24. He Leaves For Tour


You followed Harry to the front door as he rolled his luggage outside, placing the bags down and walking over to you. You both stood on the driveway as you waited for Harry's car to pull up and take him to the airport with the boys.

"I wish I could stay." He whispered as he wrapped his arms around you. "Remember that if you need anything, call me. Skype me as much as you can. Stay safe and keep Aiden healthy, and also send me a photo of his ultrasound." He smiled as the car pulled up, honking it's horn. You nodded and leaned up to kiss him as he did the same, leaning down. "I'm going to miss you so much." He mumbled between your lips.

"I'll miss you too." You whispered. He leant down and kissed your stomach.

"Aiden you have to be good for Mummy. Don't keep her up at night and don't cause her pain. Eat as much as you want and remember that I love you sooo much." He said, kissing him once more. You giggled lightly as tears brimmed your eyes.

"Love you even more." He whispered as he gave you one more lingering kiss on the lips and turned to walk to the car, opening it and placing his bags inside, then waving to you goodbye for a month.


"So you have everything?" You asked as Louis squeezed your hand as you walked through the airport doors with Dani and Liam behind you.

"Yes baby, I do." He chuckled as he pecked your forehead.

Once Louis and Liam got checked out for the jet, the 4 of you made your way to the seating area and waited for their flights to be called. Louis and you found a lounge area and sat down, your legs laying on his lip as his arm wrapped around your waist, just talking about things.

"I'm going to miss you." You stated, playing with your fingers.

"I'm going to miss you even more, but just think, you have something to remember me by." He smiled as he placed his hand on Emma. You sniffed and picked up his hand and kissed it before placing it on your cheek, tears falling freely. "Love, don't cry." He mumbled as he brought you in for a hug and stroked you hair.

"I'm sorry. My mood had been all over the place and I can't help it." You sniffed, wiping the tears away. Then Louis and Liam's flight was called and in the distance you could see Dani and Li walking towards you, hand in hand as Dani also had red and puffy eyes.

"I guess I have to go." He said, his smile dropping. You nodded and got off the couch with help from Louis. "I love you. Dani if she is hurt or anything, give me a call and just take care of her." Louis said as he kiss my temple. She nodded and wiper her eyes.

"I will. As soon as we leave, we're going to the store to get junk food and movies." She giggled, you doing the same as the boys just chuckled.

"Goodbye honey." Louis mumbled as he and Liam walked through the gates.


"Mum, if I find out she's hurt..."

"You will regret leaving her and quit your job. I know Zayn." Trisha laughed as you walked into the room with a jumper on.

"Babe, aren't you hot in that?" Zayn asked as he walked over to you and gave you a hug. You shook your head and wrapped it tighter around your bump. "If your cold, just ask Mum to turn the heater up and she'll get you some blankets okay." Zayn said. "And please be safe and don't hurt yourself." He breathed, wrapped you in his arms as you giggled and felt tears brim your eyes. Trish had already left the room to go make tea so you and Zayn could have some alone time before he left for a month.

"I'll miss you." You sniffed, tears splashing onto your cheeks and running down.

"I'll miss you too (Y/N), just please don't cry as soon as I walk out the door." He whispered, kissing the top of your head. You nodded and stepped back so he could say goodbye to the twins. "Ethan and Eli Malik. Please be good for your mummy. Don't even think of arriving anytime soon as I'm away." He chuckled as he kissed just above the belly button twice, earning 2 kicks in return. You giggled and rubbed Zayn's hair.

"Zayn, it's 9:30 and you have to be there at 12." Trisha spoke as she came into the foyer room. You nodded and kissed Zayn lips, hugging him once more and watching him walk through the door and not coming back for a month. Of course you had to cry.


Your sister, Ruth and Nicola had just pulled up in front of yours and Liam's house. You opened the door and made your way slowly down to greet them as Liam followed closely behind, making sure you were safe the whole way down.

"Hey girls." Liam said as he walked forwards to hug his sisters and sister-in-law.

"Hi." They all said in unison.

"Listen, my flights in like an hour so I really need to go." Liam rushed.

"You sound like you really want to go." Nicola said as she crossed her arms.

"No! I don't want to go, it's just that if I go now and get it over and done with for a month, I can come back and spend time with my family." He smiled as he kissed your temple, running back up and getting his things as the taxi pulled up.

"And you're fine with this (Y/N)?" You sister intervined.

"Yes, I trust Liam when he say and does things. And I know he's doing this for the fans and what he loves to do and I'm not going to hold him back on that." You blushed a bit.

"Okay, love. I'll see you in a month and we'll make up for the days I've lost with you 2." He said leaning down to kiss you and the baby. You giggled and quickly hugged him before he left.


"NO! I'M NOT GOING!" Niall yelled as Paul and the boys tried to shove him the car so they could leave for the airport. You stood back as they struggled to get him in. Niall had been uneasy all week for this day because he had to leave you and he didn't want that. "I'M NOT FUCKING GOING!" He yelled once again, making you flinch. You quickly went over to Paul.

"Let me see if he can get in." You said. He nodded and called the boys off, making Niall fall to the ground. You quickly rushed over to him and sat on the ground with him.

"I'm not going." He whimpered as he pulled you into his lap.

"Ni, listen to me. I'm going to be fine. Your Mum's coming over and same with my sister. You don't need to worry about anything. Promise me that you won't get drunk and go home with some idiotic blonde." You cringed at the last part. He nodded.

"I wouldn't do that to you, but I promise." He whispered.

"Can you also promise me that you will calm down and get in the car and go on tour...for me?" You asked. He took a long time of thinking for this one but then came up with answer.

"I promise." He sniffed. You nodded and got up, Niall helping you and picking up his bags and putting them in the trunk with the boys things. "I love you so fucking much." His thick accent said as he kissed you hard. You nodded.

"I'll miss you too." You said as he got in the car and drove off.
