Chapter 14: Diglett•

"Why couldn't you just give it up?" Celebi asked as it carried the reverse mirror with levitation

"Professor Burnet didn't mind if I took it only if she knew you would keep me safe from it" Selena said walking the Diglett cave "I just can't keep it from my sight. I still want to see Shadow and the rest..."

"The most you can see of them is in your dream. You can't interact with them completely until you control your powers"

"I doubt I'll ever accomplish something like that. I can't get anything right because of this lack of control"

"Awe come on, I believe in you" Selena stayed quiet, knowing it was just saying that because it was her legendary parent. Selena already knew just how special she was. To have two legendaries as parents, and minus having such powers of many kinds, she's been the only one to access the passage way to get to faraway island physically, in the dimension they're in right now "Listen... I know there's so much stuff for you to handle. But know you're not alone... you're learning. I have the feeling that if you never came to Alola, you wouldn't develop that new power of yours. You're stepping forward and you're already growing. Right now you don't need this mirror, right now I want you to think about yourself and do the best you can do to make yourself feel better"

"I understand... say, what experience did I get for getting this new ability?" Celebi giggled

"Oh dear, that's too soon for you to accept! Once it'll be acceptable to look through this glass, is when I'll tell you what it is" Selena sighed "I must go back to the fifth dimension. Call me when you need me" it disappeared, leaving her alone in the cave with many digletts trying to trip her so they can get her to sit on their heads and let them carry her, much so like a queen. Selena shooed them away and speed walked to get them away. Sadly, there was too many and they won, happily carrying her around

"You guys are silly" she smiled "when will there be a day when I'll stop being treated like some princess?" the digletts cheered on and on and carried her to where ever she pleased. She knew she was titled queen before, but that wasn't real. Her friends even tease her by bowing in respect, which is uncomfortable.

They stopped in front of two people in white, speaking to each other before noticing Selena. She flinched. they exposed the color of their eyes. At least one eye had a unique color for the both of them, they were Leles... but the weak ones she was told about

"Alola!" The boy smiled. She didn't speak, only stared at the unique color she couldn't take her eyes off of "everything fine around the cave?"

"Depends... who are you? And what was wrong with the cave?"

"we're members of the aether foundation. We work to support Pokémon conservation. It seems like Team Skull was responsible for the diglett in this cave getting so riled up and bringing them all up to the surface. Diglett normally live in elaborate systems of underground tunnels that take years to dig out. We're here to ensure that they return to their tunnels and let people pass through here smoothly"

"Smoothly huh?" She sweat dropped "it's not like I can help it.. anyways, you are Leles?" The girl giggled

"You've noticed. Yes, the aether foundation had a high population of Leles working for it. About 80% of the members are Leles. Not only are our job is to take care of Pokémon, but we take in Leles to benefit our work and even help them with control and balance"


"You must be new to this region if you don't know about the aether foundation. You'll see much of us around, so I'm sure we'll meet again!" The boy squat down to look at the Digletts under her

"What's wrong with these little guys?" they can't see the pink color of her eyes under her brown contacts, so thinking it would be her powers was impossible

"I don't know, they kept trying to trip me and have me carried" Digletts started moving again without warning "looks like they're in the move again" the two followed her

"The diglett seem very fond of you! Taking how much their smiling!" Selena looked at the Pokémons confused. How can she tell they're smiling?

"So I was curious... why are you hiding your eyes?" She flinched surprised at the boy smiling cheekily

"How could.. you?"

"Awe! Come on! You can't fool me! I can see through thin material!" She blushed, covering her body embarrassed, and threw her hand towards him to knock him off his feet to another wall covered in diglett that broke his fall

"Perv" she hissed. The girl rolled her eyes

"Don't worry! I'll take care of him! So is it true? You have the colored eyes?" Selena turned away

"I don't want the attention... so what if I have colored eyes?"

"What do you mean so what? They're what makes you special!"

"So I wouldn't be special if I had regular eyes like everyone else?" The girl frowned. Selena didn't mean to sound harsh "I'm sorry... I just go through a lot, is all... I didn't mean to be rude"

"No problem. You don't have to apologize. Every Lele has their own problems they deal with. How old are you?"

"Does it matter?"

"I suppose you're right, but hey! If you ever need any help on anything, we Leles stick together no matter what. It's a promise we made in our hearts and powers since before we were born. Give us a visit at the foundation sometime!" Selena smiled

"I'll do that..." she looked at the boy sitting up to rub the back of his head in pain "thanks" she waved and continued roaming the cave thanks to these Pokémon. She levitated off her feet and waved her hand to them

"Thank you everyone, even if I didn't ask for the ride, I appreciate you giving it to me. See you later" the digletts cheered and left underground. Something about those Pokémon were different than the ones in other regions. These had hair. It was impossible to not hold in her laughter when the strands tickled her legs

"Yo, gurl!" A pair of Team Skull grunts yelled out. Selena pretended they weren't there and walked pass them "did she not see us?"

"Girl, is you blind!?" The other yelled. She stopped and glanced at them "we're talking to you!"

"I don't care... leave me alone"

"These diglett set us up in a bad mood, yo! So don't be mad that we're putting everything on you!" They send out their Pokémon. She sighed and removed her contacts and faced everyone. The Pokémon gazed at her beautiful eyes and returned themselves back into their Pokéballs "what just happened?"

"You're really annoying... there's no point in battling me"

"Selena!" Hau's voice cried out, running up to her "I was looking everywhere for you! You're going to play around in battle without me?" She huffed

"Knock yourself out"

"You want some? That's how we say hello!" She smirked

"I actually like that. Want some?" She send out Chandelure "come and get some" Hau grinned and joined up in a double battle. The grunts were taken back at the confidence and strength Selena possessed. Hau noticed the glow of her in battle when she really puts in her all. So this is how she battles...

"Dang girl! We may not be trying to take over the world or nothing, but we're still hard as bone out here!" The grunt cried and ran off

"See you in the flip side!" Hau laughed. Selena rolled her eyes

"Not trying to take over the world... that's a first" she muttered. Hau faced her

"Man, Selena, when I fight you, it's pretty intense, but I never seen you battle when it's not against me! You glow like a light"

"What do you mean?" He hid his hands behind him

"Nothing!" She smiled

"You're weird"

"Now if you don't mind, I'm going to keep playing with some digletts!" He ran off. She sighed. He's so random... speaking of random. Shadow was pretty random himself

"How annoying" she sighed. Small things can take her back to the past. She'll never get better at this rate. The exit of the cave was just up ahead. A strange aura was coming from outside. She hurried out and noticed some kind of hole up in the sky

"Could that be the Ultra wormhole..?" A dimension that isn't like the ones around faraway island or Giratinas Distortion world. The hole disappeared almost immediately "how strange..."

"Oohhh!" A high pitch voice giggled from afar "is that a Lele I feel?" Selena looked around confused "Just like me! Lele! Greetings young one! I am Tapu Lele! The one that made the promise of us guardian deities to always protect the Leles in Alola! And may I say... you are quite powerful!"

"You're a guardian deity?"

"I am indeed! I have heard of you from the others in the fifth dimension! It's nice to meet you!"

"I wish I can say the same" it giggled

"You're funny! I like you! And not because of your pure heart and strong power, but because of your honesty and strength! I stay here in Akala not only to protect the island, but to greet as many Leles that walk pass my path to the ruins of life. May we meet one day, young one! I look forward to the day when your powers are complete ~Lele" the voice never came back. So that's the guardian she learn that the Leles were named after

"Okay.." she stared at nothing before walking forward to approach a wonderful looking Town! Finally, she can just rent a hotel room and sleep in peace

"Finally! A place where I can relax!" She stretched out her arms and glanced at all the shopping booths all around "well, I am a girl... don't mind if I do!" She skipped happily to buy as many things she could get and decided to take a bit at a restaurant, where Olivia happen to walk in at the same time

"Olivia!" Selena gasped. Olivia smiled

"Well, isn't this just a coincidence that we ran into each other? Kukui told me you were on your way to participate in the grand trial. You came sooner than expected"

"I never said I'd take the grand trial, and I travel at my own speed" she walked up to the hostess and requested a table

"Honest, I like it!" Olivia held her hips "make that a table for two! I'll get whatever you order, Selena!"

"Oh! Um... sure?" The two were taken to their tables and menus. Selena had to arrange her bags so they won't be in the way

"Wow, I didn't think you were the shopping lover type! What did you buy?" After the girls ordered their food, Selena spoke without interest

"As much as I could find" She peaked at Zorua sitting under the chair with toy Selena didn't buy. Not all the items she had in her bags were bought. Seriously, someone like Selena buying everything for herself? She's always stealing no matter what. If no one notices then there's no problem "I got a few things for my little sister, my Pokémon back in the island, and my family"

"I heard you had a sister. She's a Lele as well, isn't she?" Selena nodded "how beautiful to have Leles as siblings. Some Leles are born without knowing what to do about their powers. The most misfortune ones in my opinion and I'm sure to anyone, are the Leles born outside of Alola. Alola is where the Leles are treated as kindly as Pokémon and we try to take care of them as much as we can. They are very special and may hold a power that can help us if we are ever in trouble"

"You think?" Olivia nodded

"Yes. Alola is filled with Leles, but even if there is so many, they are considered rare because of the population of actual legendary Pokémon"

"Do you think the guardian deities created Leles too?"

"Who is there to say? There are many legends surrounding the guardian deities, but there isn't a way to know if they're true or not. I heard your sister already had hold of a power and a gift at such a young age. How old? 3?"


"For a young Lele to have control. It's very amazing. It's like the two of you were meant to be sisters" she looked confused before looking up to see their food arriving "she has you to take care of her, and you have her to depend on to keep your powers at ease. I admire you both really and I wish I can meet these other Leles we met back in the harbor more personally"

"They're great. I know a little more about Lillie and professor burnet's relationship. Lillie is smart and can memorize anything like a robot and can fix things with her mind. I have the feeling she has more to show, but I haven't seen much yet. Hau is full of shines in him. He keeps a bright smile so no one can feel down if he is having a bad day. His emotions are contagious. He can also artificially make you feel a certain way by pressing his forehead on yours. I haven't seen any physical magic other than the emotion part, but he's a good guy. I really like my friends" Olivia smiled

"I'm glad to hear you all are doing well... it makes me happy to know there are Leles out there who can feel safe and happy. As Kahuna, it's my job to take care of the ones that roam around in the place of the guardian deities. It's sad to say... but there are a few who do loose their lives out there and some go to the dark side. Some Leles are part of Team Skull" Selena almost choked on her food "it's only a rumor that they are... but no one has ever proven anything. Leles are suppose to be children of the legendaries, sworn to be loyal and kind. Our guardian deities know what they're doing. If there's a time when a Lele is in need, they're helped by them, but... the dark side of that is that a Lele sometimes don't grow up in the right environments. Their mind is cast away and they can't help but break the promise... they're punished. For sometimes not even the right reason. It is said Leles are killed by the guardian deities or their own legendary so they can be reborn into a new and better life. It's sad... but beautiful at the same time" Olivia flinched when staring at Selena sitting there wide eyed "are you crying..?" She shook her head

"Sorry... it's just that. That story reminds me of a old friend"

"Old friend?" She nodded

"Her name was Melody. She was killed so that her soul can be taken and..." she took a deep breath "a lot happened... she died by a Lugia's storm. She died of starvation"

"Oh my..." this story.... she can remember reading about it in Toby's diary back in her adventures "how terrifying. Was she a Lele?"

"No. her eyes were normal... actually. I think?"

"Some Leles don't look like Leles sometimes. The color may be similar to a regular person's eye, but there's still a uniqueness in there" Selena gobbled down her food "enough about the depressing stuff... are you sure you don't want to take on the grand trial? I mean you came this far"

"It wasn't a achievement to begin with. I'll only battle you when I feel like it" Olivia giggled

"Understandable. I look forward to battling such a strong Pokémon trainer like you" Selena gulped her food for a dramatic pause and smirked confidently

"I'm not a Pokémon trainer, I'm a Pokémon master" this made Olivia smirk as well

"Even better! Since the day I saw you and your Pokémon, I just knew I was going to battle a incredible trainer. I like you kid, but don't think that'll make me feel bad about beating you. I don't hold back"

"I wouldn't want it any other way" she peaked over at pikachu reaching into her bag where she bought some jewelry in Olivia's store she was in earlier, and tried reaching for the thunder stone. Selena took it out her reach

"Not right now. You're not ready"

"Pika!" Pikachu whined

"How do you know if it's ready?" Selena held her heart

"I have the ability of bonding. I can feel the heart of my Pokémon and help them in every way I can. Pikachu is a very special Pokémon. She's the only different one in her species" with the shiny coat and spiky ear hair "even with our bond, she barely evolved into a pikachu since the two years first for her egg in Johto"

"Two years?! So you know when it's right time to evolve... its with their hearts?"

"Difficult to understand" Olivia shook her head

"No... its fine. I really like seeing confidence in my Leles. Keep that up, and you'll overrule everything"

"Your majesty" Zorua whispered in a giggle. Selena rolled her eyes and kept eating

I gave something dark here, didn't I? Leles loose their lives if they were born in the wrong environment or break their promise. Something like that. There will be more of that later on!
