Long Day

Carl's p.o.v.

Debbie and Elizabeth weren't home yet. Nobody was home

Then I heard a car door slam and a gun click

Then someone pounded on the door

"OPEN UP CARL!" I heard G Dogg yell

I opened the door stepping back as he put the gun in my face
"How fucking dare you. Give free drugs to a buddy?" He said his hand on the trigger

I was looking right at the gun horrified but I was acting calm.

"FOR FIVE MONTHS?!" He was screaming now
"Sir I haven't even been working for you for five months! I've only been working for you....." I started counting
"for almost a week!" I said looking at him

He put the gun down
"Excuse me" he said
"I'm not lying here G"

"I keep forgetting. You and you're pussy ass quit the game. We in this for life you know" he said angry

"Who told you I was giving out free drugs?" I choked up

"This random ass kid. Green eyes, dark brown hair. Said you were his buddy" he said

"Brian" I muttered
"That bastard! That kid is in love with my girl friend and is trying to get me to break up with her" I said to G

"Yeah whatever but if I hear anything else about you... you're fucking done" he said closing the door

I heard the car speed off and I sat down on the couch

I quickly got up and grabbed my skateboard and went to the place brian was at

I opened the door didn't even knock and hit him in the face so hard

I picked him up by his shirt and looked him dead in the eye and said "you're messing with the wrong person fucker"

He looked terrified
"Alright put me down! Put me down" he said kicking
What a baby

I dropped him
"Now leave Me and Elizabeth alone!" I said
And left slamming the door

I got home and Elizabeth was back with a lot of shopping bags

"Did shopping go well?" I asked laughing

"Very" Debbie said

Elizabeth's p.o.v

Debbie and I went shopping for so long

I had money. And a lot of it

Carl looked stressed
"Hey babe I'm gong to take a nap want to join?" I asked

He nodded "long day"

"I'll see you in an hour debs" I said and went upstairs

Carl without hesitation put all of his stuff on the floor and got into bed and fell asleep right away

I looked through Carl's bag again

I felt so bad doing it
He still had nothing suspicious

It was about 7pm and I was tired

I said goodnight to Fiona and got into bed with carl

I put my arm around him

"There's something going on carl... you've gotta tell me" I said before falling asleep
