
"There she is!"

"Grab her!!"

I was currently dancing circles around ten different low level thugs, part of a group called the League Of Villains, or whatever the hand guy called it. These guys were getting exceedingly frustrated when I was smoothly dodging all of their attacks with ease.

"Stay still goddamnit!!" Some random thug yelled, running at me with a knife and jabbing it into thin air as I disappeared from the naked eye, appearing behind him and kicking him in the back.

"How the-" As soon as he turned around to face me, I uppercut him in the jaw, knocking him out cold.

"Weak. Who's next?" I smiled menacingly at the other thugs, who looked absolutely livid and ready to spill my blood.

Without them knowing, I had already attached strings of Bungee Gum to each of them. Smirking, I lifted my hand up quickly, sending three of the thugs flying into the air where I jumped up and hit them all at the base of their necks, knocking them out. The rest of the group had worried and confused expressions on their faces, wondering if they should keep attacking or run away. Before they could even get a chance to decide, I pulled a card from my pocket, hardened it, and threw it like a boomerang, watching it fly around in a half circle and take out the rest of the thugs.

After catching my card and placing it back into my pocket, I headed to the area where I'd seen the hand guy doing who knows what. My eyes widened when I saw him reaching his hand towards one of my classmates, Asui, probably to use his quirk on her. I had no time at all to reach them, but thankfully, his quirk or whatever didn't work. Looking a little to my right, I saw Aizawa-Sensei using his quirk. He was covered in blood though, and his face was soon smashed into the concrete by some hulking bird-like monster. The thing gave off huge amounts of dark aura, and I shivered a little while looking at it.

'That things almost as scary as Papa when he's mad.'

Swallowing my fear and needing to help my teacher out, I sprinted forwards and jumped up, slamming my heel into the things head and sending it flying back a few feet. It was still standing as it shook slightly

"You idiot! My Nomu has shock absorption and super strength! Your weak attacks won't work on him!!" Hand Freak cackled, making me very annoyed that he's underestimating me.

I move towards him at lightning speed, aiming a kick to his side. Surprisingly, my foot connected to the Nomu that had appeared out of nowhere, and it went flying again.

"Your bird thing is fucking annoying." I growled, kicking the hand guys legs out from underneath him.

"Nomu will protect me, there's nothing you can do to stop him." The hand guy snarled, reaching out to grab my ankle and use his quirk, which I still wasn't sure of what it did.

I jumped back a bit, gasping when the Nomu appeared in front of me and punched me square in the gut. Luckily, I had focused my aura in time to protect me from receiving too much damage from the hit. Still hurt like a bitch though.

"Nothing I can do huh?" I asked the hand guy, taking a deep breath and calming myself down. I began walking in a steady continuous pace around the Nomu, using the Rhythm Echo Technique. The bird creature looked utterly confused as multiple copies of myself startled walking around it in sync. The hand guys eyes widened in confusion as well, watching me cautiously from an distance.

Actually most of the class had made it to where me and the Nomu were fighting, all confused on the technique I was using to fight my opponent.

Once I was sure that the Nomu had no clue which illusion was the real me, I jumped forwards and started landing a flurry of punches to its body, watching its body ripple and repair itself, taking in each of my blows. All according to plan.

"It's no use!" The hand guy yelled at me, "I told you Nomu has shock absorption!"

"So?" I yelled back, not letting up on my punches, smoothly moving through the air to avoid its feeble attempts at hitting me.

"You said it's power is shock absorption right?" I asked, gritting my teeth as I split my knuckles, "So that means there's a limit to the amount of damage it can take!" I mentally counted every single punch I hit the Nomu with, grimacing but pushing through the pain in my fists from hitting its iron like body.

"It's useless!" Hand man shouted, seeming to grow angry with Nomu's lack of attacks, "Nomu finish her!!"

Nomu let out a shriek and raised its fist to hit me, at this point I had done what I'd needed to do so I jumped backwards before it could hit me.

Sweat dripped down my forehead and off my chin, landing on the floor as I panted. The entire time I had been punching and fighting the Nomu, I had been placing strings of Bungee Gum on precise areas of the it's body, enough so that I'd be able to throw him into the air. My Aura seemed to expand in strength as I let off a large amount of bloodlust and power, raising my hand up, and causing the Nomu to fly up around fifty feet into the air. The ground below the Nomu had been covered in Bungee Gum to act like a sort of trampoline, so when I slammed my hand back down, the Nomu made contact with the grounds surface, and went flying straight up through the ceiling of the USJ until it wasn't visible anymore.

The building was silent, apart from my heavy breathing. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and arched my back, wincing as my bones cracked themselves back into place.

"Man that guy did a number on me.."

"I AM HERE TO HELP- WHAT IS GOING ON??" A loud voice shouted from the top of the staircase. I looked up and saw Allmight standing there with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Your a little late Sensei." I said, shaking my hand to ware off the stinging of my knuckles. Allmight jumped down from the staircase and landed in front of me, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"What happened-?" He asked.

I hummed, "Well, villains attacked, as I'm sure you know, the class and I handled the low level thugs working for that guy-" I pointed at the hand man, who was shaking in anger, "Anyways he had this big weird bird creature called Nomu, that had multiple quirks. Aaand I fought it, and defeated it. Oh by the way you should probably step back-" I shoved him backwards a little bit as Nomu came crashing back through the ceiling and landed in a crumpled heap on the ground in front of me.

"Sooo yeah, we won?" I shrugged.

"I'm sorry I couldn't have come sooner young Morow, I could've helped you out." Allmight apologised, an uncharacteristic frown on his face.

"I'm literally fine, and I feel as though you underestimate me Allmight." I said, becoming slightly annoyed and glaring at my teacher,

"If you and I were to fight, I would win."

Allmight chuckled nervously, "I wouldn't be so sure, young Morow! Now, I'll take this, Nomu as you call it, to the authorities, it seems backup has arrived at last."

I heard a few gunshots and turned to see the hand guy being brought into a portal, a trail of blood on the floor from what I assume are bullet wounds.

"This isn't the end Allmight! And you too you little brat! I'll kill you both, you had better be prepared!!" Were the last words I heard before he and the portal disappeared altogether, leaving just the knocked out thugs and Nomu behind.

"Y/n you were amazing!!!" Ochako shouted, jumping on me and squishing me into a bone crushing hug.

"Ack- thanks Ochako.. but- ah can't breathe-" I gasped as she squeaked and let go of me, apologising profusely.

"How'd you do that?! Make him fly up and then bounce from the ground and go flying??!" Midoriya asked me frantically, a wild look on his face.

I tilted my head and smiled at him, holding one finger up as if I had just discovered a brilliant fact, "Bungee Gum contains the properties of both rubber and gum you see."

"So my brother taught you Rhythm Echo? Tch, figures.." Killua said, walking over with his hands shoved into his pockets, "You did good though."

"Good?! She was amazing!!" Gon shouted, punching his fist into the air.

"I could have done better.." Bakugou scowled, his resting bitch face looking even more bitchy than usual.

"I didn't see you fighting that thing." I growled, pointing at the Nomu Allmight was carrying away, "You really need to watch your ego Bakugou, I will fucking bury you." My body oozed bloodlust. I was completely fed up with people underestimating and criticising me.

"Fuck off, Bakugou." Killua said, punching the boy square in the face and walking over to me.

"Calm down Y/n. C'mon there's medics outside, they should wrap up your hands and check you for other injuries, you took a couple of hits." The white haired boy placed a hand on my shoulder, snapping me out of my anger and started leading me out of the USJ.

"God I'm tired.." I groaned, stumbling slightly out of exhaustion. The rest of my class followed us out of the building where police and ambulances were waiting on standby. Killua and Gon herded me to an ambulance where nurses immediately looked over my injuries and strapped me down to a stretcher, insisting that I go to the hospital.

'Well I guess I can finally take a nap..' I thought blearily, closing my eyes and giving into sleep.

