The employees of H.R. departments are shivering in fear . A devil in the form of CEO is sitting in front of them . Who has already fired more than 120 employees in the last 1 hour . Due to incomplete and delayed work .

After 10-15 minutes . 14 more employees are fired and 10 are transferred to other branches.

When everyone from H.R. Department came out from the cabin .

A college boy of about 20-21 years entered the cabin .

" Who wants to die? And how dare you enter my cabin without my permission, " he said in a rude and angry voice .

The cold aura in the office can freeze every one in seconds .

That boy stepped forward . When Arhaan looked up, his anger level came down .

" This is your final year . "

" Yes Bhai " he replied in a cheerful voice .

" You also have to study hard for your betterment " .

" Yes Bhai " he replied again

" After 2 months you have your exams "

" Yes Bhai " he replied again

" Then what hell you are doing here "

That boy came behind his chair and hugged him .

" What do you want ? Arhaan asked straight forward.

" Bhai actually " He was hesitating to say .

They called him to sit in front of him .
" Tomorrow I am going to New York for a business trip . "
" Okay Bhai " he replied and started shaking his legs .

" If you want you can go with your friends on a Shimla trip . But "
Ryan's face blooms like cherry blossoms.
But that again turned his happy face into sad .
Arhaan continued ..
This will be the last time you are going on a trip before your exams . "

" No problem Bhai . This is the last time before exams I am going on a trip with friends " in a cheerful voice he said .

" Now , go to your college " Arhaan said and again started focusing on his work .

" Bro . Too much anger is not good for your health and for the job of employees as well "
Ryan said and ran out from his cabin .

Arhaan stared at him and again lost in his work .


Delhi University ....

At the college gate a group of 3-4 boys are waiting for someone ...

When Ryan entered college he joined them .

" For whom you guys are waiting.
You know I have good news . Bhai agreed and allowed me to go on the trip " He said in a cheery voice .

Voice of a girl fell in every one's ear .
" That so nice Ryan means we all are going on the trip . Yah hoo.... This will be so good and interesting "

" Yess it will . Shweta " Rohit .
One of Ryan's friends replied.

The other one Shiv said " This is First time that bhai allowed him to go with us "

" Guys we are getting late for classes, " One of them , Mayank said .

" Yess sure . Mayank , shiv , and Sid you three have to come to my place today " Ryan said and they all went to their classes.



A girl in a red bold dress and high heels entered the office .

Every staff member started gossiping about her .

" Who is she? " a newly joined employee asked .

" She is Maya . Boss's fiance " a lady standing with her replies.

" But I haven't seen her before and in media also their is not any news about Boss engagement"

" Any media company can't publish anything about the Boss without his permission, " another staff member replied.

When they are talking.

Maya accidentally got bashed with a peon . And water in peon hand fell on her dress .
Maya slapped and pushed that old peon on the floor and put her sandal on his hand and started crushing his hand .

A new intern who doesn't know her came front and pushed Maya away from that peon .

That girl helped that old peon to get up .

" Are you mad or what? Just look at him . He is of your father's age "

Every staff member stands surrounding them . At the same time Arhaan was passing from there . To go to his meeting.

When the manager of the Accounts department sees Arhaan he entered in between them and pushed that intern away and shouted at him .

" You know who she is . She is Maya Khurana . The lady boss of this company . And tell me who you are . "

Arhaan also came their .

" Avni Rajvash , new intern employee in Accounts department from D.U. in second year . Directly selected by the CEO of the company . And approval by his P.A. who is also the second CEO of this company. "
Her introduction shocked everyone .

With a voice of chatak . Everyone froze .
Arhaan is beating that manager very badly . And in just a few minutes the manager who is standing in attitude position is now in the position of death . That condition Arhaan made of him . In just minutes.

Arhaan kicked him and cleaned his hand . " Take him to the hospital and he is fired "

He said and held Avni's hand and went into his cabin .

His P.A. Amrit called the ambulance and told 2 employees and that old peon to go to hospital and get treatment .

" Miss Maya. Boss doesn't want to meet you so please go back and you have to pay the medical bills of our employee to whom you hurt according to our rules .

And this announcement is for everyone

The girl who was here and takes the stand for that employee . She is the sister of the boss so please everyone take care otherwise you all know the position of manager any of you can be . So take care "
He said and left from there .

After he left . The staff members started gossiping again .


Arhaan's cabin .

Avni was sitting on the couch with a puppy face by folding his legs . And Arhaan is applying ointment on her hand which has turned red because that manager holds her hand very tightly .

" That was a really assho*e . Look how much he hurted me Bhai " and the complaints are stated again . After cursing that manager and Maya . She put her hand on her stomach and looked at Arhaan.

At the same time Amrit entered the office with a tray of food .

She cheered up . Arhaan stands and gives her the food tray .

" Boss . Today Ryan and his friends are coming home for dinner and please try to leave within 1 hour to leave for home . Mr and Mrs rajvansh also wants to meet you "

" Okay " he replied.

And after an hour they all depart for Mansion .



WHEN ARHAAN , AVNI and AMRIT went to the Mansion.

One couple, about 45-50 years old, is sitting in the hall . And waiting for them .

" Avni . Where are you ? And why did you came back from US " The lady on the couch stand and tries to slap her . In anger ...

A cold aura has covered the whole place . And a angry voice resonates

" Don't dare Mrs Rajvansh . You may have given birth to them . But I raised them up they are my kids "

" Shut up Arhaan. Is this the way to talk with your mother? And let me remind you . You are also her child . So don't forget your limits . "

" Mr Rajvansh . Look who's talking about limits . And let me remind you . My mother died 20 years ago . This lady is your wife and the thing about kids is that she just gave them birth . She never understands them . Never care about them . She even deserves to be called a mother . Not Now , just get out of my house " Arhaan shouted .

Ryan and Avni came and hugged him before he lost all controls .

Soon Mr and Mrs Rajvansh left after cursing on Arhaan .

" Bhai I don't want to go away from, " Avni said and started crying.

" Avni don't cry " Amrit said and passed a glass of water to her .

Till Arhaan gets normal . Ryan's friends also came . They all had dinner and planned about what to do next .

" Ryan, do you need security also for trip " Amrit asked .

" No Bhai . We want to enjoy this trip as normal. I don't want any kind of rules and regulations or security with me this time " Ryan replied.

" Wait wait wait . Which trip , what trip , what are you talking about . Arhaan Bhai will go to New York tomorrow . I will be alone here if you go Ryan . And how can you go without me " her complains are started again .

" Wait Miss bullet train. I am going to live with you here and after two days We will also join them in Shimla "
Amrit said .

" Avni doesn't create any mess . He has to attend some important meetings and you also have to join them . I am not stopping you . You can also go but after two days . " Arhaan said .

" Ok Bhai " Avni's face turned small .

" Well . We are going tomorrow morning at 5 . So we are staying here tonight, "Shiv said .

" No problem . But " Arhaan is saying. But Ryan interrupted in between

" Not any kind of mess and misbehave "

They all laughed .
And had their dinner by talking and planning.

" I will go at 2 am so you guys take care and I don't want you guys to be in any sort of problem " Arhaan said .

Then Amrit left for his house . Ryan and his friends went into his room . And Arhaan goes with Avni in his room . Avni needs someone who can slowly pat on her head and slowly massage her hair .


After going into her room . Arhaan sits on bed and Avni puts her head on his lap and he starts massaging her hair .

" Bhai . You will never leave us na " she asked .

" Relax bacche . I will never leave you alone . I raised you both as my kids . You are my life for me . Maa ke baad tumhi hi toh ho mere apne "
He said and kissed her forehead.

Soon Avni sleeps . Arhaan properly covers her with a blanket and puts her head on a pillow. Then he left her room.

Then he called Amrit and instructed him to take care of both of them .
And told him to send some undercover guards for their protection.

Seeing him command Amrit for security . Ryan went to him .

" Bhai don't worry . Nothing is going to happen to us . "

" How I can't worry for you . You both are my lifeline for me "

" We know Bhai . And for your satisfaction you can send security with us . And now please go to sleep you also have to left in early morning its already late "
Ryan said and went into his room .

Arhaan went into his room and locked the door . Picks a bottle of rum and sits on the floor and puts his head on the corner of bed . And looked at a photo of a lady . On the wall .
" Maa I miss you so much . Apke jane ke baad bass Avni or Ryan hi bache hai mere pass . I don't want to lose them and this thing I don't know how . This anger became my nature . I loves and miss you so much maa "
He drinks the whole bottle of Rum .
And sleep . As he was sitting..


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For a new chapter...........

{ I think this chapter has cleared you about Arhaan Rajvansh and Ryan Rajvansh and about their families and friends . }
