Harem Update

Francine Langstrom (She-Bat)

I wanted to include Francine because we never see Kirk Langstrom AKA Man-Bat in the show, so in my story Kirk dosent exist which means she's not married but her last name is still Langstrom, she's in her early 20s since we don't know her age in the show and wiki, plus we haven't seen She-Bat since Batman: The Animated Series all the way back in 1992, also I apologise for any Kirk Langstrom (Man-Bat) fans.

June Moone (Enchantress)

Now, your wondering why I included Enchantress in the list, I find both June and Enchantress entertaining, in the show she's the love interest to Zatannas father and in her 40s, so in this story she's in her early 20s like Francine and secretly in love with Dino King.
