Ch. 10

*Sam pov*

Last show! I'm so excited, don't get me wrong I love being up on stage it's thrilling. But i miss my bed and home in general.

Tonight we play in Riverside. I've never been but apparently it's a cool place.

The dressing rooms were a little small, but I managed. "Five minutes!" I heard the guy yell from outside of our rooms. I walked out and sat on a very small couch in the lounge area. Colby came out a minute later and squeezed next to me on the couch. Our legs were touching and so were our shoulders. I felt relief when Kat walked out of her room and walked up to us.

"You guys ready for the last show?" She asked bent over tying her shoes. "Extremely." I said trying to scooch over as much as possible. "Same, I'm excited to be back home." Colby added, we all hummed in agreement.

"Show time brothers!" Jake yelled walking out of his room. We all got up and made our way to the stage. It was more packed than any other show i had been at. We all looked at each other and nodded.

They're not an inspiration, they're soulless scumbags
For sure

The crowd roared when the heard the intro to Killionaire, everyone singing along.

It was every thing i needed and more. The audience was amazing, no one messed up, and the fans seemed to start warming up to me.

During the meet and greet after the show some girl came in and started flirting with me. "I mean Andrew was good but you're a lot better, and hotter." I awkwardly laughed, "Thanks?" She put her hand on my shoulder and laughed. "You're too funny, maybe we should grab a drink together. I'll give you my number." I felt another arm snake around my waist then someone kiss my head. "Ready to go?" I look over and see Colby standing next to me giving me a knowing smile. I looked back over at the girl who turned bright red. "Oh my- I'm so sorry I didn't know. I won't tell anyone." She quickly walked away.

"What was that?!" I semi-yelled after she was gone. "You looked uncomfortable, i was just trying to help. Sorry." So he could tell I was uncomfortable then but not when I'm around him. "It's fine. Thanks." I said annoyed.

She was the last person thankfully.

We packed everything up and headed back to the bus. "Whats your address Sam?" Ty asked once i got on. "Its 8263 Scrap dr." He put it in his phone and nodded.

About thirty minutes into the drive my phone vibrated.

Hey sam

Currently omw back home
We just finished our last show

Thats fun!
We should hang out tomorrow, go out to a bar or something

Are u asking me out on a date

I guess you could say that

Then it's a date. Just text me the info


I silently squealed. Finally.

"Kat, Lucas asked me out!" She looked up from her phone and smiled. "When is it?" She asked putting her phone down. "Tomorrow!"

"You have to facetime me when you're getting ready!" I nodded. I could feel eyes staring daggers into the back of my head. Then i heard someone get up and walk to the back area of the bus. Kat rolled her eyes and continued to talk with me about Lucas.

*Kat pov*

Colby got up and walked to the back section of the bus. I rolled my eyes and listened to Sam go on and on about Lucas. After about an hour Sam fell asleep.

I walked over to the park of the bus Colby was on and sat next to him. "So he really likes Lucas." Colby said looking at me. "Yeah, a lot." He sighed and leaned back. "But I don't think they're gonna last." He looked over at me. "What do you mean?"

"Well Sam just wants you to leave him alone. I think he was really sleep deprived when he told me because I don't think he wanted anyone to know. He's just with Lucas to get away from you, and if you stop bothering him then i think he'll break thing off with him."

He looked at me dumbfounded and put his head in his hands. "Okay. I'll try i guess."

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