Love Strikes

It was a lovely day at Metropolis High, Max was currently training Barbi to control her powers while Lena and Beta were watching close by next to him in a hidden area where no one can see.

Max: Focus your skills, the cheetah is your ally, use it to protect people and the ones you love.

She becomes the Cheetah and slashes the small logs that were set up for her, she does a spinning tornado technique and breaks the rest of the logs with her claws, she walks up to a larger log with determination, she slashes the log on the bottom making it tilt towards her, she jumps and uppercutts the log with her claws slicing it in half before landing on her feet.

Max: Well done Cheetah, your skills continue to grow.

Lena: Nice work Mom, your doing great.

Beta congratulates her by walking up to her and nuzzles her leg while she pats her head for her kindness.

Cheetah: Thanks guys, my training really is paying off.

Max: Indeed you are Barbi, now, it is time for your final test, facing the master.

He shapeshifts into a medium sized dinosaur, he had green scales, he walks on four legs, he had elephant-like feet, yellow eyes, he had a beak for his mouth, pointed triangular plates on his back, and he had spikes on his tail called a thagomizer, he had become the Tuojiangosaurus.

Dino King: Your final test is to beat me in combat, if you pass then you are ready to be a hero, but if you fail then you have to try harder and be prepared to face me again, although we fought each other in an even match before, this time you must face a stronger enemy, the Tuojiangosaurus.

He slams his tail ready to fight while Beta and Lena watch, Cheetah was surprised to face a dinosaur with spikes on his tail.

Cheetah: (Mind) I have to watch out for his tail and find a weakness, if I could get to his legs and knock him down, I'll have a chance to pass.

She rushes towards him as he attempts to strike with his tail but dodges out the way, she attempts to slash his front legs but he rears up to stomp her which she barely dodges by doing a back flip.

Dino King: I can see what your planning, and I'm impressed, but it'll take a lot more then to slice my legs.

He runs towards her and attempts to slam his tail down on her, she dodges and slices his front legs, it may have hurt him but it wasn't enough to keep him down.

Cheetah: (Mind) He's right, it would take more then to slice his legs, if I could use some vines to hold his tail, I'll climb the tree and knock him down, I only got one shot at this.

He roars and charges at her while she waits for the right moment, he swings his tail at her but she jumps and grabs the vines and quickly ties his tail to the tree surprising him.

Dino King: Huh?!

She quickly climbs the tree while he struggles to free his tail from the vines, she pounces towards him while he look at her amazed.

Dino King: (Mind) Well played Cheetah.

She lands on him knocking him down on his back freeing his tail but stuck on his back due to his plates, Cheetah roars for completing her test while Lena and Beta cheers for her.

Dino King: Congratulations Cheetah, you have not only passed your test, but you are now a superhero!

Lena: Woooohoooo, way to go Mom!

Cheetah: Awww, thank you, let me help you up.

She helps him off his back and back on his feet while he nuzzles her.

Lena: Hey what's that coming from the sky?

They look up to see two green lights landing on the ground, it fades away revealing Jessica and Hal in their Green Lantern forms, they haven't noticed them yet so Dino sneaks up on them and readys his spiked tail to sting Hal.

Hal: Yeah Kilowog's right, you know, you have to hit someone eventually.

Jessica: (Sighs) I know that Hal, the only thing that my friends and I fought were robots, heck we even encountered Cheetah, but she's on our side now.

Hal: I guess that counts, also I heard that you and your friends have a boyfriend, so, who's the lucky guy?

Before she could answer, he felt something sting him causing him to yell in pain, they turned towards the culprit to see Dino and the others laughing their heads off while on the ground.

Dino King: (Laughing) That would be me lantern boy, (still laughing) I'm gonna wet myself! (Laughing)

Lena: (Laughing) That was just perfect timing!

Cheetah: (Laughing) I can't breathe!

Jessica: (Chuckles) Not gonna lie, that is actually funny, anyways Hal, meet my boyfriend Maximus Hammond Wu AKA Dino King, his adopted daughter Lena, Barbi AKA Cheetah, and this little Velociraptor here is Beta.

Hal: Dr Wu's son is Dino King, that's incredible, and lucky you for having seven girlfriends.

Dino King: Thanks man, hey don't you have that football game against the rival team from the other school today?

Hal: You got that right, come on, let's get to the field.

They become normal while Beta runs back to her mother, they arrived at the field having a conversation about the events they went through.

Hal: So Lex wanted you and Lena out of the picture, and you didn't know Barbi was the Cheetah?

Max: Sadly yes, but thankfully after the whole war suit ordeal I managed to adopt Lena as my daughter, and I had no clue who Cheetah really was until it was revealed to be Barbi, and before you both arrived Barbi had completed her training and is now a true hero.

Jessica: That's good to here.

A school bus stops with the other team walking out the bus making Hal freak out and hides behind a trash bin confusing the others.

Hal: (Scared) I didn't know that we were playing these guys.

Lena: (Laughs) Your kidding right, you can't be seriously afraid of them.

Hal: It's not the team I'm afraid of, I finally got tracked down.

Max: from who?

Hal: By my greatest enemy!

Then turn towards the bus to see who he was afraid of, it was one of the cheerleaders, she had a red bow tie on her head tied in a pony tail, black her, lavender eyes, red cheerleader uniform, white socks and red shoes.

Barbi: I don't get it, is your enemy behind the cheerleader?

Hal: It is the Cheerleader!

The cheerleader was talking to her friends before noticing Hal and the others which Hal hides, but what really caught her attention was Max, she couldn't help but blush at his appearance.

Hal: I think she saw me!

Max: Of course she saw you, there's nothing terrifying about a lovely lady like herself.

She blushes and speed walks behind a building.

Jessica: I think she likes you after that.

Max: Well, I was being honest about her, maybe I'll ask her name.

Hal: Don't Max, she's dangerous to be around with.

Max: Oh for crying out loud Hal, can you stop being stupid for one minute, there's nothing dangerous about her, she's harmless.

They hear a sound behind them which confuses them, they turn around to see a glowing pink figure rising towards the sky, she wore a pink tiara on her head, a pink, white, and purple dress with white gloves, she wore pink shoes with white socks and purple ribbons, and in her right hand was a pink ring similar to a green lantern.

Max (Mind) She's a Violet Lantern?

???? ????????: Thought you got rid of me, didn't you, Hal Jordan?

Lena: Oh boy.

???? ????????: Well, now your mine!

She shoots explosives hearts around the field causing everyone to run away, Max quickly grabs Lena and they run to cover behind a popcorn stand.

Max: Start talking Jordan, who is she?

Hal: She's called Star Sapphire, and she's super clingy.

Lena: No kidding, is she some kind of evil princess from space?

Hal: Worse! She's, my ex-girlfriend.

Max: Are you telling us, that this Violet Lantern named Star Sapphire who's trying to kill us, is your ex-girlfriend!

Their cover gets destroyed as they rushed towards the football dummies for cover.

Barbi: Whatever you did we'll find out later, right now it's time we hero up.

Max: (Puts Lena down) That I can agree on.

He shapeshifts into a predatory mammal with yellow eyes, he had a long snout with canine teeth, he was covered in brown fur with his paws black, a long tail, and dog ears, he had become an Andrewsarchus.

Jessica and Barbi hero up but Hal's ring doesn't work.

Dino King: (Smirks) Don't tell me, your still scared of her.

Hal: Dude! She really freaks me out.

Their cover gets destroyed knocking them to the ground with minor injuries.

Cheetah: Quick, the locker room!

Hal quickly runs towards the locker room while Star Sapphire kept shooting at him.

Star Sapphire: You can't hide from my love, Hal Jordan!

Dino rushes towards him and scoops him up on his back surprising the Violet Lantern, he sprints towards the locker room while Green Lantern and Cheetah covers for him.

Dino: What did you do Hal!

Hal: She's just mad that I broke up with her that's all!

Star Sapphire: Worst, text, ever!

Dino King: Wait what?!

He stops in his tracks but Hal flies off towards the locker room crashing inside.

Dino King: He broke up with her over a text message, that's the dumbest thing he could have ever done!

He storms inside slamming the door behind him while the girls including Star Sapphire waited outside, they hear Hal scream in pain and barking inside making them cringe, Dino steps out with a calm expression and looks at the girls.

Dino King: Can you girls check on Hal, I need to talk to Star Sapphire.

Star Sapphire was surprised to hear he wanted to talk to her, she lands on the ground while the others go inside to check on Hal.

Lena: What exactly did you do to him?

Dino King: I think its best if you see. (Chuckles)

She goes inside while Dino sits down and starts to speak to the Violet Lantern.

Dino King: So, Hal told me your name was Carol Ferris?

Carol: Yes, and you so happen to be the mighty Dino King.

Dino King: Yep, that's me, I'm really sorry to hear that he broke up with you, although I'm still mad he didn't do it in person.

Carol: It just I don't understand why he would break up with me, we were perfect together, and he gives me the worst text ever, I cried myself to sleep every night.

Dino King: Well, he did say something about you being to clingy on him, I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I'm saying he probably needs a bit of space, but seriously, why on earth would he break up with such a beautiful Violet Lantern who treats him with love only to be thrown away like trash, like your whole outfit is like a lovely princess, and I'm like the kind animal that would stick by your side forever, only to reveal that he was a handsome prince that would give her love and affection, or even better, have a family.

His words melted her heart as she shed some tears, she flies towards him and gives him a bone crushing hug which surprisingly doesn't hurt him as he hugs back with his paws and his tail wagging.

Carol: Thank you for being honest about me.

Dino King: Anytime Carol, (whispering) call me Max, try not to tell anyone about that.

Carol: Your secret is safe with me Maxxy.

They hear the doors open to see Hal with scratch marks, wearing kids clothes exposing his belly and hairy legs which disgusts them.

Dino King: Hal, why are you wearing Garth's clothes, it's creeping me and Carol out.

Hal: Wasn't my idea.

They see a small boy with blue eyes and done-up black hair with nothing but a towel wrapped around him and socks.

Dino King: You ok little buddy?

Garth: Yeah I'm good.

Carol: Who's idea was this?

Lena: Me.

They see the girls smirking at the entrance of the locker room while Dino realised why.

Dino King: You three made him wear Garth's clothes so Carol wouldn't love him anymore, am I correct?

Cheetah: Right on the dot.

Dino smirks which confuses Carol until she sees his phone in his paw now understanding what he's planning making her giggle.

Green Lantern: What's so funny?

Carol: You'll see.

Dino King: Hey Hal, (takes out phone) say hello to social media.

He takes a picture of Hal which shocks him as he attempts to delete the photo off Dinos phone.

Hal: Don't do this to me man!

Dino King: This is what you get for breaking up with her for a text message fatso.

He sends it to social media making him embarrassed while the others laugh at him, he runs away crying making them laugh even more.

Lena: He had it coming for what he did, you got spare clothes right Garth?

Garth: Yeah, I always bring spares.

Carol: Well I better get going, we'll meet again Maxxy.

She kisses him on the lips surprising the others while making Dino blush, she takes off into the air and disappears from view.

Lena: You ok Dad?

Dino King: Something tells me I might have eight girlfriends now.

With Carol, she throws away all the pictures of Hal and thinks about Max, although she heard he has seven girlfriends, she wouldn't mind sharing him and being a mother to Lena.

Carol: (Sighs) Oh Maxxy, I hope we meet again my handsome King, and Lena, my little princess of joy.

And that's the chapter, Hal had it coming for breaking up with Carol over a text message, so I wanted to put Cheetahs training at the beginning so we see from our Hero's perspective while Jessica and Hal are up in space, and I couldn't help but make Hal embarrassed because it was really funny in my head.

See you next time folks.
