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"I can't believe you're here right now." Olivia grumbles. A loud clunk of ceramic makes her glance up, eyes scanning the evening rush for guilty faces and broken teacups.

"Glad to know my presence is appreciated." I tell her, twirling my dance partner around the floor fluidly. The dark hardwood shone with a lustrous gleam, reflecting a distorted image of my silhouette and the roof above me. I rest the mop against the wall and turn to look at Olivia's disgruntled pout.

"You took the night shift yesterday too. This is ridiculous. Go and get some sleep." Like she can talk. She just came from a big tennis tournament.

Her eyes focus on picking off the nail polish she spent all of yesterday's slow period painting a bright pink, she told me it was.

I smiled at the elderly man who had politely called me over. Another serving of Earl Grey tea later, I'm back to staring at a head of blond hair hiding a focused face. I watch as shiny fragments of polymer float down from her fingers to the newly cleaned floor.

"Stop that." I say irritatedly. She brings her fidgety hands to her sides and trudges over to the mop, cleaning in a way I can only describe as sarcastically.

"You didn't answer my question." She points out, snapping on a pair of gloves and shifting the half empty pastries and sweets left in the clear display case.

"It was less of a question and more of a motherly statement." I watch her arrange the sweets in a pretty design atop the pretty navy dish. "Ironic considering you're what, twelve?"

Her head nearly bangs against the top of the glass as she withdraws to look at me with glaring eyes. "Excuse you, at least I have a permit."

I clutch at my chest. "Low blow, mocking the disabeled."

She giggles. "So, a Sapnap sized birdie told me you spent the day at my brother's company. How was that?"

I sigh. "I still think your brother's a bit full of himself. But I've got to give it to him, he deserves all the attention he's been getting. I mean, the atmosphere and people are amazing. It was so much different from the other companies I've been to." Hesitation overtakes me before I finally let the words slip out.Β  "I guess he's not the worst."

"Oh my Gosh okay, my brother's great." Olivia grumbles. "I regret asking now."

"Ah ah ah." I wiggle my finger. "His company is great, not necessarily him."

She smiles. "This is why we get along."

"I'll admit it, he seems to be a good brother to you. Is everything alright or?"

"No, no I love him more than anything. It's just now I'm Dream's younger sister you know? Gazillionaire, genius, awesome, tech-celeb Dream." She sighs. I nod empathetically. "I have to live up to his reputation, no matter what I do. It gets hard to deal with it all sometimes."

"Whatever you do, it'll be just as amazing as what he does. And I'm not just saying that. You're brilliant." I tell her softly. She looks at her shoes, crossing her arms against her chest as her eyes water. "You focus on what you want to do, don't worry about anyone else."

"Thanks George." She snakes her wrists around my stomach, resting her chin on my shoulder and I smile, patting her back. I watch as Olivia composes herself, shaking her emotions away with a bright smile. "I'm going to go check on the group over there. Be right back."

I watch her go, finding the edge of the countertop and leaning against it. Keeping a look out for anyone trying to get my attention, I run over the events of today and figure out the work I have to get done for tomorrow.

"Georginaaa." A voice calls out and I look up, confused on how Sapnap managed to reverse puberty.

Instead of a man-child with expensive taste in shoes, a ball of teenage energy bounces through the door with enough enthusiasm that could only be achieved with twenty cups of coffee. "Good to see you boss man!"

Or it's one Tubbo.

"Sapnap is so annoying." I groan, pivoting to see him over the counter. "I've already got one stupid nickname, I have no need for another."

"Georgina?" Olivia approaches, descending into peels of laughter. Tubbo joins her as I stare at them in utter defeat. "Be my friend," She giggles.

"I would be honored." He holds out his hand for her to shake. "Toby. Toby Smith. I go by Tubbo."

"Olivia Laurent." She smiles, accepting his hand.

"Yeah yeah, team up to make me miserable, why don't you." I deadpan.

"Planning on it." They both say at the same time and I watch as their mouths drop as they point at each other, shouting jinx.

Olivia leans over to survey a group of what looks like highschoolers walks through the door. "Sorry, I gotta get this." She shoots him a thumbs up when Tubbo waves at her, assuring that it was fine.

"I actually came to ask you a favor." Tubbo nibbles on his lip, watching Olivia go before looking back at me nervously. I soften my gaze, silently reassuring him. The teen is always looking to give his help to everyone around him, I have no problem helping him out.

"Right so, I got invited to be in DreamTech's private internship program." He glows with pride at the very words and I gasp, clapping with pride.

"Oh my God Tubbo!" I step out of the employee gate and squeeze him tightly with delight. "That's awesome, I'm proud of you."

His excitement grows tenfold in my hold and he blushes deep, his smile ramping up more than I thought was possible. "Thanks dude. It really means a lot. Erm, there's just, umm, one problem." I frown.

"So basically you have to be eighteen to be in the program. It's considered a job because of everything we'll be working with and stuff, I dunno it's strange." He retreats back into his nervous, self-doubt fueled box.

"Wait, so does that mean you have to wait or..."

"Well, yes unless I have a guardian that's older than 21. That's sort of why I'm here." He chews his lip, looking up at me. It dawns on me what exactly he's asking of me. "My family's all back home. A-And erm, you're the only friend I have that's old enough."

"Are you calling me elderly?" I tease, still turning over his request in my head. He giggles, producing a firm yes. "So all the kids that are underage have a guardian? Isn't that awkward? Just a bunch of people standing around doing nothing?"

"Actually there's only one or two other people that's not eighteen yet." He explains. "Look man, I don't want to force you into anything, I know you're busy–"

"Hold on Tubs, give me some information before you word vomit." I say thoughtfully.Β  "So how long, and when?"

"I don't know. Leia said she'd send me the times later." He watches for my reaction carefully just as my mouth dries in realization. If I do this, Dream basically becomes my boss. I swallow my nausea. Just because we exchanged apologies doesn't necessarily mean I enjoy his presence. Now he's going to be my boss? Just off me now.

I completely forgot that this kid can smell uncomfortableness off of someone a mile away. "Actually Gogy, I think I'll focus on getting through actual college and do it next year. That's smart right?" His smile doesn't quite reach his eyes, but he shrugs it off anyway.

"No," I rush to say. "It's a good opportunity. You're doing it." I convince myself with my strong words.

"No way, are you fucking with me?" He asks excitedly. I shake my head, grinning and his face collides with my chest again, squeezing my torso while whispering thank you's into my apron. For Tubbo's sake, I'll endure Dream for an hour or two a week. I trap his head in my elbow and ruffle his overgrown practically mane of hair.Β 

"Hey bro! I'll take your order right here!" Olivia shouts behind us. "Just ignore them, they're having a moment."

"Yeah, I noticed." A deep voice chuckles and Tubbo pulls his face out of my hold, whining at how I messed up his hair. I ignore him, swiveling to look at the face that matched the familiar sounding voice. Sure enough, blonde hair and a strong jaw accompanies his tall figure, a small grin aimed at Tubbo on Dream's tired-looking face.

Green eyes meet mine as he nods in my direction. "George."

"Woah Mr. Dream!" Tubbo squeaks. "Wait...HE'S YOUR BROTHER?" The cafe goes quiet and he blushes.

"Yep." Olivia snorts at the other's expression.

Dream looks down at him, unimpressed. "I've got a last name you know. Mr. Dream." He mumbles in disdain. He catches my gaze again and I meet it uneasily.

"Sorry bout that Mr. Dream. But anyways, I found myself a guardian." Tubbo interrupts our staring contest. I sigh, rolling the tension out of my shoulders. Would have liked a few days to complain about the hell that is my life before Dream found out about everything.

"Already? It's been like two seconds, who is it?" Dream asks, lips turning upward at Tubbo's excitement. He looks between us as it dawns on him.

"You're looking at him." I mumble my confirmation.


Sorry about the short chapter! The next one will be way longer dw
