Chapter 10

Izuku's POV

No one wanted to wake Aizawa besides Iida. Sero took it upon himself to tape up the poor class rep. Yaoyorozu wasn't too keen about the idea either, but she took significantly less convincing.

"Hey guys! Let's play truth or dare again!" Mina said, keeping her voice soft as to not wake our cranky teacher.

A few students agreed, some groaned. "Remember what happened last time?" I asked, looking over at her with a suspicious look.

She huffed at all the negative reactions, "I know, but Shinso will be with us the whole time. It's not like he's gonna try and kidnap you again." She said with a 'duh' tone.

I rolled my eyes at her and turned to look at Shin. "I don't know, kidnapping Izu was a pretty fun experience." He said with a smirk and a shrug. I nearly fell over laughing at his statement, "We played Minecraft the whole time!" I exclaimed.

"*Cough* and cuddled *cough* multiple times *cough*." He said, fake coughing, obviously. I turned a deep shade of red as all of the girls squealed.

"It was twice! One was because I was too tired to even know what I was saying, and the second time was because I was hogging the blankets, because I was cold, and you wanted some and then you just put me on your lap! Like who does that and blames it on the other person!" I ranted, feeling overwhelmed with embarrassment. I glanced at my classmates and saw most of the girls with bloody noses, leaving me to wonder how on earth they all got them at the same time- maybe it was a quirk? I didn't miss the fact that Todoroki was steaming from his left side.

Shinso didn't respond to my rant, but he was slightly smiling, looking at the ground. I had no idea why, but I have to admit I really liked his smile. I knew that I had seen it a few times already, but something kept telling me that he wasn't used to smiling, like it was a new concept to him- being happy.

"Can we please just play?" Kaminari whined, cutting off our fight or conversation or whatever it was. The whole class sighed, but ended up agreeing to play. Except for Iida, of course. He was still taped up in the back of the class. And Kacchan, he walked out earlier and hadn't come back yet.

"Yay!" Mina squealed and clapped, "I'll go first." She quickly scanned all of the students who were actually playing, her eyes landing on me. I couldn't help the fear that struck me as her smile morphed into a wicked smirk. I knew it was all over for me then. "Midoriya, truth or dare?"

It took me a few seconds to answer. 'If I say truth, she could ask me a super embarrassing question, but if I chose dare there's no telling how far she'll take it!' there wasn't a good option for me. My eyes darted to Shinso, hoping he'd do something, I wasn't sure what, but anything would be better than playing this game. He, of course, offered no help, but shot me a reassuring look along with his tired smirk. 'He really needs to get more sleep.' I thought to myself and then scolded myself for thinking of Shin's sleep schedule when I should be focused on my next decision. I didn't feel like being made fun of for being a wimp, so I chose dare.

"Sit on Shinso's lap for the rest of the game." I casually got up from my seat and sat down on Shin's lap, acting like I wasn't affected. I mean, I'd already done it before so it shouldn't be a problem, right?


It was a huge problem. Our entire class was watching us. Just watching, and it was kind of unnerving. I relaxed, but only after Shin wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. If there was one thing I learned while I was kidnapped, it was that Shinso is a damn good snuggler.

As the game continued, Kaminari was dared to charge just about everyone's phones, Jirou was sitting in Yaoyorozu's lap, Kirishima was hanging upside down on a desk losing blood circulation, Todoroki made it snow in the room and nearly woke Aizawa, Uraraka had to use her quirk to stack all of the desks together into something that resembled the Eiffel Tower, Hagakure and Ojirou had to see how many different office supplies they could stack on top of Aizawa without waking him up, and that's how the game ended. Aizawa jerked awake and all of the thirty seven pens they stuck in his hair, a couple of the sixty sticky notes they stuck in various places, two rules they balanced on his head, four textbooks they had leaning against his arms and head, and the sevenish regular books they stacked on top of his head, came crashing, flying, and scattered down. I had never seen our homeroom teacher so genuinely pissed off before.

Luckily the only ones who got into any trouble were Ojirou, Hagakure got away with it because Aizawa didn't notice her, even with her uniform on, Kaminari, for giving them the dare, Kacchan, because he wasn't in class, and Sero, for taping up Iida. After that, the class was let out early, but we all had to promise not to tell Nezu that Aizawa fell asleep.

I dragged Shinso back to the dorm building, wanting to show him my dorm and see what he did with his. "Jeez Izu, calm down." He said with a light laugh as I took another sharp corner. I shot him a smile over my shoulder, but didn't slow my pace. Once we arrived at my room, I opened the door and showed him around. He didn't have a very strong opinion on it, negative or positive, he just wasn't as hyped about the dorms as I was.

Next was his dorm. He had brought most of his stuff from the league hide out to the dorms, which made me really happy. That meant that he couldn't just pack up and leave as easily, compared to if he'd left most of his stuff behind. It honestly looked a lot like how his other room looked.

"Hey do you want-" I turned around quickly and took a step forward, not noticing that Shinso was so close to me. I ended up falling on to him and pushing us both backwards, thankfully landing on his bed and not the floor. I blushed a deep red and started to ramble, "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Shin! I wasn't paying attention. Are you okay? I didn't hurt you, did I? Oh gosh, I totally did didn't I? How bad-" Trust me, I could have kept going. I would have kept going, if he hadn't cut me off.

By kissing me.
