Harvey Barnes

Y/N - your name

I wake up from my afternoon nap with my boyfriend screaming. I roll my eyes as he shouts at my brother James now knowing it isn't something serious. I walk downstairs towards the kitchen to grab myself some water. I then walk to the tv room where I see Harvey and James playing FIFA.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love football and FIFA however I never played with Harvey. Instead I just relaxed and let him play with James since they were always together anyway. They didn't even notice me as I stood next to James and finally sat down on the separate couch.

"Oh, hey babe." Harvey said as his eyes stayed glued to the tv. "Wassup Y/N. how's my baby sister doing?" James questioned as I rolled my eyes. He always babies me in front of Harvey to embarrass me and even tho Harvey doesn't cares it definitely still bothers me.

"You guys playing FIFA again?" I asked as they both gave me quick nods. I rolled my eyes knowing they wouldn't stop playing until later this night. As I stood up, their game ended with Harvey beating James 4-1. "Suck it bro." Harvey said as he fisted the air. I couldn't help a giggle from escaping my mouth. I don't get how they get so into a game that literally isn't even real life. "You're playing with me on your team. Of course you're gonna win." James said as Harvey attacked him having one of their fights as per usual.

I get up and decide to grab some snack for the boys but mainly for me because I have to keep myself entertained somehow and that was eating and watching Instagram videos  until Harvey decides he's had enough and them comes and cuddles me like a lost puppy. I grab some chips and pour us all some fruit juice and take a seat in my previous spot.

After a few minutes stuffing around on my phone, I hear my name being called. "Y/N? Wanna play? I remember how good you were when we used to play as kids." James said as my head snapped to look at him. Why did he have to mention it? I didn't want Harvey asking me 24/7 if we can play because more often then not I'm busy with clients in our at home salon doing waxing, nails and even hair at times and knowing Harvey, he'd beg for me to play with him in front of all my clients.

"You play babe?" Harvey questioned me as I nodded slightly. "No way. We must definitely play against each other although I'll go easy on you since I am an elite player." He said as myself and James rolled our eyes. "Your ego is way to big." I said as he gave me his classic cheeky smile. "Bro Y/N is really good. I think you might lose." James said as I smiled at him. He knew the true talent.

"Fine I guess we'll just have to see." Harvey said as James handed me his remote that he was using. I selected Liverpool and changed to have Alison in goals, Robo, Virgil, Joe and Trent as my defense, Hendo, Gini and Fabs in midfield and our classic front three. Harvey chose Leicester of course and put himself on the team. "Selfish much." I joked as he lightly slapped my thigh. "Eww." James muttered as he laughed at him.

Soon we were starting. Harvey was actually pretty good. I struggled defending quite often but obviously I never let him score in the first half. If we being honest, I'm so used to playing James and he's pretty shit so playing Harvey was a bit of a challenge. Soon half time rolled up and we made any substitutes and had a quick snack break. "So far Miss Y/S, you're proving me wrong." Harvey said as I rolled my eyes. "Just wait Mr. I've got a few tricks waiting." I said as I grabbed the controller and we continued our game.

Again it was pretty quiet for a bit until about 75 minutes into the game when Virgil lobbed the ball all the way to Origi, who I subbed Mo off for and he scored in the top right corner. I jump up along with James as we celebrate together. We end up doing a funny dance while Harvey sits in shame. "It's okay. It's not the end yet." He said as James laughed. "Trust me, it is." James said as we both laughed.

After that goal, Harvey became very weak and vulnerable so I was able to score a couple more times. Trent scored from a free kick and finally Bobby chipped the ball into goal. Soon the final whistle blew as myself and James celebrated. Okay I was lying when I said I didn't understand the fun of it even if it's not real. "3-0 bro. That's not good." James said as Harvey hung his head in shame. "I was going easy on Y/N." Harvey said as we both burst into laughter. "Bro you were making your concentrating and anger face whilst playing. Only Ben does that to you." James said as he shook his head.

After that game, let's just say I safely ended FIFA for the night. Harvey and I said goodbye to James as he drove away. I turned around to be faced with a sad looking Harvey. "Oh stop sulking man." I said as I slapped his chest lightly. "How the hell are you so good?" He asked as I walked to the kitchen to start making dinner.

"I played a lot as a youngster and I thought it was so much fun. I loved seeing my favorite footballers score continuously and things like that and eventually I started playing against James and all of his friends and I guess I got better and better as time passed by. But I stopped playing because I was busy with other things but come on, I'm still an elite player correct?" I questioned, mocking him from earlier. "Yeah, yeah. But I'm super impress babe. It's super hot not gonna lie." Harvey said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Don't try and get sorry sex out of me now!" I screamed as I tried escaping from his arms but he was really strong and I couldn't do it. "Too late." He said as he carried me up the stairs and one thing led to another...


Oof the end there made me cringe but I didn't know any other way to end it ngl but I still hope you guys enjoyed this story. Please remember to leave a comment if you have any ideas! Lots of love and remember to stay safe!
