
Ladies, gentlemen and others....them ^


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"You could have told me," Dream snaps, whirling to face me.

I wince.

The hurt laced within his subdued voice stings more than the irritation ever could. His expression turns scarily stoic, barely hidden anger threatening to bubble to the surface. "At least I could have been a little more prepared."

"Iβ€”" I clench my jaw, an adrenaline rush staggering my breathing. "I didn't know how,"

"What do you mean you didn't know how?" He shakes his head, smiling at the ceiling without humor. "Hey Dream, I talked to Techno about needing a job and that might be an ultimatum they throw in our face. Is that so fucking hard?"

"I didn't know they would do that!" I shout back.

"I don't care! I looked like a fucking idiot for not knowing my roommate who I work with went to another company for a job!"

"If I want to work for Techno and Phil I'll work for them." I hiss, pressing my finger into his chest. "You can't dictate what I do with my life,"

"I wasn't–" His eyes catch on mine. Blonde hair falls over his eyes and he runs a hand through it in exasperation. "I wasn't trying to dictate anything."

I stay silent, crossing my arms around my stomach. His shoulders lock with tension, and I stare at them as he composed himself. "I always told you I would never pressure you to work for my company. That's your choice. But at the moment, Techno and I aren't friends. We're soon to be business partners." He breaks eye contact, visibly stressed as he paces the room.

"That means he's going to do anything he can to get better terms, because that's what he has to do. Now is not the time to keep things from me because George, you know everything about my company. I may trust you, but I also have to think about everything else, everyone else–"

"Do you really think I'm dumb enough to get tricked into giving away information? Are you fucking serious?" I raise my voice, hurt boiling inside of me, simmering unease as I wait for an answer.

"Of course not, quit putting words in my mouth." He returns angrily. "I trust you more than I fucking should–more than myself sometimes. Which is why I thought you'd at least mention something like that,"

"I had other things on my mind than a stupid hypothetical!"

"Like what?" His voice lowers just slightly, confidence wavering. He shakes it off, looking me directly in the eyes. "What exactly did you have on your mind George?"

My heart freezes in place. Staring up at him, all my confidence slowly seeps out of me, leaving frigid fear in its place. Even with the tension between us, he realizes that was cruel. I ignore the question, taking a calming breath. "Barlowe isn't going to stay away forever. I work for Phil, your company is safe. Is that not worth it?"

My stare is eagle-focused on the corner of his shoulder, but I look up when he doesn't answer. Dream leans back against the conference table, clasping his hands on the glass tightly. "No. It's not worth it if you're being forced into doing something you don't want to do."

"I'm not." My throat closes up. "I was never planning on working for DTech anyways."

I don't miss the flash of hurt in his eyes. He forces it down expertly, schooling his expression into something impassive.Β  "...that's fine." I feel like I've just been tossed into the ocean, shivering when he clears his throat.

"No, I didn't..." Shit. "I didn't mean it like that."

"I promise I'll be okay." He rolls his eyes, looking defensive. "I don't need any favors."

"I made that decision on my own. It wasn't just to save your arse." I bite, the hurt in my voice disappointingly obvious.

He walks away from me, running a stressed hand through his hair. "You're so fucking–" He stops himself, leaning on the wall next to the projector screen, crossing his arms around his chest with a heavy sigh.

"What?" I ask, faux calm overtaking my features. He watches as I get closer. "What?"

"Annoying. Aggravating. Fucking...unpredictable. You pull shit like yesterday, and ignore me all day but now you've got no problem arguing with me. Do you understand what you–" He takes one look at me and cuts himself off again, "God, it's so hard to yell at you."

I swallow weakly.

"Yesterday was a mistake." My heart drops to my stomach as soon as the damage-control leaks from my lips. Something breaks in his eyes as they sweep my frame, taking a careful breath while I rub warmth into my arms."I'm sorry. It wasn't fair to you. I-I don't have more of an explanation than that."

"Okay." He murmurs under his breath eventually, almost too soft to hear if I wasn't standing so close. Dream glances out the large windows littering the walls of the room, observing the darkening sky. Distress shifts on his face, eyebrows furrowed, lips turned down into a regretful frown. "You know, I was avoiding you too. I guess it's not fair to blame it all on you."

"Yeah, it was all your fault." I roll my eyes dramatically. He snorts and I provide a tentative grin. "Let's go get some dinner. I'm starved."

Dream tries at a smile, shaking his head in disbelief. "Sure, but you're paying."

"We'll see about that."

Dream drives us to a sushi restaurant near DTech, saying it was quote, the best damn sushi in Orlando. He still seems to be a bit upset with me: his shoulders a bit slumped, eyes downcast without the usually infectious smile that comes with his conversations. But he keeps his voice upbeat as he explains the menu in detail, fewer strained silences thanks to the power of our hungry stomachs.

It was my first time trying sushi, but I can say with vigor, it was the best damn sushi I've ever had. He called me basic when I told him my favorites were the California rolls, but I reminded him his favorite flowers were red roses and he shut up pretty quickly. We were so stuffed that he ended up calling a valet driver to drop his car off at DTech, suggesting we walk the calories off.

Twilight had passed, allowing the stars to make their lively appearance. Dream looked mesmerized by them, so I took up the responsibility of making sure he didn't crash into a stop sign or a fire hydrant like an idiot.

"How can you ignore them George," He asks, upturned throat muffling his voice as his eyes roam.

"They're just...so far away." I relent, peering up critically. "I prefer things I can be close to. Things I can touch. I can't understand something like a star. Some of them are more powerful than our sun, but we'll never know the full extent of their power. That's a little scary is it not?"

"Do you like the ocean?" Dream blurts.

I frown. "Ah. Not particularly? For the same reason really."

"You're afraid of the unknown." He concludes. I shrug. "Then how the hell did you move to a different country?"

"Well first of all, I had no choice. University and all." He waits for me to continue as we stop at a zebra crossing. "It was so suffocating back there. Everybody always wanted something from me. It wasn't that I minded helping, but they would take advantage of it, and use it to get themselves ahead. It was only when I left that I knew they didn't really give a shit about me."

"They never contacted you." Dream says. He speaks like he knew already. There's a familiar pain in the voice I know so well. I wouldn't be surprised if he had gone through something similar. We walk along the zebra crossing, and I count the white stripes absentmindedly.

"Well, they did. Once. Like two weeks ago." I scoff. His eyes snap to mine. "One of them called. Another about a day or two after. They had seen me on Twitter or something because of the conference. Decided to reconnect. After ah...seven years."

Dream sighs. "Bastards."

I nod in agreement. We round the corner and he suddenly stops. I run into his back and rub my forehead, peeking out over his shoulder.

I follow the taller man's gaze to see what just caused him to freeze. Gathered around the revolving doors, a horde of paparazzi were loitering around, waiting for someone. That someone being the pissed man stood lock-jawed next to me.

"You've got to be kidding me." Dream murmurs.

He calms himself enough to look down at me with apologetic eyes. "Ok, just don't answer any of their questions. I'll take care of it. Or I can call a driver to take you back home if you need, you really don't have to deal with this."

"No Iβ€”" My hand slips into his, giving it a reassuring squeeze as I watch gratitude flicker comfortably in his eyes. I look away, face warm with chagrin, and drop it, clearing my throat to get my point across. "I'm uh...I'll stay with you."

"Okay," He agrees softly without complaint.

We get closer and closer until one of them points and shouts, and the whole zoo comes running towards us, cameras flashing and voices shouting. Dream braces himself, and the confident gaze and tiny upturn of his lips plants itself back on his face for the prying eyes. I try not to flinch when brilliant white flashes assault my vision, keeping my eyes averted whenever possible.


"Excuse me, who are you? Dream who is this?"

"Is this a family member?"

"Hey Dream, why isn't DTech decorated for Christmas?"

"Dream, who is this? Why did you refuse to answer during that interview?"

"Hey, hey! Look over here!"

"Come on, he's your boyfriend right? Admit it." How many times are they going to fucking ask that.

I'm glad for the mask of shadows the night offers. It at least partially hides my obvious panic.Β  I shuffle to stand behind Dream again, allowing him to take the reins as fire erupts up my neck. I pray that "Dream has a boyfriend?" with a picture of my stupidly flushed face doesn't end up on the cover of some gossip magazine.

" Is there a party I wasn't invited to? What are all of you doing on my private property so late?" He quips, warranting a few laughs in between the slew of questions thrown into his face, and mine.

"Are you Dream's boyfriend?"

"He doesn't look like a brother, doesn't he only have a sister?"

"Dude, please tell us more about your new technology!"

"You got a question for me sweetheart?" He directs his gaze to the back, looking at the girl who seemed to be embarrassed to be there.

"Um, if you wouldn't mind sir," She says quietly, dropping her camera back to her chest, making her way to the front where the rest had parted a path for her with utter disbelief. I watch as Dream's expression drops as he realizes her youth and softens at her fidgety fingers pulling at the straps of her camera. "Recently, you've started lowering your prices, making more of your products available to the general public. Is there a reason for this change of heart?"

She reads the question right off her notepad, looking up at Dream's passive face.

"Beforehand, I cared about quality and nothing else. I tried to make as much of a profit as possible so I could fund more projects." He pauses for a second, sending a meaningful glance my way. "A friend made me realize that I didn't have to do that anymore. Maybe focus on making my people a little happier instead."

My breath catches in my throat and I try to remain as impassive as possible. The horde of people seemed shocked and I remember a few interviews I saw of Dream answering questions with quips and half-baked answers laced with mystery, never giving straight nor genuine answers.

She nods, smiling slightly. "And um, is he your family member? Friend? Um–boy–" She cuts herself off, sighing and taking what looked like an earpiece out of her ear. "Sorry. They made me ask that."

Dream gives a short, uncomfortable laugh. "That's okay."

My heart thuds to the floor of my stomach, then jolts back up in attention as he quickly claps, looking out over the twenty or so people. "Alright, party's over. Why don't you fellas get some rest and come follow me around some other time, 'k?"

They try to stay, shooting more questions, only to be met with firm rejections, so they pack up their cameras and leave. Dream taps the hand of the girl, silently telling her to stay back. I come out of Dream's shadow, exhaling as I watch most of the cars parked outside the huge parking lot drive away.

It's when camera lights aren't blinding me that I realize just how young this girl is. She barely looks fifteen, staring at the both of us with a frightened expression.

"Are you alright?" I ask, keeping my voice steady and kind.

"Y-yeah, yep. I'm good. Sorry to bother, I just needed the money." She goes to explain herself and Dream waves it off. She bites her lip as he asks about her. "I'm trying to keep my younger sister and myself off the streets. The fast-food job wasn't, so..." She swallows, liquid glimmering in her eyes.

"Hey, it's okay." Dream kneels down to look at her face to face. "What's your name?"

"Aimsey. I'm quitting tomorrow anyway. I don't like making people miserable, even if it pays well." She looks like she's assuring him, fear still evident in her expression.

Dream opens his wallet, taking everything he has out, pressing it into the girl's hand. She pales at the amount of cash, tears released with a frantic shake of her head.

"Please, it's fine. Take it back." She insists, offering the wad of money to me pleadingly after Dream stands back up.

"It's for your sister." He tells her, looking her straight in the eye. "I have a little sister. I know how it feels to want to protect her from everything." He digs around his pockets to find something. "My colleague likes people with integrity working for him, and he pays pretty well. I have a feeling that you're a fast learner. Call this number and tell them I told you to talk to Sapnap."

More tears escape her eyes, a trembling hand taking the card as if it was made of pure gold. "Thank you, thank you." She wraps her arms around Dream's waist and I feel my own eyes start to tear up when he, after only a second of hesitation, wraps her shoulders up in a tight embrace.

She catches my eye after pulling away and I swallow thickly. "There are good people that can help you. You don't have to be alone in your struggles, okay?" She nods at my words, chewing her lip to suppress another wave of emotion. "Do you need a ride? We can call a driver for you."

"No, that's okay. I'll take a...taxi." She says that like she can't believe it's coming out of her mouth, looking down at the money clutched tightly in her hand.

"I do hope you'll join my company, m'lady." He bows down to her with a warm smile and she giggles back with genuine happiness, looking hopeful in what was probably a long time. I examine Dream's softened gaze as he watches her go, waving back as she turns around to say goodbye one last time.

There's a sentimental itch at the back of my throat and it only grows larger as Dream's hand gently caresses my forearm, leading me inside the nearly dark building, save for a few dim emergency lights. "For the love of–go home Micheal!" He shouts, shaking his head in exasperation.

"You want your keys or not?" The man jokes back, tossing them across the room to Dream who catches them easily. He shakes his head at Micheal, who chuckles goodnaturedly and stands, gathering his things.

He sighs, scanning his badge and allowing me to get in the lift before him. I watch him, worried lines still evident on his face as he leans against the railing opposite to me, overthinking. I could see the thoughts whizzing around his mind at a thousand miles per hour, agonizing over his every word, worrying about Aimsey, hoping she would be fine until he could personally assure her safety.

Butterflies and comfort, affection and doubt and...warmth were just a few of the things ricocheting around my ribcage. It all blurred my grasp on rationality, kaleidoscopes painting rainbows behind my eyes as I watched him with unfiltered affection. Even I don't believe the lies I've told myself. Not anymore.

Don't wait.

I walk the three steps it takes to get to him, grabbing his neck and tugging him down to eye level. He barely has time to breathe before I place both my hands gently on his face and press our lips together, kissing away his confusion with quiet passion.

Was that okay? I should have asked. I'm such an idiot.

Jolts of electricity shock me into pulling away, our lips hovering mere centimeters apart. Dream smiles easily, and relief tickles my skin. He lifts my chin and kisses the trembling exhale off my lips, satiating the intense desire to kiss him again almost immediately, sending a pleasant flame down my veins that heat my fingertips.

Brilliant stars rocket around under my closed eyelids as he loops his arms under my thighs, picking me up and sitting me down on the railing, burning hands sliding up to my waist. He presses my back into the glass with each kiss, moving our lips together in a dizzying rhythm.

It was a feeling that I knew no one could ever replicate. Something that deserved its own compartment in my box of moments that made the world fall away, that stopped and restarted my heart, that allowed me to see colors that I couldn't before.

I watch him place a hand on the glass to my side, hair falling in front of his face as he pulls away and inhales slowly, steadying his breathing. He obviously has an awful breathing capacity, judging by his tendency to laugh out his lungs.

I close my eyes, not even sparing a glance at the lift door that's probably been open for a while. Instead, I lean my forehead into Dream's neck, feeling the broken rises and falls of his chest and the increased pace of his heart. Strong fingers hook around my chin, encouraging me to come out and look at him again.

"George," He says, frowning. "I don't..." Laughing with unease, he smooths his hair back out of his eyes again with no luck. I tilt my face, studying the freckles that dotted his tinted cheeks.

"I don't know–what...what are we doing here? Because I don't know if you actually like me or not. Or...if you just want what? A one night stand?"

He softens his expression as I instinctively flinch backward, my head knocking against the lift's transparent wall. "No," I assure him softly, my heart stinging that he thinks I could do that to him. "Of course not."

"Then, what do you want?" He asks, his voice low and comforting but unyielding.

I make no move to get off the railing, instead looking out the glass at the dark abyss below. "Not tonight,"


"Dream," I plead. He looks up at the sky in agitation, resting his irritated gaze back onto me. I look at him, pouring everything I feel for him into it, hoping he gets the message. He hesitates for a moment before coming closer, the blooming affection on his face making my cheeks warm. "Just not tonight."

"Tomorrow," He mumbles. I card careful fingers into his tousled hair, pressing a soft kiss at his hairline.

"Okay," I agree quietly. He exhales, mumbling a quiet stay here, leaving me sitting there on the railing. I expect my mind to spiral out of control, creating a list of pros and cons, trying to predict tomorrow's conversation, worrying that I've already ruined it.

Instead, it goes silent, and I close my eyes, resting uncomfortably against the frigid surface. Goosebumps trail over my skin and I find myself craving Dream's touch. Just a brush of his fingers. It's only been a few seconds, but I still find myself missing it.

Footsteps clack toward the lift, but I can't bring myself to open my eyes. "George, wake up." I hum with the chime of the lift and pitch forward as it begins to descend. My eyes fly open in fear only to be caught in steady arms, and I relax again, absorbing everything he unintentionally offers.

The lobby came quicker than I was ready for, but I didn't even attempt to move before Dream slid an arm under my legs, a smooth hand supporting my back. He presses cold metal into my palm, and I trace the edges of his car keys, sloting my finger into the keyring. My arm hooks around his shoulders, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. I pushed what felt like a backpack strap onto the fabric of his shirt, squishing the cold tip of my nose into his blush-tinted skin.

"Do you want me to crash at Sapnap's tonight?" He asks quietly. No, I don't. We'll just try to avoid the conversation again. And I don't think we can do that anymore. I shake my head slowly and he looks down at me, pausing in his stride toward the doors.

"Home." I mumble. His arms tense underneath me. "Talk in the morning."

He thinks about it, and starts walking again, pushing through the magnificent revolving doors and sighing as I press closer into his chest, the chilly midnight wind sweeping over us both. "Open the door," He tells me softly, adjusting his arms.

I peek blearily at the keys in my hand, pressing the button and watching through half-lidded eyes as the backdoors swing upward. My face presses against the familiar fabric, my nose assaulted with the pleasant smell of new leather as Dream sets me down in the backseat.

The hum of the engine and its calming vibrations at my fingertips are comforting and I exhale in relief, despite the reprieve due in the morning.

"When you wake up, can you cancel my day tomorrow? Thanks Leia."


