Chapter 6: Trial•

The Team Skull ran off after being defeated by Stevin's Meganium and Selena's Ampharos. Steph cheered before hugging Selena in victory. This girl is around 15- 16 years old and she still acts like a child. Selena never questions it, it's good to have a happy life going for anyone. Stevin fixed his neatly groomed hair and looked back at the two girls

"Nothing less than I expected" he smiled

"You were awesome!" Steph giggled "like always! Where have you been? All of us were worried about where you disappeared"

"She's going through some stuff, Steph" Steph frowned and took Selena's hands

"Listen Selena, I get what you're getting at, it was heart breaking to find out what had happened. It happened so suddenly... I understand you're hurting and want to be alone, but I don't think it's a good idea for you to just run away from your problems" she smiled "but you're you and you deal with things differently. I want you to remember that it's not good for Leles to hold in emotions"

"you know about Leles now?"

"We discovered everything we had to know once we got to Alola. No other region knows about our origin or anything! This is the only place that can truly help us. Everyone here just loves Leles! They treat us almost as well as they treat the guardian deities... almost" Steph giggled "we're just as important as Pokémon to them. I'm glad you came here... you traveled the world to discover yourself, but I heard it didn't get you anywhere with your first search. This is a great place to be at! You'll definitely make it around here! I'm just happy to see you again!" She hugged her "I was so worried..." Selena frowned and hugged her back

"Don't worry beautiful, we won't tell anyone where you are. Seeing that Island Challenge Amulet you have on your bag, you're going to participate!"

"Probably... I haven't decided"

"It's a great way to travel around. That way you won't have to keep going without knowing where else to go" his stomach growled, making him chuckle embarrassed "I'm starving..."

"Oh big brother!" Steps held her hips

"Sorry sorry!"

"Good thing I bought all this food!"

"You sure you didn't use your powers to steal stuff?" Steph's wishing powers gives her what she wants, but it ends up coming from a store near by

"No!" She glared and looked at Selena staring at their family bond "how about we eat back at our place? We haven't seen each other in so long! I want to catch up on everything we missed since you came here!"

"There's not much I can talk about... and I would like to have lunch with you, but I'm meeting other people... they're Leles as well"

"That's wonderful! Oh how I wish we can spend more time!" Rotom came out

"Oh! A Rotom dex" Stevin smiled petting his Meganium next to him

"I can take in your QR codes and have Selena call you on video chat when ever you like!" Selena pinched its edge "ow!"

"They're not machines, Rotom" Stevin chuckled

"I don't think that's necessary. I'm a captain after all, so I'm sure we'll meet later" he gave a close eye smile "since you're participating in the trial, you don't mind battling me, do you?" She took this as a surprise "I'm way more stronger than I use to be" she nodded

"I never said I was going to participate, but how can I refuse a battle with you? Stevin" he blushed at her kindness and pointed at Meganium to ready itself for the battle. Eevee turned into a glacieon "let's do this!" She wishes she can battle with her new Pokémon, but more training should do the trick next time, just not with someone she already knows who could be more skilled than the little water type "ice beam!"

The battle was longer than expected, but Eevee came out victorious, changed back to its original form and jumped into Selena's arms to be praised. Stevin smiled, holding Stephs hand "powerful as always... what else can I say? You were champion twice and defeated a few as well. I hope you'll come to Verdant Cavern and attempt my trial!"

"We'll see" he waved

"look forward to seeing you, love" he winked. Steph rolled her eyes and waved

"See you later, Selena. Try taking those contacts off so people can see how special you are when they look at you! Alola!" Selena waved with a kind smile and watched them leave until they disappeared into the city. She and Rotom looked at each other

"Not going to happen" she held her hip

"Time to meet up with Hau and Lillie!" Rotom shouted. She groaned and shoved it back in her bag "ow! Time to meet up!" She sighed and smiled at nothing

"That was a nice meeting... wasn't it?" She asked

"Eevee..." Eevee spoke

"Seeing them... wasn't so bad. maybe talking to the others won't be so bad, but I don't want to take chances. Let's go..." she made a wide happy grin before storming off to see her friends waiting for her. Looks like Hau couldn't help already ordering his food. He ate like a hungry Pokémon

Days went by and Selena went off on her own to travel around with Hau and Lillie going their own ways. She looked down at her bracelet neatly decorated in glass jewels with Alex's Glacidea inside of each of them around the band. Alex said this will stay on her person much better than a flower tiara would, so Selena thanked her with a kiss, hugged her parents goodbye and went off to find herself in this sun covered region

Her contacts looked up at her Popplio training with Zorua and Arcanine on route 2 around 8 in the evening. They've been training all day and perhaps it's time to rest

"Let's go everyone!" Her Pokémon rushed over. She picked up Popplio and walked to the cemetery near by. She sprung up into a tree and relaxed on the branch, gazing her eyes and stared down at every grave stone with only a few visitors still here

"Almost 4 months now..." she sighed. Zorua frowned and climbed on her shoulder to cuddle for warmth. She smiled and dangled her feet down, letting Arcanine lick it and rest down to guard

"You don't have to be so sad..." Zorua said "aren't we enough to help you recover?" she gently pet her head

"Oh darling... you haven't even see what happened. You never experience a single bad thing in your life. It's hard for you to understand..." Zoruas ears flattened "you don't have to worry about a single thing... I'll be alright"

"Pop!" Popplio pointed over at a visitor walking around the wide open area near the cemetery with a unusual Pokémon that doesn't have the aura of a actual Pokémon. It didn't feel like Nebby, but... it actually felt like a Porygon. A man made Pokémon

"What is that?" She whispered, staring between the branches of the tree. The boy in black stopped walking and looked around. It was too dark to see, but he could see quite clearly and noticed someone staring at him from the tree

"Who's there?" He didn't sound pleased. Selena smirked to herself and leaned on the tree, ignoring the visitor to relax by herself "I know you're up in that tree" she glanced over curiously, wondering how he could see under the new moon. It was hardly clear to know they were in a cemetery if they weren't aware

"So what of it?" She asked "I'm not hurting anyone, so mind your own business" the boy smacked his lips and looked at the Arcanine staring hard, ready for a attack. His Pokémon also looked ready to fight

"What is that you have there?" He pointed at what looked like Zorua. Zorua tilted her head confused while Selena wasn't amused. She smirked and winked. Zorua gasped and nodded and climbed higher up the tree. Selena put her attention back on the boy and giggled

"It's called a Zorua! We came here from the Unova Region!" She exclaimed. The boy snorted

"Don't seem very cautious. You're telling your information to a total stranger? I would of thought you'd be smart enough to brush me away. You didn't"

"Well I'm pretty bored, so I'm telling you for a thank you!"

"Huh?" Zorua worked her magic and distracted the boy to turn around and stare at a bunch of zombies coming out of their graves. He flinched. Selena levitated herself off the tree to float behind him as Zorua made her look like she was slightly glowing like a ghost. Her hair hid part of her face, making the illusion look more realistic

The boy didn't look all that alarmed. He waved his arm and made the illusion disappear. Selena stared at her arms, seeing the effect ware off. Zorua was dumbfounded, confused to know what had happened. The boy turned to her with a glare, staring at her wide surprised eye staring at him. H-he knew it was a illusion..?"

"What were you trying to pull?" He scoffed. She shook her head confused

"How did you..?" She walked back and jumped on Arcanine's back to storm off with Zorua "h-he..."

"Master! How did he break the illusion!?" Zorua asked. She bit her lips

"I don't know... I just wanted to have a little fun" she stopped Arcanine near the edge of the land to stare out at the ocean "my first thought would be that he's a Lele... but that'll just be jumping into conclusions"

"Right... maybe I was just tired" Zorua whimpered, cuddling into her arms. She smiled and pet her head


"This region has a lot of Leles... doesn't it?"

"Why would you assume that? I mean they are common here but also rare... You don't know he was a Lele..."

"I was just thinking about everyone..." she sighed and nodded

"Yes. This region praise the existence of Leles... Iki Town treats Alex like a princess, and they highly respect Hau a little more than the Kahuna. Lillies really precious, I do feel sorry for her. Stevin and Steph... I never expected to see them here. I'm going to learn a lot here, am I?" Arcanine growled. She pet its head softly

"Because I chose to be a shut in as a child, first experiences will effect me more because of what I missed out in life... there's still more powers for me to develop" she held her head, feeling a slight headache "I'm pretty sick of it... but it makes me who I am"

"Your eyes are one of a kind, love" She remembers Shadow telling her before wrapping his arms around her and have steam come out of her ears as she blushed like a volcano "you don't have to change, but change isn't a bad thing. The only time when you know it's time, you should do that with growth, not force" Selena laid her head on Arcanine's back and closed her eyes

"It's my fault it happened" she sighed and fell asleep. The next couple of hours in the morning, someone started speaking in a hush tone, walking her up but kept her eyes closed

"Yo, this girl is asleep!" One whispered

"Who does that!? She stupid or sum?"

"Forget that! Let's still those awesome looking Pokémon!" She felt others coming closer. She raised her arm to levitate them off the ground, slowly opening her eyes annoyed. It was Team Skull

"Yo! Girl! Are you doin' this!?" Grunt A panicked, running his legs and arms in place

"Yo! I think she ah Lele! Or something like that!" Grunt B said

"No way! Her Pokémon gotta be doin' this! Her eyes are a ugly brown! She's the one who was Captain Stevin the other day!" Selena glared and turned them to float upset down "yo girl! Let us go!"

"You woke me up with all your bull... trying to take my Pokémon... do you want to know what happens to someone who tries taking my family?" Zorua pawed her cheek randomly, calming her down and shoo the grunts away... to the ocean

"How annoying..." she stood up and let out a long stretch "I should have rented a room to stay in... oh well" she moved her long hair away from her face "time to check out that Cavern Stevin said he'll be in today" she remembered getting a call from him, so Froslass appeared and gave her her Pokegear to answer only his call and told her he was over there. Might as well go, there's nothing else she can do

Zorua transformed into her human self. A short teenage girl with short black hair with red ends, wearing a black dress and barefooted. Transforming like this wasn't all that new, she first did that with Zoroark when Selena was traveling Kalos

"I'm ready for anything!" She cheered. Selena stared at her golden eyes and nodded, approaching a path with gates blocking the path with a sign showing that the trial was up ahead. Stevin and Steph were sitting on the gate together, eating corner store treats like they haven't ate in days.

He looked up with a full mouth and waved, almost falling backwards and jump off to approach her. Steph beat him to it and hugged Selena first

"Alola, glad you made it" He smiled. Selena pocket her hands in her sleeveless black hoodie, turning away cooly

"Yeah well, there was nothing better to do"

"That's the spirit!" She sweat dropped "here is my trial! It begins here in this very cave! What regular challengers come to any trial, they have to battle fierce Pokémon at the end that I trained hard. There are no gym leaders here at all"

"Yeah... that's pretty weird"

"I'll say! And I don't know exactly how you're going to play this trial fairly since your eyes give off that aura of bondness that makes Pokémon and men love you" he winked. Steph sweat dropped "so I should just give you your reward now!"

"That's not how it works, big brother... if she wants to be able to use her Z-ring, she has to pass fairly and alone"

"But she can't beat the trial fairly! You know that!" Steph groaned

"So instead of gym leaders, its Pokémon I have to battle?"

"Right!" They said together "challenging trails are all about being in sync with your Pokémon. Head to the very end and collect the Z crystal. But I must tell you that many strong Pokémon make their homes in the places Captains build their trials. One of the strongest is called a Totom Pokémon... the creature I trained will be the greatest obstacle you face as you attempt to clear my trial" he laughed nervously "but you'll end up cheating by fate"

"I can't say for sure if you're lucky or unlucky!" Steph giggled "have you tried using your Z ring yet?" Selena played with her bracelet and took out the ice blue z crystal she found by the ravine in front of the ruin of conflict, where she met Lillie and Tapu Koko

"You obtained the ice z crystal? You wouldn't normally get that until later on! Where did you get it?"

"Tapu Koko..." the siblings looked at each other and nodded

"Well, I'll let you do what you can do in the trial, only because it's just not going to be the same with you. Pokémon get attracted to you even if your eyes are covered by contacts or glasses, right?" Stevin said. She shrugged, not knowing if it was true or not "go on ahead, and good luck. Although I know you won't need it" the two waved. Zorua giggled and pull on her master's arms to storm into the cave. Stevin crossed his arms

"She came here to find herself... the trials are definitely not going to help with anything, but... have you noticed how different she looked?" Steph asked

"Yeah... I'm not sure if I should be happy or worried"

"Poor girl... she lost her man and her friends so suddenly" Steph nodded

"What that caused... I fear the worse" Selena walked into the cave with Zorua humming happily ahead of her, playing follow the leader

"Don't wonder too far, Zo"

"I'll be fine! I'll be fine!" She sighed and looked at Arcanine next to her. If these challenges are just going to give her the completed prize of a Z-crystal, what point is there to even do the trials? She doesn't have a special use for the crystals, she has mega evolution on the palms of her hands, or around her neck. Adding the power of the z crystals to do a big powerful move with the new evolutions may cause harm to her Pokémon. It's a chance she's not going to take. With or without the stone or crystals, her Pokémon are in perfect condition at any means

The cave was filled with Yungoos coming over and greeting her. She smiled and simply asked where the z-crystal was, so they immediately lead her the way. This trial and the ones after this one will be too easy. At the open exit, there laid a much larger Yungoos sleeping around some bushes with a small pond and a waterfall filling it, giving the Pokémon source of water. The larger Yungoos... or perhaps a evolved form? Woke up and stared at Selena in the eyes before turning to where the crystal was, which was inside a pedestal. The Yungoos around her started cheering, along with their leader

"Master, they're wanting you to celebrate with them" Zorua said

"Huh? How do I do that?" Zorua giggled

"Well! You can start singing"

"You know I can't sing"

"If you sing, maybe that way the Yungoos will forget you have that bonding power and attack, making this really a trial" Selena popped a vain from her forehead, trying to not take that insult

"You're going to get it, you know that... right?" Popplio jumped out her arms and jumped into the water and started singing for everyone. Once she jumped into the water, her body started glowing, evolving her into a new Pokémon

"Well... maybe this trial wasn't a waste of time"

I know it's getting boring! But I promise I'm trying to make it more interesting! The trials won't be interesting at all because of her powers, so I'm going to skip over them and let her do her thing! Yeah? Awesome! Let me know in the comments about what you think!
