Chapter 1

I stand laying my back on the wall at the end of the sidewalk. I stare at the carriages, the guards eying me suspiciously, i wince . My legs slowly disappearing into the crack between the temples. I gasp to see a huge elf in front of me, his arms wrapped around a young courtesan, turning to face me ."Your welcome to join us, little girl." I give him my most disgusted look and ignore him, looking up towards the window. The elf grabs my arm and pulls us both onto the wall. I grab my dagger under my coat and the elf grabs his axe, swinging it towards me, and I stop his axe against the base of my dagger with my left hand, quickly grabbing his forearm with my right hand, twisting as though to disarm him . He pulls against my grip. And I drive the dagger towards his neck.

"Wait!" the elf screams. "I forfe-"

Blood red sprays on my face, sprays the walls. The elf slumps over, stumbling to the ground.

Wiping blood of my face I look around to see the young woman shuddering in fear, looking obviously scared of my presence. But her eyes are not on me, but on the hilt of my dagger, and I put it away. "If I were you i would leave now." ivy says, "His group will be looking for him soon." She nods and hurries towards the exit, fumbling. I sigh, looking upwards, I grab the edge of the window, i lift myself up before crawling upwards towards the roof. Gazing upon the market, my eyes focused on the trail of slaves. tied with rope and filled with bruises. I watch as they hurry towards the carriage. I jump off while sliding my dagger across the wall. I crawl towards the ground and through the people, slipping in the carriage. I give a reassuring look to the children, who look about my age if not less and the edges of my mouth rise slightly

 This might be easier than I thought

For the rest of the afternoon and early evening, we are lead astray into the everforest, picking on our way past the pale, silvery trunks and bleached leaves. From their we spot white swan lilies surrounding a blue lapis colored lake.

All fae of the aristocracy, despite their age, are treated and taught by professors from all over Rubera, home of humans and fae creatures. Who with their immense wealth, silk like hair, pointy ears and sophisticated eyes spend their life endorsed in jewelry and high fashion. Being educated in the fine points of instruments like the geomungo and taught etiquette and complex embroidery. I watched them secretly as they practiced spells and enchantments, having spent my life stealing bread, sleeping in abandoned monuments and trees. I always wondered what it would be like to have wings, to eat warm meals and comfy clothes, to have a family and buy whatever i wanted without having to steal it, For a human, it would be a kind of power, a kind of protection.

And with it I wont have to worry about survival
