Wrost Day Ever

Chapter 3: Worst Day Ever

I couldn't believe what Brady and Boomer did after the diamond fell off from the statue, I looked at Mikayla and spoke up.

"So Mikayla what does this means?" I asked

"Well bad luck things happen here in KinKow" said Mikayla

"Like what?" I asked all confuse

"Like tarantula people will come and destroy KinKow" said Mikayla

"Are they real?" Maybelle & I asked

"Duh they're real why you both think it's not real?" Mikayla asked

"I'm sorry cause we're not from here" said Maybelle

" Yeah besides what's gonna happen?" I asked

Suddenly the ground started to shake and the people starts to freaked out more then Mikayla looks at me again

" This happens and we need to get the diamond back to its place" said Mikayla

"Do we have to?" I asked

" Yes gosh darn it!!" Mikayla snaps

"Now baby girl you don't want to look bad in front of the Kings" said Mason

"But daddy she's asking like if she doesn't cares" said Mikayla

"Sis just be patience with her" said Michael as he looks at her

"Well easy for you to say it Mike" said Mikayla as she rolls her eyes

"Michelle why don't you stay here while the Kings and my dad and my sister and I take care of it" said Michael as he looks at me

"Eh I rather go with you guys but my sister could stay" I said

"Aww I want to go too" said Maybelle as she pouts

"Maybelle it's best you stay here besides it's too dangerous if you go" I said

"Ok but don't find any cute guys without me" said Maybelle 

I giggled a little and rolled my eyes then we went to find the missing diamond that flew in the dark side of the island, I was too close against Brady that I almost held his hand but then he thought it was Mikayla's hand. He starts to spoke up after

"Aww Mikayla you don't have to hold my hand" said Brady as he chuckles

"What are you talking about my king?" Mikayla asked

"Well you're holding my hand" said Brady

"Uh no I'm not holding your hand king Brady" said Mikayla

"What? If that's your hand then who's hand I'm holding?" Brady asked

" That would be my hand my love I mean Brady" I said a little nervous

"Michelle? Why are you holding my hand for?" Brady asked all confuse

"Well uhh umm I don't want to get lost" I said as I try to play it cool

"Are you sure you don't like king Brady?" Michael asked

"Oh hush up Michael I don't like Brady like that" I said as I scoff

"Are you sure about that?" Boomer asked

"Would you guys stop asking me about this gosh!" I snapped

Michael looks at his sister Mikayla and whisper for I can't hear him

"I think she does likes King Brady" said Michael while whispering

"It's obvious that she does likes him which I'm pretty sure he suppose to know it" said Mikayla as she whispers back

"I don't think he does knows it" said Michael while whispering

"Hey what are we whispering about?" Brady asked as he whispers too

"Dang it my king you scarred the crap out of me!!" Michael yells

"Well you guys were whispering" said Brady

"It's nothing my king why don't you ask Michelle maybe she will tell you her secret" said Michael

"Ooh I like secrets" said Brady

I over heard what Michael told Brady that I should tell him that my secret is I have this huge crush on him but I don't want to tell him yet till I'm ready, I saw him looking at me then I looked back at him.

" Yes Brady?" I said

"It's king Brady to you" said Brady

"I get you're a king but it feels weird to call you my king" I said

"Ok but still though you have to call me that" said Brady

"Brady please you don't want to start with me" I said as I roll my eyes

"Well Mike says you have a secret to tell me" said Brady

My heart starts to beat fast that I wasn't sure if I should tell him how I feel for him then I started to take a deep breath and breath out then I was about to say something then suddenly the tarantula people shows up with their king along with them, their king looks at us and spoke up after.

"Well well what do we have here" said the guy

"Oh no this can't be" said Mikayla

"Mikayla who the heck this guy!?" Brady asked as he gets jealous

"Brady would you just relax!?" I asked as I yelled

"How would I relax if Mikayla knows this guy" said Brady

"My Kings that's King Damon the most evil king in The Dark Side Island" said Mason

"Aww why thank you for your introducing me Mason" said Damon

"What the heck you want from us?" Michael asked

"Well I see you guys want to get this diamond eh" said Damon as he shows us the diamond on his hand

"Give that back!!" Mikayla yells

"Aww well that's too bad" said Damon as he chuckles

"You're not going to get away from this!!" Michael yells

"Watch me like let me take her for example" said Damon as he grabs me

"Michelle!!" Everyone yells

"Brady help me!!" I yelled

"Don't worry Michelle I'll get you!" Brady yells

The tarantula people blocks Brady as Damon was taking me as his hostage then they left with us after then Michael looks at Brady and Boomer.

"My Kings I think you both should go after Michelle and the diamond" said Michael

"Can Mikayla could go with us?" Brady asked

"Sorry my king I can't go with you guys" said Mikayla

"Awww why not" said Brady as he pouts

"Well you have to go and get the diamond and rescue Michelle" said Mikayla

Brady nods then they went to The Dark Side Island, as they were walking to look for me then Boomer spoke up while they were walking.

"Brady I know this would sound to you crazy but I think Michelle likes you" said Boomer

"Boom how the heck you could tell if she likes me or not?" Brady asked

"Isn't it obvious she's the one who hold your hand" said Boomer

"I don't know if I could like Michelle like that" said Brady

" You know that there's no chance of you with Mikayla" said Boomer

"Well you don't know that" said Brady

"Ugh you don't get it do you?" Boomer asked

"Why do you have against Mikayla hmm?" Brady asked

"I don't have nothing bad against her it's just she doesn't see you that way" said Boomer

The twins arrived where was the dark side where King Damon was from then the tarantula people tide me up against the tree that they had then their king walks up towards to me and caress my face.

"Aww what's the matter my dear" said Damon

"Dude get your dirty hand away from me" I said

"I don't think your precious Kings will help you" said Damon

"Well you don't know that" I said

Brady and Boomer shows up then they saw me tide up and then I looked at them, suddenly they been caught by the tarantula people then their king looks at them and spoke up.

"Well well what do we have here" said Damon

"Brady! You're here!" I said as I squealed

"Ahem what about me girl?" Boomer asked

"Oh yeah Boomer you're here too" I said

"No one can't stop me muahaha" said Damon as he laughs evilly

"Not so fast Damon" said Mikayla as she shows up with her brother and her dad

"Kayla my first girlfriend since middle school" said Damon

"Girlfriend!?" Brady asked all jealous

"Let me guess you're her boyfriend" said Damon as he looks at Brady

"Yes I am her boyfriend" said Brady

I rolled my eyes and trying not to be jealous about it then I spoke up

"Keep on dreaming Brady I don't think that's gonna happen" I said

"Ooh someone is jealous" said Boomer as he teased

"Me jealous? Pffft as if" I said as scoff

"Are you sure about that?" Michael asked

"You're not helping Michael!!" I yelled

"Can we just get the diamond and rescue Michelle?" Mikayla asked

"Geez thanks girl" I said

"I'm trying to help you here" said Mikayla

"I know but it's whatever" I said

Mikayla didn't say nothing to me and then she helps me to be free then we got the diamond and went back to the castle then I saw they put back on the statue then my sister Maybelle walks up towards to me and hugs me.

"Thank goodness you're ok" said Maybelle

"Maybelle I'm fine" I said as I hugged back

"Hey where's my hug?" Boomer asked

"You want a hug?" Maybelle asked

"Yes please" said Boomer as he opens his arms for a hug

Maybelle hugs him then I looked at her and spoke up

"Maybelle can I talk to you for a second?" I asked

"Sure what sup" said Maybelle

"I mean privately" I said

Maybelle nods then we went to our room which it was the guest room then I close the door after we walked in.

"What you want to talk to me about?" Maybelle asked

"It's about my feelings for Brady" I said

Without knowing Lonnie was standing behind the door was listening to our conversations then she starts to mumble

"So she has a crush on cousin Brady eh" said Lonnie

Lanny shows up and looks at her

"What are you doing sis?" Lanny asked

Lonnie flinch and looks at her brother and whisper

"Shh Lanny I'm trying to listen what they're talking about" said Lonnie while whispering

"Oh yeah like what?" Lanny asked as he whispers back

"Apparently Michelle likes our cousin Brady" said Lonnie

"Does he knows it?" Lanny asks

"I don't think he does" said Lonnie

They kept listening to our conversation then Maybelle looks at me and spoke after

"Have you told him yet?" Maybelle asked

"No not yet I'm not sure when I should tell him" I said

"How about you tell him maybe for prom" said Maybelle

"Maybelle you know that we're not in that school anymore ever since we're now with Brady and Boomer" I said

"Well you never know if we do go back to for our prom" said Maybelle

I didn't know what to say to my own sister after she keeps insisting that we should go to our prom that isn't like maybe in a few months, I was a little bit nervous to tell Brady my feelings which I'm afraid to get rejected by him.

~to be continued.....~
