Kiddapped... {Ch. 4}

What you need to know
(Y/N), Your name
(L/N), Last Name
(H/C), Hair Color
(O/E/C), Original Eye Color
(S/T), Sword Type
(S/C), Sword Color
(F/C), Favorite Color
(S/F/C), Second Favorite Color
(W/N) Wyvern Name
A/N, Author's Note
More shall be added

Red- Angry, mad, stressed
Orange- embarrassed, shocked
Yellow- shy, speechless, relaxed
Green- happy, hyper
Blue- sadness, depressed
Purple- mischievous
Pink- flirty, blushing
Grey- scared, sleepless
Black- body is being taken over .-._.
White- defeated, regret

~~Your POV~~
I heard a knock on the door and I walked to the front door with the two guys behind me. I then saw Z-Zane? The two guys pushed me back and pulled out their swords. "What do you want Zane?" Declan snarled. I nodded and Hemlis ran out a window to go to the others...well warn them. I watched her leave, I heard two thuds I looked behind me and the guys were laying down. "What did you do TO THEM!" I yelled. "Come with me silently and they live." Zane said as his guards had their swords at the guys necks. "F-fine." I said as my ears and tail dropped. My eyes turned white. Zane chuckled and grabbed my hand and pulled me out the gates.

   He placed me on his horse then he jumped on. I was in the back turned around so Zane and I were back to back. I looked down in total regret. "(Y/N)!" My head shot up and I saw Aphmau trying to run to keep up with us. I tried to slip off but Zane pulled me up and out a cloth on my mouth. It made my eyes feel droopy. Everything blacked out.

~~Aphmau's POV~~
   Hemlis came to Laurance, Garroth, Travis and me freaking out. "What is it?" I asked knowing I can talk wyvern. "(Y/N)!!! TAKEN!! ZANE!!" She yelled. My eyes widened. "(Y/N)!!! TAKEN!! ZANE!!" I repeated freaking out. Garroth grabbed my hand and we ran to the gates. I saw (Y/N) on horse butt. Literally she was on the butt of a HORSE! "(Y/N)!" I yelled. Her head shot up in shock. She was an inch away from the ground but Zane grabbed her and pulled her up again putting a cloth to her mouth causing her to pass out. I started to run to catch up with them. I tripped on a rock and screamed. "(Y/N)!!!! NOOO!!!" I cried in my hands.

   Hemlis walked up to me and sat in front of me. She whimpered and laid down. I picked Hemlis up and I walked back to Phoenix Drop. The guys came back with Dante and Aaron. "WHERE IS HE!" Aaron snarled. "Th-they l-left." I stuttered as more tears fell from my eyes. Hemlis tried to stop them and I giggled. "Are we gonna find (Y/N)?" She asked. I nodded and frowned. "We are going to save (Y/N)!" I announced. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. Then they all nodded. We walked to my house to discuss.

~~Your POV~~
   I woke up and felt like I was on a horse. Right...I am on a horse, Zane's horse. I thought clutching my fists. I shivered, "Z-Zane I'm c-cold." "We're almost there now quit your whining." He said. I looked st my hands and my finger tips were ice cold blue. He stopped the horse and yelled. "OPEN THE GATES!" He yelled in anger. I heard a massive sound. The horse started again. I looked up as we walked through the gates. I shivered again. I'm only used to warm weather and it isn't that warm here... I was lost in my thoughts until Zane picked me up and placed me on my feet. We walked into a huge castle. I gulped nervously.

We walked into a throne room. My eyes turned blue, grey, and white. I looked down again as we walked to the front. I saw a hand go under my chin and lifted it up. "Father, this is (Y/N)." Zane said emotionless. "Hello young lady, I'm Lord Grate. (Is that how you spell it?) will now serve as Zane's Friend's maid." He said. My eyes turned red and blue. The lady sitting next to the lord gave me worried eyes and mouth 'sorry'. I nodded as if I'm telling her it's okay. "Your not saying anything so I'm guessing that's a yes." Lord Grate said. Tears filled my eyes as my anger slipped away. I felt like I'm a dog which I'm not I'm only a werewolf lost in her world trying to figure everything out...Soon I felt something around me neck. I looked down and saw a collar. I saw Zane's hand go closer to my 'collar' Zane pulled me close to his face. "You serve my friend now. Got it?" He said stern I nodded and he started to walk away. He yanked at the leash and pulled me along with him. He brought me to his room.

There was a guy with light green hair and dark blue eyes sitting on Zane's bed. He turned around and smirked when he saw me. He walked up to me and handed me a box. "Go change into that." He said pushing me into a closet. I sighed and took out should I say this...clothes. I got it on and looked into the mirror.

(Ik very skin revealing yuck!)

Am I seriously gonna be living like this? I asked my self in thought. I heard the closet door open. I turned around and saw Zane's friend with a smirk. He grabbed my leash and pulled me close putting his arm around my waist. "You got some hot jugs." He said. My eyes widened and I frowned. (Oh my gawd...what did I just say) I pushed away from him causing him to let go of my leash. "Go flirt with someday who actually likes you." I said crossing my arms. I soon was pulled close to Zane's friend again. "What did you just say!?" He yelled. "N-Nothing...." I said. "Exactly. I'm Erik by the way." He said as he got his smirk back.

~~Back in Phoenix Drop~~

~~Laurance's POV~~
We were about to leave when this girl came up to us. "Hi, I'm from O'Khasis. Please don't hurt me! I heard Zane's friend Erik got a new maid. And her name is (Y/N)? I was his maid for the last 18 years. I'm Liza by the way." She said all hyper. "Yeah okay we gotta go!" Aphmau said running off with Katelyn following her. The guys and I raced after them leaving Liza behind. I looked at Declan and we was on the edge of tears. He sighed and snapped. So we were all on a huge cloud. "We can get to her faster this way." He said as the cloud soon zoomed off.

~~Back in O'Khasis~~

~~Zane's POV~~
After Erik and his maid left to their room I sat down on my bed. I feel bad for (Y/N) she did nothing wrong. Except kill her mom. (Yes your father lied and said you killed your mom) I walked out of my room and saw that Erik's door was opened just a crack. I looked in to see (Y/N) afraid of Erik. Her ears were dropped and her eyes...I thought her eyes were (E/C)...but they're grey. I jumped up and turned around to see my mom. She whispered to me, "ZuZu, while Erik is sleeping why don't you save her for Irene's sake." She said with a smile. I nodded and left followed by my mom.

I walked out of my room and put my ear to Erik's door. I heard snoring, I opened the door. Erik was in bed and (Y/N)'s leash was tied to the leg of Erik's bed. Then the weirdest thing happened. She turned into a little bug. The bug came towards me then turned back to her normal self. "Get away Zane." She said quietly and calmly. "I'm not gonna hurt you. I was gonna save you from Erik. But you saved yourself." I chuckled quietly. She smiled and looked at her clothes. I handed her some along with a cloak. She got in on then showed me.

I grabbed her hand and quietly walked to gates. I opened the gates. I pulled down my mask and grabbed (Y/N). I kissed her and pulled away. She blushed. "HEY!" I turned around and saw Erik. (Y/N) bolted out. "Bye..." I said. I soon then ran back home and hid in my room

~~Aphmau's POV~~
Declan landed his cloud when we were close to O'khasis. A girl ran into Garroth. "Hey wa-" she stopped and looked up. "Aphmau?" She asked. Laurance pulled out his sword and held it to her neck. "WOAH LAURANCE! It's me! (Y/N)!" She said backing up. My eyes widened and I hugged her. I stood up and lended my hand for (Y/N) to grab. She accepted it and jumped up. "HEY STOP RIGHT THERE SLAVE!" Someone yelled. "Oh boy..." Declan said itching the back of his neck. (Y/N) ran up to an O'khasis guard and knocked him out cold.

~~Your POV~~
I ran up to an O'khasis guard and knocked him out cold. I turned around and saw a guard push Aphmau into a tree. I started to shake with anger. "HEY! DO NOT TOUCH MY FRIENDS! YOU DO NOT WANT TO GET ON MY BAD SIDE!" "Funny princess." He said pushing Garroth into Laurance. My eye twitched. I felt something creep upon my back. There were like 89 O'khasis guards and they all stared at me. I felt two swords grow in my hands. I felt like I could do anything. I crossed my two swords and pushed them out and all the guards flew in different directions. They quickly got up and ran away terrified. "FREAK!" A guard yelled. Tender took his bow and arrows and shot that guy in the back.

   Everyone was staring at me shocked. I sighed and started walking away from the group. "That....was....AWESOME!" Katelyn yelled. I looked around and smiled. Everyone hugged me. Ugh, I hate hugs. I wish I could teleport then suddenly a teleport behind the group. I giggle and start walking away to get to Phoenix Drop. "What where did she go?" Aphmau asked. I ended up laughing and their heads all turned around. I was soon picked up into a hug. I looked down and saw Tender. "AH! TENDER LET GO! LET! GO! WE BOTH KNOW I HATE HUGS YOU READ MY LETTER!" I screamed. He put me down and side hugged me.

   "Who wants to ride a dragon?" I asked pushing Tender away. "MEEEE!" Katelyn, Travis, and Aphmau yelled. I turned into a (F/C) dragon. "YAS!" Katelyn yelled and jump onto my back. Aphmau got on and climbed to my head. "Travis I don't you riding'll be weird..." I confessed. I heard all the guys snicker. Declan made his little cloud and we took off. Katelyn and Aphmau were giggling the whole way, which made me smile. I'm happy that they're happy.


   Once I landed inside the gates of Phoenix Drop the girls jumped off and I turned into my normal self. I sighed and hugged a huge tree. I'm finally home and I'm always gonna stay away from the gates. I said in meh head. More like stated. " do you." Garroth said walking away. "Okay...I'll date my lovely tree." I said smirking evilly. Laurance gasped sarcastically. "THIS IS MINE AFTER THE TABLE! Aphmau won the table...BUT IM NOT LETTING YOU STEAL MEH TREE!" I giggled at his yelling and yelled back at him. "IT IS MIIINE!" Laurance laughed.

"(Y/N)...can I talk to you for a sec?" Garroth asked. "Oh sure!" I exclaimed following him to the plaza. Garroth grabbed my hand and put his arm around my waist. "(Y/N)...I...I umm...." he didn't say anything. All that he did was umm...

Cliffhanger meh little Trains~ 😂 well...Meado~Chan OUT~~

Word Count: 2059
