affect of a cold." She said, then double checked; "Is it?"

Rosie pursed her lips, figuring there's no way to postpone this conversation any further. "Yeah, I do." She admitted. "We kind of... kissed at Sookie's wedding."

"But he wasn't invited to Sookie's wedding." She said, then arched her eyebrow. "He crashed her wedding?"

"No, it was by the lake, far from the ceremony." Rosie replied. "Can we change the subject? Please?"

"Carrots, woman."

"Fine." She groaned, eating the carrots. By the time she was done, she saw her mother enter the diner. "Mom's here." She said in alert. "Why is Mom here?"

Emily joined their table, giving a look of disgust at the plates overfilling the table. "I'm sorry I'm late, there was traffic. Perhaps had I been on time there would still be the possibility of food still on the table."


"Sorry, Mom, Rory had to have breakfast before she left and I needed soup for my cold."

"What are you doing here?" Rosie piped up.

Emily opened the menu. "Lorelai and I are just having brunch." She said. "Rory drops by after school every now and then, and we get to see Rosie every two days, but we never see you alone."

"So I guess my presence isn't needed?" Rosie asked.

"No, sounds like your duty is fulfilled."

"Good, I'll see you two later." Rosie said, jumping on the opportunity to leave, knowing what kind of chaos could ensure with both her mother and sister together. And besides, she knew this must have something to do with Lorelai's situation with Christopher, and most certainly didn't want a part in the conversation.

When she stepped out of the diner, walking through the street and passed by Kirk, he stopped her. "Rosemary—"

"Yes, Kirk?" She said, having him follow her on her route to the Blockbuster store instead of stopping for a conversation she knew would be aimless.

"I wanted to ask you about that man Lorelai was with at Sookie's wedding."

"You mean Rory's father, Christopher?"

"Yes," He started. "Is she still seeing him?"

Not sure where the conversation was headed, she shook her head no. "What's it to you?"

"Well, I've been meaning to ask her out."

Reaching her limit on discomfort for one day, she stopped and turned to him. "What?"

"You don't think it's a good idea?"

"No, not really."

Kirk frowned. "Do you need a letter of recommendation? I could have my mother call you."

"I don't think I'm equipped to give you relationship advice, Kirk." She said. For a short moment, she thought this through. Should she really discourage him from following his heart? And so what if Lorelai wasn't into him, should that really stop him from trying?

For the sake of hopefulness and definitely not tracing this back to her own situation, she shook her head. "You know what, you should ask her out. Shoot your shot. I don't think she'll say yes, but hey, you should at least try."

"Shoot my shot." He repeated. "Okay. Thank you."
