Different Family Members? {Ch. 15} [CH. 15 SPECIAL~]

What you need to know
(Y/N), Your name.
(L/N), Last Name
(H/C), Hair Color
(O/E/C), Original Eye Color
(S/T), Sword Type
(S/C), Sword Color
(F/C), Favorite Color
(S/F/C), Second Favorite Color
(F/C/F), Favorite Cake Flavor
A/N, Author's Note
More shall be added

Red- Angry, mad, stressed
Orange- embarrassed, shocked
Yellow- shy, speechless, relaxed
Green- happy, hyper
Blue- sadness, depressed
Purple- mischievous
Pink- flirty, blushing
Grey- scared, sleepless
Black- body is being taken over .-._.
White- defeated, regret
Magenta- in sweet heaven

Aphmau- Purple Cat
Laurance- Orange Cat
Garroth- Blue Dragon
Zoey- Phoenix
Katelyn- Light Blue Cat
Dante- Dark Blue Wolf
Aaron- Black Werewolf
Travis- Snow Leopard
Declan- Cheetah
Tender- White Wyvern

~~Your POV~~
Katelyn was pulling me through Phoenix Drop. "Katelyn where are we going?" I whined. "Somewhere you love~" Katelyn said. She walked near Aphmau's house then down some stairs. "OH THE DOCKS!" I yelled running to the docks. I sat on the docks and Katelyn sat next to me. I sighed and looked at Katelyn. I looked back at the water and into our reflections.

(Cue Music)

Down by the water, under the willow
Sits a lone ranger, minding the willow
He and his wife, once lived happily
Planted a seed, that grew through the reeds
Summers and winters, through snowy Decembers
Sat by the water close to the embers
Missing out the lives that they once had before

I wouldn't leave you
I would hold you
When the last day comes
What if you need me
Won't you hold me
On the last day, our last day

Mr. & Mrs., dreamed of a willow
Carving their names, into their willow
If he had spoken, love would return
Spoken inside, too soft to be heard
Summers and winters, through snowy Decembers
Sat by the water, remembering embers
Missing out the lives that they once had before

I wouldn't leave you
I would hold you
When the last day comes
What if you need me
Won't you hold me
On the last day, our last day

Ahhhhh, ahhhhh...

Somewhere the timing will all come together
The mishaps will turn into sunny Decembers
The lovers will be able to find their willow

I wouldn't leave you
I would hold you
When the last day comes
I wouldn't leave you
I would hold you
When the last day comes
What if you need me
Won't you hold me
On the last day, our last day comes
Ahhhhh, ahhhhh...

I sighed at the end of the song and looked at Katelyn. She had the slightest of blush on her face. I hugged her and she hugged back. "Yo! Yo! Yo! Laurance and Garroth in the house." Laurance said. Katelyn and I broke the hug and sighed in disgust. Laurance and Garroth laughed sitting between Katelyn and I. "I feel like swimming..." I said taking my shoes off. Katelyn smiled and jumped in. I took off my dress knowing the risks of Garroth and Laurance but I jumped in anyway. Garroth slid in. Laurance cannon balled in. Aphmau, Dante, and Travis came running then jumping in. I laughed as we swam around for while.

   "La la la la la~" I sang swimming backwards. There was a light of rainbow that hit my eyes. I screamed and covered them. I kept seeing rainbows! When they stopped I moved my hands. Everyone looked at me then gasped. "Your eyes...CHANGE COLOR AGAIN~" Katelyn yelled swimming towards me. "Yaaaay~" I sang. "Oh by the way you sang that...Willow song beautifully." Travis said smirking and swimming backward. "Huh?" I asked swimming beside him. "Yeah the whole village heard you." Aphmau sang. My eyes widened and I slowly started swimming away. I swam down away from Atlanta.

   I swam into seaweed and...the ocean floor. The rest caught up with me and swam next to me. Two tails swiftly went passed us then came back. "Oh hey Ray! Hey Season!" I said waving. They both waved and swam along with us. "You shouldn't be swimming down here...the sirens live here." Ray said sticking to Katelyn's side. Season swam circles around us telling us terrible puns. "Your turning into Dante." Aphmau and I said at the same time. We both laughed and swam deeper. The seaweeds rustled. Ray and Season pulled out their swords and stood by us.

   When no one was looking I teleported to the spot the seaweeds rustled in. I swam through the seaweeds and my tail got caught on something. I grunted trying to pull it out. I screamed as I got sucked down into a hole. It was dark so I used my pocket watch and shook it up. I used it as a light. I looked down and saw a seaweed wrapping around my tail. "....GARROTH?! KATELYN?! APHMAU?!" I yelled. I heard some talking. Katelyn looked down and gasped. "GUYS! HERE SHE IS!" She swam down to me. "STOP!" I demanded her. She did as told. The seaweed started pulling down on my tail. "Katelyn...Katelyn...KATELYN!" I yelled reaching up. Katelyn swam down and reached for my hand. The seaweed started pulling faster. Aphmau swam down and started pulling too.

   They pulled me out of the seaweed and we all panted. "Look! A light c'mon I wanna see this." Katelyn said. Aphmau whistled calling the boys to come down. They did as told and we same down. Katelyn and I raced to the light. We laughed as we knocked each other out of place. "WHA!" Katelyn pushed me into the clearing where she found the light. I looked around and saw a huge ball. I swam between the holes and looked at the pearl in the middle. "Ooooh~ The sphere matches the round of (Y/N)'s butt~" Travis flirted. I growled and Katelyn punched him for me. I pulled on the pearl and it came off instantly.

   "What are you doing here?" A soft voice said. I looked behind me and swam back. "We umm...I got a weed stuck to my foot and then uh...Katelyn saw a light so then we found this place and I-" I got cut off by the mermaid. "No need to explain child. For I am the princess of the seven seas, one of the daughters of Princess Acelistic. I've been looked for my sisters for years...and they are the only ones who can pull the pearl off the stand." She said. "What's your name though?" Aphmau asked. "Oh right, I'm Princess Atlanta. That's where they got their name from." My newly found sister explained.

(That's Atlanta X3)

   "Well...our brother of clouds is up there so...you can go meet him...(Y/N)." Atlanta said clicking her tongue. I giggled and hugged her. "Cya around." I said waving. She giggled and waved back, "cya sis." My friends and I left Atlanta alone and we swam to the surface. "Wait (Y/N)!" Atlanta yelled when we were close to shore. She swam up to me and handed me the pearl. "Take it as a gift." She said smiling. I giggled and nodded then hugged her again. Garroth was fully human and he picked me up bridal style. He placed me on the sand and dried me off. Katelyn through me my dress and when I was human again I put it on quickly. I stepped in my boots and teleported the pearl to my new treasure room in my house.

   "Wanna go to the clouds?" Season asked. We all nodded except Ray. "Well Ray and I are gonna do whatever...have fun!" Season said running off with Ray. I laughed and turned into a huge dragon. Garroth also turned into a dragon. Aphmau and Katelyn with me then Dante, Travis, and Laurance with Garroth. "Follow me." I told Garroth. He nodded and I took off. Garroth was flying by my side. "Garroth...fly as fast as you can into a cloud." "...I'll try." He said. We both started to flap as fast as we could. We flew so fast I almost fell out of the sky. We then flew into a cloud. I turned into my human form on accident then landed on something soft...

   I looked up and saw Garroth he was a human again too. I looked down and saw we were on a cloud. "So fluffy..." Katelyn said rolling around. I laughed and walked to the huge cloud castle. "It's a C.C." I said nudging Laurance. He snickered then it turned into laughing. I smiled and walked in. "YO! YO!" Garroth and Laurance said walking in. Katelyn was still rolling but following. Aphmau was on my back. I was giving her a piggy back ride. "Uhh...hello I like to have two idiots dead." I said smirking then walking away.

I walked to a chair and there was a diamond floating over it. I placed Aphmau down then stood on the chair. I got on my tippy toes and grabbed it. "What do you think your doing?" A "manly" voice said. "Being a total smart person." I said sitting down in the chair. "Get off sis." He said pushing me off. "BRUH!" I yelled. "Anyway...I'm Circling and I'm proud of my name." He said sitting in his chair the proper way. "Mk." I said sitting in his lap. Katelyn screamed then sat on my lap. "Oh meh gawd Katelyn." Circling said. "How did y-" "I know everyone's name. I work in the clouds I mean c'mon." Circling said smirking then pushing both of us off.

(Dats Circling .-._.)

"Katelyn you and I should get something to eat sometime~" Circling flirted. I took off my shoe then threw it at his head. "STAP BOI!" I yelled. He threw my shoe back and I dodged it then it umm...hit Travis' no no spot. He groaned and held it falling. Katelyn, Aphmau, and I gasped...then we started laughing. Garroth, Laurance, and Dante joined us. Circling just stared at our childish behavior.

   "Okay....we......we better g......get going......" Aphmau managed to say. I stopped laughing and wiped some tears. "Alright. Cya sis I love yoooooooooou." Circling said squeezing me in his hug. He handed me the diamond then I teleported it to my treasure room. He kissed my forehead then started kissing my face. "Stop stop stop." I said pushing him away. "I LOVE YOU TO MUCH!" He yelled squeezing me more. "Room....getting....Darker." "Whoops sorry." Circling placed me down. "VISIT GURL!" He yelled. "OKIE!" I yelled back. "And if you want to know how to get out you need to fall down the well then you'll teleported home." Circling said. I nodded and ran out searching for the well.

   "Who's gonna go first?" Katelyn asked. I put my arm around Travis then pushed him in. "Bye." I said. I jumped in after him and then everyone else followed. There was a light the blinded me and distracted me from Travis' screaming.

When I opened my eyes I was on the docks. Travis was groaning. "YAY!" I said. Running off into the woods. "Where are we gonna go now?" Aphmau asked jumping on my back. "I dunno...I think my other sibling is nature." I said almost running into a wall. I looked up and saw a cave. I sighed and placed Aphmau down then I walked down. I lit a fire and everyone else followed. "Stay on guard..." Garroth ordered. "I don't remember you being the lord." I said looking at Garroth with a 'seriously' face. Aphmau did the same. Laurance, Travis, and Dante snickered. I laughed and ran down the cave.

I woke to an opening fill with vines. I pushed the vines and turned off my fire. I walked through and saw a green door. I heard everyone out of breath just to catch up with me. I opened the door, natured filled the air and scenery. "Wow..." Katelyn said walking to a fountain. "(Y/N) come check this out!" Laurance called. I ran over to him and saw a huge flower. "Woah..." I exclaimed. I put the stem between my middle and pointed finger. It easily plucked off. "Whoops..." Laurance said snickering. Then there was a sweet laugh, "no need to be sorry darling." Laurance and I looked up at the figure. "Hi, I'm Chrysanthemum. You must be my sister." She said walking towards us.

Chrysanthemum came up to me and whispered in my ear. "I should get going I don't want your perv.....pervs....to know I have this on." She giggled. "Meh, just use vines to hold Laurance and Travis down." We both giggled. Travis and Laurance looked at us weirdly. "AH PERVS GOTTA GO LUV YA SIS!" She disappeared. "Bye!" I said. I teleported us back to Phoenix Drop. I then teleported the flower to my treasure room. "Well...let's take a break and...chill..." I said putting my hand on my head.

   Everyone agreed. "I'm gonna go hang with Tender and Declan." Travis said walking off. "Garroth and I were gonna hang with Circling." Laurance said while Garroth turned into a dragon. He flew off and did what he did before. "I'm gonna go...be....random..." Dante said walking off. "I'm gonna see Atlanta." I said. "Same." Aphmau and Katelyn admitted. We jumped in and swam down.

   We swam down and this time Aphmau's purple tail got caught with the seaweed. Katelyn and I pulled but then someone pulled my tail. I looked down and saw someone had red eyes. Someone else grabbed Katelyn's tail. They were pulling us down. "ATLANTA!" Katelyn, Aphmau, and I yelled. She came swimming up and gasped. "GUYS! LET GO OF THEM!" They hands let go...even the seaweed. "Thanks..." Katelyn mumbled. "Wanna spend the day with me?" Atlanta asked. We all giggled and nodded. "Well let's go!" She said swimming down. We followed her down...

A/N your still grounded. Chapter 17 then you'll be ungrounded.
Zenix- Am I?
Me- SHUT UP ZENIX! When did I even...when did I even introduce you to the story.
Me- mmmmhmmmm....anyway thank you for reading this chapter and yes it was a special idk why but it ish. And credit to alllll of the artists!

Word Count: 2386
