034. festival nights

ミ☆ chapter thirty four
festival nights

Liked by indiyahpolack and 65,409 others
flolikethis festival season starts NOWW @bbcradio1

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user1 i'm gonna be there 🤗🤗

bukayosaka87 see you soon 🥳🥳
simone_adeola league winners only x
bukayosaka87 😒

tolami_benson stunners 💌

user2 i'm so proud

user3 can we have summer anthem please please please please please plrw ples plese plrwse

centralcee 🤩
user4 please get in line

user5 renee caught white boy fever from stella 😞

user6 i miss her friendship with jude
user7 they're still friends 💀

adeolapatronne ❤️❤️

user8 why is nobody talking about cench 😭


"Tell your man to behave," Jorja joked, placing her phone on a dresser. She held up the mini fan to her face, hoping sweat wouldn't ruin her makeup.

"He's not my man, stop," Renee replied, hitting her friend's shoulder softly. "He needs to get out of my comments before I'm put on the shade room again.

The group were just minutes away from taking the stage for Big Weekend,

Stella shrugged. "He's being supportive, it's sweet."

"It is," Renee agreed, removing the cap from her water bottle and taking a sip of her water. She made a face due to how warm it was, but she needed something to ease her dry throat. "But we're just friends."

Jorja hummed and lowered her eyes. "Friends who kiss sometimes. And go out for dinner. Oh, and go to each other's shows. And—"

"I get your message," Renee interrupted, letting a loud huff release from her lips.. "Let me clarify— we're not dating. You really think I'm going to put my vulnerable heart out there for a rapper? In my book, the only thing worse than a footballer is a rapper."

Jorja, deciding it was best not to argue, held her hands up in a gesture of surrender. "Fair enough," she conceded.

At that moment, a stage manager, his face hidden initially by the darkness of the heavy curtains, emerged and stopped when he was equidistant from all three of them. "You guys ready to go on?"

"Yep, can we just say a prayer real quick?" Stella asked the man. His response was a gruff sound of approval, leaving the girls to their own quiet, well as quiet  as it could be with the sound of hundreds of excited fans chanting right behind the curtains.

Seconds after their short prayer concluded, Simone felt a soft hand snake around her waist. It made her jump at first,  before she realized who it was. "You came," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"My trailer was close by," Oakley informed her casually, pointing in a direction that she didn't bother looking in. "I wanted to see you before you went on."

"Are you gonna watch?" She inquired, her voice very slightly with hope.

"You want me to?" he asked, a teasing hint in his voice.

Simone narrowed her eyes at him. "What do you think?" she retorted, her tone playful.

All Oakley did was laugh and kiss her cheek. He was being extra touchy, it seemed.

"Hey, Lovebirds," Jorja approached the pair, adjusting her mic. She gave Cench a polite smile before turning to Simone. "We gotta go on."

Simone nodded at her friend, watching for a second as she and Stella walked to the very side of the stage to await their introduction. She shifted her attention back to Oakley, who pressed his lips to hers, making her smile into the kiss.

"What was that for?" she asked the boy, picking up her head piece and placing it over her head.

"Good luck," he responded with a cheeky smile that made her want to melt. He kissed her once more. "That one's cause you look good."

"Okay, stop kissing me, you're messing up my lip combo," she grumbled playfully. "See you after the show?"


With that, Simone rushed over to her friends, almost immediately noticing the looks on their faces. She frowned. "What?"

Jorja raised her brows. "'Not dating,' right?"

"Leave me alone."
