38. How You Sleep


He would sing to you until he heard your soft snores filling his ears, making him smile bigger. He would brush away loose strands of hair out of your face and bring you more into his chest.

"Thank you so much kitten." He would whisper every night, thinking you would be sleeping but you smiled as you heard it all the time.


Since you got tireder and tireder during the pregnancy, you just dropped off into a deep slumber.

Either it be in the kitchen, lounge room or bathroom, he would always make a makeshift bed so you didn't have to move anywhere.

As long as he knew you were with him along with your unborn girl, he couldn't be any happier.


You would usually go to bed earlier then him, always curling up into a ball under the covers to get warm.

When Zayn eventually came to bed, he would smile and crawl in next to you. Undoing you tight ball around the twins and pulling you into his chest, so when he woke up in the morning, your face was what he could see.


It will always be you laying on your back with Liam's arms and legs wrapped around you, a smile plastered over you face.

If you moved once in the night, Liam would shoot up and check if you were okay, but when he saw you sleeping with your hair sprawled out everywhere on the pillow, he can't go back to sleep.


Knowing you got scared during the night by the creaks the house makes, Niall goes to bed when you do..even if it's at 12 during the day.

"I love you princess." He would whisper into you hair, his arms wrapped around you and legs intertwined. Smiled on both of your faces as you both drifted off.
