Brian's lies

I guess I must have fell asleep at one point because I woke up at 6:30am

I groaned
"Good morning beautiful" carl said kissing me

"Good morning" I said wrapping my arms around him

I walked downstairs to get breakfast and saw Debbie

"Does he know?" She asked
I shook my head
"He slept through everything" I laughed

"Alright kids school bus leaves in 45 minutes so hurry up" Fiona said

"Crap!" I said running upstairs

"No time for breakfast" I yelled

I had to pick out my clothes, do my makeup, and do my hair in 45 minutes

I banged on the door

"What?!" carl yelled

I opened the door and started to brush my teeth

"I'm sorry baby I really need to hurry I woke up late" I said

"Here let me straighten you're hair" Carl said plugging in the Straighter

I kissed his cheek
"You're the best. Just don't burn my hair" I laughed

I did my makeup while he did my hair

I took a video and posted it on Snapchat with the caption
"Much love❤️"

Carl finished my hair and I kissed him

"Thank you" I looked at him and smiled

He squished my face
I looked like a fish
"Anything for my girl"

I kissed him again

And went into our room to pick out an outfit
It only took carl 20 minutes to straighten my hair and I had 25 minutes to find something to wear

I went downstairs to meet carl and the rest of them
"You look stunning as usual" he held my waist

He kissed my nose
"Thank you" I said smiling

"Awww- get the fuck to school" lip said opening the front door

"Damn someone didn't get laid last night" Fiona said under her breath

We laughed

"Bye guys" Fiona said as Debbie Carl and I left

"What about Liam?" I asked
"Franks taking him to his "preppy" school" Debbie said

I nodded in confusion

We got on the bus and I sat next to Debbie

Carl sat with some boy

I pulled out my phone and was looking on Instagram

"Oh fuck no way" Debbie said tapping my shoulder
"Wha-" I cut myself off
Brian just got on the bus

Carl gave me a look

"Bri-" I cut myself off again
"You said you were leaving" I said mouth wide open
"Unfinished business" he said looking at carl

He walked away and sat down

"Debs?" I asked her

She looked up
"Did you see that when he said "unfinished business" he looked at carl" I said quietly

"Yeah..." she said

"We need to look into this" I said
Debbie got excited
"We should be the best friends who are spy's or detectives" she said laughing

I laughed
"Yeah. We can have Guns and everything" I joked

She laughed

We got to school and I had homeroom with Carl luckily and Debbie was in a different classroom sadly

I sat next to carl and I was biting my nails

He held my hands
"Brian isn't gonna do shit as long as I'm here" he said

I went in for a kiss but the teacher cut us off

"That can be done after school hours" he said

I rolled my eyes

The entire school day sucked
I felt so small with brian here
It was bad

We walked home after school and Debbie and I went to the mall because carl had work

Brian's p.o.v

Everything was set up
I didn't know Carl's drug dealer but I know where to find him

I went over to the car

"Hey..." I knocked on the window

The window opened
"The fuck you want punk" the guy in the fount seat said
"I'm not doing any harm. I have a question" I said putting my hands up

"Ask away" he said putting the glock down

I started to record the conversation

"Carl Gallagher? Do you know that name" I asked

"Yes, do I know you?" He said holding the glock again

"51 Melbourne Ave, I'm also one of Carl's buddy's he gives me free drugs. I hope that's okay with you. It's been going on for  five months now" I lied

"Every week one pound of weed" I said smirking

"What the fuck, I'm going to kill that fucker" The guy said

"Yo G Dogg CG has been giving out free shit for five months" the guy said to someone

I heard a gun click and the car drove away

"Bye bye carl" I said smirking and walking away
