Chapter 3

Izuku's POV~

"So, what exactly are you looking for?" I asked him, still standing as stiff as a board. I was actually starting to get a little annoyed with it, like at least let me sit down.

He threw a glare over his shoulder while rummaging through his desk drawers. "Nothing, don't worry about it." He mumbled.

I gave him an accusing look. "I'm currently just kind of standing in the middle of your room with absolutely nothing to do. The least you could do is let me help." I pointed out.

He stopped his search and turned to face me fully. "Why would I let you do that? You'd probably try and use your quirk to escape." He said, making me feel slightly stupid, because I really did just want to help him find whatever he lost. I wasn't even thinking about escaping honestly.

"Just use your quirk so I can't use mine." I pleaded. I was so done with just standing in the middle of the room with nothing to do but annoy the hell out of him.

He sighed and plopped himself down on the bed. "Do understand how strenuous that is for me? Taking control of your entire body is the easy part, trying to shut off just specific parts can be debilitating."

I thought silently to myself for a minute or two. "Hm, why don't you just lock me up again? Then tell me what you're looking for and I can just look from the bed." I said with a shrug.

He stared at me in complete confusion. "I literally kidnapped you, why are you trying so hard to help me?" He asked me, slightly tilting his head.

I beamed back at him. "Because you don't seem like a completely terrible person, I generally enjoy helping people, and I'm making the best out of a crappy situation. Want more reasons?" I asked him teasingly.

He rolled his eyes at me. "No." He said, moving closer to me and grabbing my arm. He gently moved me towards the bed. "You're sickeningly sweet, you know that right?"

I nodded my head at him, "I've been told once or twice." He just lightly laughed at my response.

He cuffed my ankles again and released me from his quirk because I could suddenly control my own limbs again. "Please don't use your quirk on me ever again, it's quite unnerving." I said, massaging the sides of my head.

He scoffed at the request. "You aren't really in any position to make demands." He said snarkily. I looked up at him with a smirk.

"When the pros or my classmates inevitably rescue me, I'll weave an intrancing tale of how you were unbelievably kind and only did it because the league threatened your life?" I offered generously.

He looked at me with another blank face. "I'll pass."

I pouted at him, but dropped it. I didn't want to push my luck anymore than I already had. "What are you looking for? I still want to help you find it." I said, abruptly changing the topic.

I looked over at him and watched his shoulders sag as he let out a deep breath. "Promise not to make fun of me?" He asked my softly. I looked at him in puzzlement, but nodded my head anyway. "I lost my keys..." He said so softly I almost didn't hear him.

I had to cover my mouth with one of my hands to stop my giggles. 'The big bad villain lost his freaking keys.' I thought to myself in amusement.

I scanned the room once and pointed to an untouched shelf right by the door. He followed my hand and saw his keys sitting right in front of him. "Next time, use your eyes and not the force." I said, finally breaking down into a fit of giggles, from his cluelessness or my Star Wars reference I wasn't sure.

He grabbed his keys and put them in his pocket. "Yeah whatever. Thanks for the help though." The last part was quiet, but I still heard. I smiled widely at him. Maybe he wasn't too far gone.

"So what'd you do around here for fun, Toshi?" I asked him.

He groaned in response. "I really hate that nickname, can't you think of anything else?" He asked in clear agony.

I giggled at his behavior, but tried to come up with something else. "I don't know, I could call you Shin if you prefer?" I tried, not sure if it was any better.

He groaned again at my suggestion. "They both suck equally, use whatever you want. I'm over it." He said, flopping face first onto the bed I was currently cuffed to. I scooted over a little bit, giving him more room.

"Okay, but you didn't answer my question. What'd you do for fun?" I asked him. I watched him sit up and sigh. He moved to the head of the bed, leaning against the headboard next to me and grabbed a tv remote. He turned on the tv I had failed to notice. Swiftly, he got up and walked over to the shelf where there were a bunch of xbox games. "Call of Duty or Minecraft?" He asked me, not taking his eyes off of the games in front of him.

"Minecraft!" I cheered, excited to play. I haven't actually played that game in years. He picked up the game and made his way over to the tv. I didn't miss the small smile that had made it's way onto his face.

He grabbed two controllers and sat down next to me again, handing over one of them. I quickly took it and he booted up the game. We ended up playing survival and I nearly had a panic attack. I don't know why, but survival mode gives me terrible anxiety. Shinso just laughed at me the entire time.

"How was that even fair!" I shouted, throwing my controller down on the bed. I had been running from a zombie and bumped right into a creeper, who promptly blew me up. Of course I was right next to my house, so now it's nearly completely gone.

"C'mon Izu, once you respawn just go to my house. You can just stay there for the night and we can repair your house in the morning." He said gently, knowing I was ready to throw my controller through his tv screen.

I groaned but did as he said. Once I was safely in his house, I turned to him with a joking smirk. "Can I put my minecraft bed next to yours?" I asked with a cheesy wink.

Shinso laughed loudly at my joke. "No way shorty." He managed between chuckles.

I pouted at him. "Why not?" I asked, just a pinch offended.

He looked over at me with a slightly guilty look before sighing. "Fine." He muttered.

"Yay! You're like the best kidnapper ever!" I cheered, placing a bed right next to his.

"I don't know if that's a compliment or if I'm just not doing my job right."
