Rumplestiltskin's POV:

As I was getting ready for the big night, I began to ponder over everything that has happened to me throughout the last four miserable years without my wife. It felt as if it was yesterday when the accident occurred that killed her. I never got to say 'I love you' or 'Goodbye' to my wife.


Waking up, I felt the warmth of Belle as she was sound asleep and embracing me like a teddy bear. Smiling at that, I knew I had changed to become a better man just for her and it was worth it. I soon began to feel Belle move around and as I glanced at her, she was smiling. Man, the things people would do to see that wonderful smile everyday.

"Good morning dearie."

"Good morning honey. I still can't believe we've been married for five months! I love you."

"I know. Time flies by when you are happy which is what you make me feel everyday."

"Oh honey. I wish I could spend all day with you, but I have the book convention in the next town over us."

"Oh that's right." Embracing her, I felt like it would be my last for some reason. Shaking that thought aside, I gave her a kiss on the lips and off she went with her signature smile.

Back to present*

She's gone and would never come back. Shaking the thoughts out of my head, I knew I had to be somewhat happy tonight because this was the only chance to be happy for a while. Walking out the door, I put a smile on and began walking to Granny's where the loud music was blaring.

"I hope I don't regret this later on tonight."

And with that comment, I decided to head on inside.

Belle's POV:

As I was getting ready, I began to feel uneasy. Should I really go to this party? Oh silly me. I should definitely go because Killian would want me to go with him! Smiling at my lovely choice of a blood red dress, I knew it was the right one. Suddenly, I feel two arms wrap around me from behind and that's when I couldn't stop smiling.

"Hello love. You look more beautiful than your normal beautiful." I laughed at the comment and turned around.

"Hello handsome! Remind me how I got to be the luckiest girl alive again?"

"Haha! No, see I'm the lucky one."

"Wait.. you're a girl?" We both laughed at my comment as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Are you ready to go this party?"

"Of course! I love me some parties. You know this."

"Oh yeah! How could I forget haha." We let go of each other after giving a long kiss and while holding hands, Killian and I were off to Granny's.

The music was a bit too loud but I think we can get to use to it as Killian and I headed over towards the door. As he opened it for me, an interesting song began to play. (Can't take my eyes off of you ) Standing at the doorway, we began to observe everyone who was here. This may get interesting. Jamming out to the song by the way I was walking with Killian, I didn't even notice the man who had been staring at me.

Rumplestiltskin's POV:

I was getting ready to leave because an hour was enough when the most valuable song come on next. My proposal song to Belle. This made me think of her when I realize that someone had walked in the door with a lovely red dress. Looking my way up to the female's face, I couldn't believe my own two eyes. Could it be her?! How could this even be possible?! She had died four years ago and now she was standing right there. Wait, how do I not know if this is just a mere dream. Not realizing that someone had their arm wrapped around her protectively, I then realized that her attention was caught with the one man I assumed to not be in Storybrooke. Hook. I began to receive mixed feelings. Happiness because of my Belle being alive, confused because my Belle was alive, and anger that she was KISSING Killian. What in the world?! This tore my heart into two. I could no longer stand it. Just as I was about to do something I would regret, I realized that she was so happy. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Belle was once mine and now after years of pain and trying to forget, she is no longer my potion. She was the only one who could break the spell that I once created long ago in that Library. Before I could do anything I would regret, I got up and began heading down to my shop and prepare my bag to leave Storybrooke. While I got up, I felt as if someone was staring at me from behind. 

Turning around one last time, I saw the beauty that was once my wife. As if it were on cue, she locked eyes with me. It was strange this time because it no longer felt the same as if I were staring at a stranger. I knew I should do what's right and not be selfish. 

"Just put it on my tab."  

I gave her one last glance and with that, I walked out before I did something I really regretted. 

