Chapter 3

"Hey Seungkwan! Why the long face?" Seokmin asked along with Soonyoung behind.

"Nothing." Seungkwan said looking out of the window.

"Is it about Hansol?" Soonyoung asked making Seungkwan choke on his saliva.


"Come on it's so obvious you like Hansol." Seokmin said smiling.

Seungkwan rolled his eyes before pushing them away.

"I don't now go back to your lovers. Except for you Seokmin as you got no lover to go back to." Seungkwan said sticking out his tongue.

"RUDE BOY!" Seokmin shouted as the bell rang.

"Too bad I don't care." Seungkwan said as the teacher came in.

"I thought we were best buddies." Seokmin said placing his hand on his chest.

"We were now we're not." Seungkwan smirked.

"I WILL REMEMBER THIS SEUNGKWAN!" Seokmin shouted as Soonyoung pulled him away while holding in his laughter.

"Alright class sit down!" the teacher said and lessons begins.

It was now break time and Seungkwan sat with Soonyoung, Jihoon Soonyoung's lover and Seokmin. Hanson was with Chunhi and her friends. Seungkwan rolled his eyes before stuffing his face with food.

"Woah there chill man you look like a hamster." Seokmin joked. Seungkwan just glared at him before continuing to stuff his face.

"Sfhut hup." Seungkwan said with food in his mouth. Seokmin just laughed at him.

"I said shut up!" Seungkwan said as he swallowed his food.

"Okay Saltykwan." Seokmin said before laughing again.

"Shut up you stupid piece of shit. I'll soak you in fucking dog pee cause you're a bitch and cause you're a Soakmin!" Seungkwan said furiously.

( I don't know why I put that pun in ╮(╯▽╰)╭)

"Dude chill." Soonyoung said patting his back.

"Chill? How can I CHILL when my stupid friend and butler is with an ugly piece of shit?" Seungkwan sighing loudly.

His friends knew that Hansol was his butler but Seungkwan likes to treat him as a friend.

"You totally like him Seungkwan." His three friends said. He looked at them horrified.

"Me? Liking that dense son of a baboon? No no and NO" Seungkwan said shaking his head. His friends sighed at him before changing the subject.

DK seriously looks so hot but he always been. Everyone looks so good and hot man. I miss Wonwoo, I screamed when it was his part :")

Btw who ever wants to write a message to svt see the picture :) it's on ig check her instagram out!
