
After my little stunt with the explosive blonde kid, the door opened again and in walked the brown haired, pink cheeked girl I had saved at the entrance exam, followed by the green haired boy who defeated the zero pointer.

I watched as the brown haired girl scanned the class, her eyes landing on me and lighting up. She practically ran over and stopped in front of my desk, not noticing other kids in the class silently telling her not to.

"H-Hi!" She said, a nervous smile on her face, "I wanted to thank you for saving me at the entrance exam, arigato!" She bowed towards me.

I smiled and leaned forwards, my elbows on the desk, "No need to bow, and your welcome! Lifting up that rubble was a piece of cake. Though I would like to know your name."

"Oh right!" She stood up straight again, "I'm Ochako Uraraka, I hope we can be friends!"

"Y/n Morow, and likewise." We shook hands.

"I'm Gon Freecss! I'd like to be friends too!" Gon piped up, shaking hands with Uraraka, "And that's Killua, he probably doesn't want to be friends, but you can try!"

"I can introduce myself, Baka!" Killua snapped, shaking hands with Uraraka, albeit reluctantly.

"You know if your just here to make friends you should pack up your stuff now, and leave." A deep monotone voice said from the doorway.

I looked forwards and raised my eyebrow at a dark haired man standing at the door, wrapped in a big yellow sleeping bag. He took a sip from a fruit pouch he pulled from the sleeping bag before glaring at the class.

"It took eight seconds for you all to shut up. That's hardly good enough. Time is precious, rational students should understand that."

'Just who the heck is this guy?' I wondered, studying him closely.

The black haired man sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, "Hello I'm Shota Aizawa, your teacher."

"Pfft-!" I slapped a hand over my mouth to stop my laughter escaping.

"Something funny?" Aizawa-Sensei questioned me.

I shook my head, lowering my hand with a smile, "No, Sensei."

"That's what I thought." He pulled items of clothing from his sleeping bag, "Put these on and meet me outside in the field, don't keep me waiting." And with that, he left.

"Well, I'll see you guys out there." I hummed, pushing my chair back and standing up. I headed up to the front of the class and grabbed the clothes that Aizawa-Sensei had set down, with Uraraka following close behind me.

I followed signs down the halls and walked into a female changing room, ridding myself of the school uniform and pulling on the clothes Aizawa-Sensei had given us. It seemed to be some kind of gym uniform, dark blue with the letters UA on it in white lines.

"This is kinda cute!" Uraraka hummed, zipping up the front of the jacket and doing a little spin.

"I guess so." I shrugged, shoving my hands into my pockets and heading outside to the field where our teacher was waiting.

Once everyone else had arrived, Gon and Killua came and stood next to me while our teacher started explaining what we were going to be doing.

"Today we will be doing eight physical tests to gage your potential, you will earn points in how well you do. Whoever has the least points at the end will come last, and will be expelled immediately." Aizawa-Sensei says nonchalantly, barely acknowledging most of the classes shocked expressions.

'Well, it sucks to be that person.' I think, swaying back and forth on my heels.

"But orientation! We're gonna miss it!" Uraraka exclaims from next to me, a frown on her face.

"If you waste time with pointless ceremonies, you'll never get anywhere in life. Here at UA, we aren't tethered to such traditions, meaning I can run my class in any way I see fit." Aizawa-Sensei brushed some of his long hair out of his face.

"But you can't expel one of us on the first day! We just got here, that's not fair." Uraraka pushed, her hands clenching into fists.

"Oh and you think natural disasters are?" Aizawa-Sensei asked, "Or power hungry villains?"

Uraraka fell silent, and the class looked at our teacher with confused faces.

Aizawa-Sensei sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Life isn't fair, and your going to learn that the hard way if you don't listen to me. So if that's all for questions, we'll get on with the task at hand."

No one said anything and Aizawa-Sensei nodded in approval.

"Alright, now Bakugou, what's the furthest you could throw a baseball in middle school?" The teacher asked.

'Oohhhh, explody boy's name is Bakugou.' I grinned, becoming tired of standing and instead just sitting on the ground.

Bakugou glanced at me and rolled his eyes for a second before answering the teacher, "About sixty seven meters."

"Right." Aizawa-Sensei tossed the ball to the blonde, who caught it easily.

"I want you to throw that as hard as you can, using your quirk."

Bakugou shrugged and went and stood in the middle of a circle on the field, stretching his arm out.

"Alright man you asked for it.."

He pulled his arm back and a maniacal smirk grew on his face,

"DIE!!!" He screamed as he sent the ball flying with an explosion. The ball sped off into the air, disappearing from sight and landing far away.

"Here at UA, we will be pushing you to your limits. You need to go beyond, plus ultra." Aizawa-Sensei held up a small device, with 705.2 meters on it.

"Seven hundred and five meters? That's crazy!" Another blonde kid with a black streak in his hair smiled nervously.

"That looks like fun, I want a turn!" Gon grinned, getting all pumped up from the display.

"They really call this training?" I asked, rolling my eyes and Killua nodded in agreement.

"This looks like fun to you?" Aizawa-Sensei said in a condescending tone.


'Did he really just call Gon an idiot? I will beat this man up I don't even care.' I glared, a dark aura slowly surrounding my body.

Killua put a hand on my shoulder, immediately noticing my dangerous intent. I snapped out of it and glanced at him, nodding in understanding.


After going through each task the teacher set, breezing through each one with ease, we were watching the green haired freckled boy take his turn at throwing the ball.

I kinda zoned out a bit, flipping a playing card between my fingers and ignoring everyone else.

What distracted me from that though, was a loud booming noise, and I looked up to see the ball sailing through the air, with the green haired boy standing there with a pained expression.

"You see Aizawa-Sensei, I'm still standing!" He said, clenching his fist. His finger appeared to be broken.

"Oi you nerd!" The sewer demon know as Bakugou stood up and ran at the other boy.

"Tell me how you did that or your dead!!" He screeched, explosions going off in his palms in his attempt to attack the green haired boy.

He was pulled back quickly enough though, by Aizawa-Sensei wrapping his scarf thing around him, stopping him in his tracks. His quirk was activated as well, his hair flying about his head and his eyes a bloody red.

'That is one strong scarf, how'd he do that?' I wondered, Gon and Killua were looking on in slight interest as well.

"How the hell is your damn scarf so strong?!!" Bakugou spat, struggling to get out of the hold.

"Because it's made of a special steel alloy metal, woven with carbon nano fibres." Aizawa-Sensei explained, deactivating his quirk and releasing his scarf.

"Also please refrain from making me use my quirk, it gives me serious dry eye." Our teacher pulled a bottle of eye drops from his pocket, squeezing a few drops into each eye.

"That's such a lame weakness.." Killua mumbled with a small smirk on his face.

I bumped my shoulder with his, "Not everyone has next to no weaknesses like us, Kil."

"Still though." He shrugged, kicking his feet in the dusty ground.

"Midoriya." Aizawa-Sensei said, causing the freckled boy to straighten up.

'So his names Midoriya, alright.'

"Learn to get better control over your quirk, you can't just break yourself and expect others to help you. But for now take this and have the old lady fix you up." He held up a small slip of paper for the boy.

Midoriya glanced at Bakugou in slight fear, inching his way around the blonde before jogging up to Aizawa-Sensei and taking the slip of paper.

"Before you go though, let's review everyone's scores." Aizawa-Sensei clicked a button on his device, showing everyone's scores on a holographic board.

I smirked, seeing my name in first place, with Killua in second and Gon in third. Some girl called Yaoyorozu was in fourth, and another kid called Todoroki was in fifth.

Midoriya was in last place, looking like he was about to cry.


"Oh and I was lying about expelling the person in last place, Midoriya, head to the nurses office."

I rolled my eyes, "How boring."

"Everyone can now go home." Aizawa-Sensei dismissed us.

I sighed and started heading back to the changing rooms to put my school uniform back on and grab my school bag to head home.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Ja Ne!
