Ch. 22

*Sam pov*

Two weeks and he's already ignoring me. HE invited ME over to HIS house and has the audacity to not talk to me. I've tried over and over to start a conversation and he shuts it down every time. "So what did you do today?" He looked up from his phone for a second "Nothing." and he looks right back at his phone. "So did Jake tell you who he saw at the store?" This time he didn't even look up. "Yup." Wow great conversation am I right?

"Do you wanna do something?" He looked up for a second and smirked. "Like what?" He asked before looking back down at his phone. "Like telling me why you're ignoring me." He rolled his eyes and didn't answer. "I'll be back in a minute, then I'll stop "ignoring" you." He kissed me on the forehead and walked out. While he was gone his phone was blowing up. Curiosity got the best of me and I checked it. I saw at least ten texts form someone named "Ronni 🖤". She was saying things like: "I love you" "Come back Colbs" and my personal favorite "leave ur bf, I'm better." Its like he wanted me to see it. He left his phone here knowing i would see it, he doesn't love me. Lucas was right I'm just easy.

I gathered all my things and headed for the door. He drove me here so i had to walk home, the whole time my phone was blowing up, I'm sure it was Colby wanting to know where i went.

It was cold out and I didn't have enough on to keep me warm. But it's okay, I only lived a few miles away.

When I finally got home I realized I left my keys at Colby's house. "Fuck." I knocked on the door hoping Amy would hear. "Sam why are you home? I thought you were spending the night with Colby?" I stepped inside and dropped my bag at the door. "Because Colby's an asshole who deserves nothing except rotting in hell." Amy looked stunned and took a step closer to me. "Can you tell me what happened?" I felt tears threatening to fall so i walked away. "I'm going to bed, if he calls or texts you don't answer!" I slammed my bedroom door shut.

I looked at my bed, the sheets were still a mess from the last time we slept there. I ripped the blankets off my the bed and threw them on the other side of the room.

I was sitting in a chair in front of my computer. I was trying to distract myself from my phone I knew if I went on it i would just cry more and more. But distractions only work for so long.

Sam where r u?
Did u go to get something to eat
Did u leave
I checked the whole house ur def not here
Im sorry if u thought i was ignoring u i was just dealing with something.
Please tell me whats wrong
Are u walking home?
U live like four miles away
Do u want me to pick u up and drive the rest of the way
Tell me how to fix this
Ur scaring me
At least tell me ur okay
now ur the one ignoring me wow
Please text me when u get home
Did u make it?
Sam istg I'm this close to calling the police
If u dont answer in the next fifteen minutes i'm calling the cops
Ten minutes
Five minutes
Sam ik ur home Amy told me
She said you were pissed at me
What did i do?
I didn't mean to do anything.
I'm so sorry
I love you

Tears rolled down my face as i read the texts. I knew it was fake, he didn't really care, he couldn't have. He was in love with someone else, he just wanted to play with my feelings. He tried so hard from the very beginning for this moment, maybe he thought I would've had a bigger reaction and thats why he's blowing up my phone. My own sister didn't even listen to me, this must be intentional ignore Sam day.

I cried myself to sleep that night. and the worst part was that i still wanted him.


*Colby pov*

He wouldn't answer. For a while I thought he got hit or taken, my hands were shaking up until Amy texted me.

Hey Sam just got here and he is rlly pissed at u. What happened?

Thank god he's ok
And idk. I got up to use the bathroom and when i came back he was gone.

I tried to text him a few more times but he never answered. The words Read 12:36 am haunted the bottom of my screen. I sat on my bed, alone, wondering what I did, why Sam was so mad at me. I racked my brain thinking of anything and everything that could've caused this.

Then it hits me. I left my phone in my room when i went to the bathroom. He might've seen Veronica text me.


Hey Colby <3333


I just wanna say how very sorry i am for leaving like that, tbh I didn't want to my friends made me. Then they came up with the lie that i used u for fame.


No I promise thats what happened
Im sorry
Can we start over?
Pwease 🥺

I have a boyfriend and im happy

Cole how could u cheat like that

We aren't together?

We could be tho 😉😘

Now pls stop texting me

Why bb

Dont call me that
And bc i want to hang out with him not u

Just come back to me Colbs
Leave ur bf i'm better
And u know it 😉
Come on stop ignoring me
Remember our chemistry
I need u
I love you!
You love me!
Ik u miss me
Come on bb just admit it



I fucking hate her so much, now she's made Sam hate me.

I tossed my phone and fell back onto bed. My hand covered my face as tears fell from my eyes.

I cried myself to sleep, all I wanted to do was hold him and tell him how much he meant to me.

1076 words
