
Chapter 50: Flashback
(Guest Stars: Max Adler as Randall Jefferson and Vanessa Hudgens as Jessica Jameson)
(Author's Note: This chapter is gonna be a flashback where Brady and Boomer finds out they're kings way before they go to Kinkow with Michelle and Maybelle so enjoy this chapter)

It was Brady and Boomer's 16 birthday that they were celebrating with their aunt and uncle and me and my sister were invited to the party that we were wearing some cute outfits for the party.

While the boys were wearing some casual outfits for their birthdays

We were all singing happy birthday to them since it's their birthday

"Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Brady and Boomer happy birthday to youuuu" we said as sang

Both of the twins blow out the candles and we clapped and then we cut the cake. Their aunt and uncle were wearing some casual outfits

They looked at Brady and Boomer on what the boys wishes for.

"So boys what did you wish for?" Bill asked

"Well I wished for to meet my dream girl Beyoncé" said Boomer

"Hahaha that's funny! I don't think Beyoncé will know you're a real person" said Maybelle as she laughs

"I agree sorry Boomer but you do realize that Beyoncé is too famous to notice you" I said

"Well you don't know that" said Boomer

"Boom they're right you're just crazy that she probably will reject you since you're not famous" said Brady

"You guys are just jealous that you wish you were me" said Boomer

"Any who so Brady what did you wish for?" I asked as I kept my cool

"I wanted to know where is my parents and what happen to them" said Brady

"Uhh umm will you look at the time that you kids you should go to school before it gets late for you guys" said Nancy

"Uh Mrs. Parker don't you realize it's the weekend" I said

"Yeah Mrs. P I don't think we have school" said Maybelle

"Right well don't you girls have to go back home since it's late for you both" said Nancy

"Awww we wanted to see the open gifts" said Maybelle as she pouts

I elbowed Maybelle for saying that then I looked at her

"Maybelle that wasn't nice to say to her" I said

"What I wanted to see what they got for their birthday" said Maybelle

I rolled my eyes then we left their house to go back to our house then we went enter the the house and see our parents in the living room watching a movie. They looked at us and spoke up after

"I thought you girls were going to stay a little bit longer at the Parkers' house?" Dad asked

"No daddy cause Mickie didn't want to stay for a bit longer" said Maybelle

"It wasn't my idea May, besides it was Mrs. Parker that she doesn't want to tell Brady and Boomer on what happen to their parents" I said

"Why you say that for honey?" Mom asked as she got up from the couch

"Because Brady wished for to know what happen to his parents or at least where they're at" I said

"To think of it you're right honey I haven't met his parents or how is it like cause I still don't get how Brady and Boomer really Twins" said Mom

"Cynthia they're fraternal Twins sweetie" said Dad

"Really I didn't knew that" said Mom

"Oh come on Cynthia think about it there are few twins that don't usually look alike" said Dad as he chuckles

"Can you guys imagine if Bryan and Bobby's parents are the First Lady and the president of the United States" said Maybelle

"Maybelle it's Brady and Boomer not Bryan and Bobby cause maybe their dad's name is either Bobby or Bradley" I said

"You think so?" Maybelle asked

"Maybe but I'm just gonna go to my room since I know tomorrow we have school" I said

"Aww I wish we don't have to go" said Maybelle as she pouts

"Well we have to find someone that are rich and we just don't have to go then" I said as I joked

"You should ask Brady if he has a rich family" said Maybelle

"Maybelle I'm not going to do that besides I don't care about the money though, I only wanted him to noticed me that I really liked him" I said as I sigh all in love

"Oooh Mickie you're so in love with Brady" said Maybelle as she teased

"Huh umm well I just wanted him to know that's all" I said as I was a little nervous

"You should just tell him already I'm pretty sure he will like you back" said Maybelle

"Maybe but I'll see what happens" I said

Maybelle nods then it was the next day morning that we had to go to school then my alarm went off and I got up from my bed and woke my sister up for we could get ready for school.

"Maybelle get up its time to go to school" I said

"Awww 5 more minutes" said Maybelle as she groans

"Quit whining sis and get up" I said

"Hmm kaykay" said Maybelle as she gets up

I started to wear some cute outfits for school and had a little bit of makeup on

While my sister was wearing some cute outfits and had her hair in a ponytail and has makeup on as well.

I looked at her and spoke up after since it was silence

"So should I really tell Brady how I really feel for him?" I asked

"Uh huh if you want to know if he feels the same for you" said Maybelle

"I don't know sis but I'll see what happens but let's go to school" I said

Maybelle nods then we got everything and got a snack on the way to go school and then we said our goodbye to our parents and head out the house, as we got out we saw Brady and Boomer already fully dressed for school.

They looked at us and spoke up after and started to flirt with us

"So ladies like what you see eh" said Brady & Boomer

"Eww gross you're not my type no offense Brady and Booger" said Maybelle

"Girl it's Boomer! Not Booger get your facts right!" Boomer yells

"What's that suppose to mean!" Maybelle yelled

"Guys enough or else our parents and aunt and uncle will check on us" I said

"But she called me Booger!" Boomer yelled

"Let's go to school okay" I said

"I agree with Michi on this Boom" said Brady as he puts his arm around me

My hearted started to pound fast that he put his arm around me then I try not to show my feelings around him then I pulled away from him and spoke after.

"Uh umm can we hurry to go to school" I said

"Yeah sure whatever you say babe" said Brady as he was being flirty

I rolled my eyes playfully then moments later we were already at school then I saw my best friend Jessica at school then she walks up towards to me and Maybelle and spoke up after.

"Hi May and Michi" said Jessica

"Hi Jess" we said

"I bet Brady and Boomer were flirting with you girls huh" said Jessica

"Yeah gross I don't like them" said Maybelle

"Meh I don't care if Brady flirts with me" I said

"Michi you know that you do want to be with him" said Jessica as she teased

"What? Pfft no as if look I know Brady is cute an all but I don't think he will see me that way though" I said

"Mickie are you deaf you didn't heard what Brady called you when we were going to school?" Maybelle asked

"Nope and I don't care" I said

"He called you babe that means he does likes you sis" said Maybelle

"Maybe but I'm not sure he just saying that oh by the way I love the outfit Jess looks cute" I said

"Thanks I didn't know what to wear" said Jessica as she smiled

Jessica was wearing some cute outfits for school

"Yeah it does looks cute" said Maybelle

"Aww thanks May" said Jessica

"Hey girls don't you think I'm cute?" Randall asked as he shows up

We looked at him and he was wearing his jock outfit

"Eww gross go away Randy" said Maybelle

"I agree with my sister go away Randall" I said

"Aww come on you know you want the big bad Randy" said Randall

"Ha! As if look why don't you go bother other girls like Quinn and Santana and Brittany" I said

"I'm not going to bug them cause they told me to flirt with you girls" said Randall

"You jerk!" We yelled

Coach Sylvester shows up that she was wearing her uniform like other PE coaches.

She looks at all of us and spoke up that she got very annoyed with us.

"What the heck is going on here" said Linda

"Ms. Sylvester tell Randy not to bug us" said Maybelle

"Aww was he bothering you?" Linda asked a little sarcastic

"Uh huh he was" said Maybelle as she nods

"Well that's too bad that's part of life that men don't know what they want" said Linda

"Umm coach why are you being harsh on my sister?" I asked

"Well she needs to grow up and not to be a tale tattler" said Linda

"Yeah but it's not right that we always get picked on especially Brady and Boomer" I said

"Who?" Linda asked

"Those guys over there" I said as I point

"Oh them well what I can say they just love to get attention by anyone to notice them" said Linda

I shook my head on what I just been told by coach Sylvester that she seems not to care at all that she's being so rude and not doing her job right but I can't do nothing about it or else she's gonna deny it. I was hoping Brady doesn't get hurt by anyone when they picked on him and his brother.

~to be continued...~
