Trent Alexander Arnold

feeling or showing an envious resentment of someone or their achievements, possessions, or perceived advantages.

Y/N - your name
I walk into school as I hear the usual names being thrown at me. Slut. Fatty. Bitch. It was the norm for me now but it still stung just ever so slightly. I walk straight to my first period, science, and sit down in the back. I grab a book from my bag as I read until the period official started.

"Good morning class. I hope you enjoyed your weekend. We have a new student in our class! This is Trent. Please everyone, be welcoming. Trent, go sit next to Y/N." Mr French said as he nodded. He was super cute. He wasn't the tallest but he had the most clear skin I've ever seen in my life. Must be nice. He sat next to me as he gave me a very sweet smile. As the lesson ended, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and was faced with Trent. "Hi I'm sorry to bother. I'm Trent and you are Y/N right?" He asked as I smiled at him. "Yes that's my name." I said as he nodded. "I need some help with the homework Mr French has given us. Do you think you could help me?" I nodded as soon as he asked.

I didn't have much friends as I was hoping this would've been the start of one. "Great. Here's my number, just call me and let me know when I must come around." He said as he handed me a piece of paper and waved me goodbye and walked out of the class.

End flashback

I smiled as I remembered our first meeting. I wasn't wrong when I said it could be the start of a friendship. Since then, we've been inseparable. We always did everything together even now with both of us being 21. As stupid as it sounds, we also made sure we live super close to each other. I loved that since every morning we'd always meet up and walk our dogs together. As the years passed, the more my feelings grew towards him.

I hated that I liked him because I've seen him with so many girls and I'm always so jealous. When I'm jealous, I become super spiteful which makes it easy to notice. But luckily he hasn't figured it out otherwise it would possibly make our friendship super awkward.

I walked to his house with my dog Oreo. He was a black and white Staffordshire that absolutely adored other people and dogs. He loved Trent's dogs but I mean who wouldn't. Trent's dogs are the cutest. As I arrived, I rang his doorbell and was greeted with a happy Trent. "Y/N! I'm so happy to see you. I want you to meet someone." He said he ushered me inside. I followed him inside to be met with a stunning girl sitting on his couch. She looked at me and definitely wasn't impressed. "Y/N, this is Sydney. Sydney, this is Y/N." Trent introduced us as she stood up and gave me the fakest hug and smile I have ever received in my life.

"Nice to meet you. Trent, you never told me you were seeing anyone." I said as he smiled at me. "Surprise." He said as Sydney giggled. "She's gonna come with us on the walk if that's okay." "Sure." I said as I smiled at him. In reality, I was lying through my teeth. This chick wasn't good. She just seemed rude.

We all walked outside. I was walking Oreo whilst Trent and Sydney were walking Trent's dogs. The whole walk was terrible. Whenever myself and Trent tried to talk, Sydney would but in and either one up me or not let me speak at all. I was getting super frustrated but I knew I couldn't lose my shit. We met a couple of fans. Many of the fans loved mine and Trent's relationship so they wanted pics with us but Sydney refused and told the fans that they couldn't have a picture with me and Trent in the same picture.

It was ridiculous. Even one of his fans came up to me and whispered "what the fuck." In my ear which caused me to laugh. Eventually we came home which was a relief because I couldn't handle this walk any longer. Soon Sydney had to go home for some reason which I was super happy about. She gave Trent a long, long kiss which was disgusting and just looked at me and muttered a bitchy bye to me. As soon as she left, Trent looked at me with excited eyes.

"So, what do you think of her?" He asked as I shook my head. "Trent I'm so sorry but no. She's rude and not for you." I said as he looked at me weirdly. "She's not rude. She's just not sure who you are 100%." "That's no excuse Trent. I just think you should think about it." "No! Y/N, why can't you just be happy for me for once? Whenever I have a girl over for you to meet, you're also so salty. What's your issue?" He questioned as I looked down. Oh no, he has noticed the bitch attitude I get when I'm jealous.

"Because Trent I'm so in love with you. I know we are friends but you're such an amazing person and I can't help but like you more and more as the days pass by." As soon as I said all of that, I put my hand over my mouth. What did I just do? Trent looked at me with big eyes. I knew I just ruined the friendship. "I'm sorry." I said as I grabbed Oreo's leash as I walked to his front door. "Wait!" He screamed as he ran to me. "I love you too. But more than a friend. I didn't wanna say anything because of our friendship. I just didn't wanna ruin anything we had because you are turkey the only person I trust other than my family." He said as I looked at him with shock evident on my face.

"How about this, we go on a date and see how it goes. I really would love to take you out on a proper date, not just our normal hangouts that we do." Trent said as I smiled and nodded. "I'd love to." I said as Oreo jumped on my lap, clearly confused as to what's happening.


Hi guys I hope you enjoyed! This was super cliche but I thought it was cute and we could use a cute Trent moment. Remember to leave a comment if you have any ideas. Also, if you ave any additional money, please donate to any donation platforms for the black lives matter movement. I'm deeply saddened with what has been happening recently and I hope change happens soon. Also sign petitions because they do often make a change! If you are protesting, please be safe and wear your masks at all time. I love each and every one of you so deeply and hope you're all safe!
