Chapter 4

On the other hand, Hansol was talking to the girls.

"Hansol do you think we will look great as a couple?" Chunhi asked hugging one of his arm. Hansol just smiled and didn't answer but Chunhi was fine with that.

She took Hansol away from that sassy diva and she's gonna make him hers.

Hansol is mine not yours Seungkwan. Chunhi thought smiling evilly. She continued to talk to her friends and Hansol until bell rang.

Sadly they weren't in the same class so, they said goodbyes to each other and went back to their own classes.

"Hey Seungkwan." Hansol said as he walked into the class. Seungkwan just nodded before continuing his chat with Joshua.

He was asking him to teach him English.

"Why not ask Hansol, Seungkwan?" Joshua asked. Seungkwan rolled his eyes.

"Because he's too occupied with that C*nthi" Seungkwan said (tbh I don't like that word cunt cause I don't use it and I don't think I would want to anyway)

"You're just jealous and don't ever use that word in front of me cause I will spray holy water on you as my name is Jisoos"

"Technically you're name is Jisoo."

"Shut up Seungkwan I was having a moment. Now I shall help you with your English." Joshua said with Seungkwan thanking him.

"So I'll come over to your house this Saturday?" Joshua nodded and the teacher came in. Hansol was looking at them the whole time before the teacher came. He sighed and looked at the teacher.

On Saturday, Seungkwan got up and ready without Hansol's help. Hansol came in just as Seungkwan was ready to go.

"Seungkwan where are you going?" He asked bringing him his breakfast.

"To Joshua's place and by the way you can have my breakfast. I know you haven't eaten. I'll eat at Joshua's place." Seungkwan said taking his bag that has all the English books.

"Why not you just ask me to teach you English?"

"How did you know I'm going to learn English there?"

"I'm your butler plus you wouldn't go to Joshua's house for no reason." Hansol said smirking. Seungkwan rolled his eyes before walking out of his room.

"Whatever I'm going now, bye" Seungkwan said closing the front door, walking to Joshua's house which wasn't that far from his.

He rang the doorbell and waited for awhile before Joshua opened the door with his boyfriend Jeonghan.

"Oh hey Seungkwan." Jeonghan said before walking to the couch.

"Hey so lets start?" Joshua said letting Seungkwan in. Seungkwan nodded taking his books just for English.

Few hours later~
"Omg I'm done for today!" Seungkwan said lying down on his bed.

"So next week same time?" Seungkwan asked. Joshua nodded before going downstairs to get some refreshments for them.

"Jeonghan how is your hair so silky and nice?" Seungkwan asked as Jeonghan was actually there too.

"I use shampoo made to help hair." Jeonghan and smiled.

'He seriously loves his hair man'

I feel like this is boring so I'm sorry if it bores u but I'll make it interesting soon :D
