
the image above is the intended outfit for y/n! you can imagine anything else if you want, i only scrolled in pinterest for 5 minutes and picked the first thing i saw that seemed simple enough. ♡

i sat on the window seat, staring out of the window as i admired the view outside. in the train we all sat and the boys all discussed something that i didn't understand. 

"the tag that hisoka gave me!" gon exclaimed, pulling out a number tag from his pocket that he showed to killua. i stared at them from the corner of my eye. "i'll return it to hisoka when i punch him in the face! until i do that, i won't use my hunter license. i can't go back to whale island either." gon said.

"hmm... so where's hisoka?" killua asked and gon was immediately baffled. "uh.." he said, looking away innocently.

"thought so.." leorio sighed.

"i know where he is, gon." kurapika said, making us all turn to him, "he told me."

"so that's what it is.."

"no, this was after the orientation. but i suppose it's still related." the blondie informed.

"i've been itching to ask.. what did hisoka say to you?"

it seemed this hisoka guy was causing them all very huge distress. i watched as they discussed even further, and ended up talking about an auction in the 1st september. when they finished talking i finally spoke up, "who is hisoka?"

they turned to me, unsure if they should inform me the truth about him or not.

"he's a really creepy guy who's obsessed with fighting us." gon explained, leaving out some details in order to not disturb you.

but leorio obviously didn't get the hint and was blatantly obvious. "yeah, that man is a pedophile or something too." he said and immediately my expression darkened as i stared at leorio, "what did he do to killua?" i demanded, dropping all emotion i had before. the boys shivered at the bloodlust i was emitting and kurapika quickly intervined, "h-he hasn't done anything! leorio's just.. joking!" he explained quickly and i calmed down.

the boys, excluding killua, sighed in relief, now seeing the resemblance with you and illumi that they couldn't believe at first. once a zoldyck always a zoldyck huh...

"haha, silly leorio!" kurapika exclaimed, slamming his hand against leorio's back very hard as a warning sign. 

 "if he's ever done anything to killua or his friends, i will kill him." i stated and the boys shook their heads violently. "hisoka? doing anything to us? that's the funniest joke ever! hisoka is like a .. f-f-friend... right guys?" leorio said, making the other three violently nod their heads.

"besides, hisoka is really strong." gon stated, "he's the same level as your brother, illumi."

i hummed, tapping my chin, "that could be a problem.." i sighed.

"sorry if i disturbed you... it wasn't on purpose," i confessed shyly, looking off to the side. "i'm not that kind of person."

"it's fine, miss y/n. actually, i found that side of you to be very attractive-" before leorio could finish his sentence he zipped his mouth shut from the death glare he received from killua.

"then i shall depart here. we managed to see killua again, so i'm finished here." kurapika stated, "i need money to participate in the auction. so i shall look for a patron to deploy me as a hunter."

"i guess i should go home, then." leorio said, surprising us as well. "you too?" we asked.

"i haven't given up my dream of becoming a doctor. if i'm accepted to medical school, i can use this to pay for the ridiculous fee. i'll have to go back and start cramming." he explained, making us nod. "goodluck, leorio." i said with a grin, making him nod and thank me.

"until we meet again... september 1st, in york new city."

and with that, the two boys left, leaving me, gon and killua.

"hey, what do we do now?" gon asked, looking at me and killua.

"why ask? we're going to train obviously." killua stated.

"huh? train for what? shouldn't we have fun?" gon asked, making killua slap a hand on his forehead in disbelief. "you remember what you just said?! think you can punch hisoka in the face with no training? you couldn't land a punch in 10 years! let alone 6 months!" killua lectured, pointing his finger at gon's face.

gon sadly nodded, "okay.."

i watched as killua drew on the ground. "this is the gap between you and hisoka." killua stated, before drawing a line on the ground. the boy walked to the other side of the field, to my  surprise. i almost laughed, but seeing gon's disappointed face, i didn't want to break his heart so i held it in. "this far. and i'm being generous!" killua yelled, incredibly far away. gon was facepalming now.

"then where are you?" he demanded. 

"me? probably around here." killua stated before drawing a line. it was so much closer to the hisoka character than gon's was, making me giggle.

"oh, hanzo is stronger?" gon asked.

"what is it?" killua huffed.

"you really are amazing!" 

killua's cheeks immediately warmed up as he yelled, "cut that out! it's embarrassing..!" 

i pat gon's hair, that was surprisingly soft. "gon! you are so cute!" i said, fighting the urge to eat him alive.

it was his time to blush. "t-thanks." he said with a soft smile.

"so, what will we be doing now?" i asked, removing my hand from the boys hair. killua huffed, looking off to the side in jealousy as he said, "we'll have to train somewhere. follow me, i know a place."

we nodded before walking after him. awkwardly, i rubbed my neck. "though are you sure i can do that killua? my body could take a little training, but one punch from an opponent would be enough to finish me off, no matter how strong i get." i said and he shrugged. "you'll be fine, mom. i think so."

"c'mon! this place is called heavens arena. we'll gain money as we get stronger." killua stated as he dragged us into a building.

the boys signed up for the heavens arena. i decided not to, because i'm really not physically strong. 

we walked through the little hall and into a huge place where people were fighting inside of a ring. we took  a seat on some nearby chairs as we watched them fight. "this must be the lowest level," i said, staring at their pathetic fights. 

"yeah, it is." killua said, putting down his bag and so did gon. i held them close to me, incase they had to go up next.

"you seem to know a lot about this place, killua." gon stated and killua nodded. "i was sent here when i was 6. it took me 2 years to get to level 200." he stated.

gon seemed to be shocked at the amount, but i wasn't news for me. 

"#1978 and #2055 please enter ring E!" a voice called out. number 2055 was gon, which meant he was up. "you got this, gon!" i cheered, making him smile.

i stared worriedly at gon. he was up against a man triple his size. "will he be okay, killua?" i asked worriedly. the boy nodded, "gon is pretty strong. just watch," he said, relaxing into his seat. 

i immediately took back my words when i saw gon basically slam the man into the wall outside of the ring.  

when gon finished i pulled him into my arms excitedly, "i never knew you were so strong, gon! and you're so tiny and cute too! i completely misunderstood you!" i exclaimed as gon laughed. "thanks, y/n-san."

then killua was called out and he also immediately knocked his opponent out of the ring. i ruffled his hair, resisting the urge to hug him as i encouraged him as well. the boy was flustered as he looked off to the side, waving me off.

"i've proceeded to level 50, what about you killua?" gon asked and the white haired boy turned to his friend. "I have as well. let's go!"


we stood in the elevator. i was thankfully allowed to go with the boys, despite not being a contestant. (after a ton of guilt tripping and acting). we weren't alone though, there was another brown haired boy standing quietly near us, listening to the lady explaining how the stages worked. 

"i heard that after you pass level 100 you get your own room!" the boy exclaimed.

we turned to him in surprise, not expecting him to interact with us. "oh! i forgot to introduce myself! osu! my name is zushi!" he said, "what about you guys?"

"i'm killua." 

"i'm gon, nice to meet you."

"so cute! my name is y/n!" i said. how am i meeting so many cutie pies today?! i want to eat them all!

"cute?" zushi asked, tilting his head as i nodded with a smile.

"we've arrived at the 50th floor!" the lady said, before the doors to the elevator opened.

"i saw your guys fight! it was really amazing!" zushi said.

"what are you saying? you made it up here in one match, too."

"no. i still have a long way to go! by the way, which martial arts discipline do you practice?" he asked.  "martial arts? we don't have one, right?" killua said, making gon shake his head.

"what!? you're that strong without training?!" zushi yelled in surprise.

suddenly clapping sounded from behind us and we turned around to see a tall man with a pink untucked shirt.

"zushi! you did well. you adhered to my teachings." 

"master! i'm honored! osu!" zushi exclaimed. he was pretty loud, but it was cute.

"master, your shirt is untucked again," he pointed out, making the man immediately fix it. "sorry about that...

who are they?"

"oh, these are killua-san, gon-san and y/n-chan."

"nice to meet you, i'm wing." he introduced.

"your zushi is so cute! i'm killua's mother by the way, nice to meet you!" i said with a smile, extending my hand to wing. the tall man seemed surprised, "his mother?" he asked, not expecting that as he shook my hand.

"his mom?!" zushi said in surprise, "sorry! i should've referred to you as something more formal!"

i shook my head, putting my hands on my cheeks, "it's okay if you call me y/n-chan. it's cute." i said with a smile.

killua was pouting the entire time, feeling jealous. gon noticed that and laughed at him, which caught wing's attention again, "anyway, i didn't expect to meet other children as well." he stated, "why are you here?"

"well we want to get stronger," killua explained. "but we're also broke."

"and killua's a veteran here."

"oh? if you're up here you must be quite skilled, but you must pay strict attention to your opponents body, as well as your own." wing said.

"osu!" the two boys exclaimed.

i sat on the bench across from the 3 boys as i drank the soda that killua bought me. i insisted that he didn't need to spend the money he got winning on me, but he said that i should have it anyway. it was pretty good, not like anything i tasted before. i wasn't allowed sugary sweets and drinks like this when i was in the mansion, because they feared they'd make me sick. 

"hey! let's head to the waiting room! ya coming, mom?" killua called out and i nodded, walking up to them. "i think i'll go to the stadium and watch you three from there. i don't think i'll be allowed in the waiting room since i'm not signed up." i pointed out.

"hmm... you're right. let's meet up outside of the stadium then! we'll get to level 100 so that we can get rooms and spend the night here." killua said, making us all agree.

"goodluck, boys! i'll be cheering!" i waved before leaving. 

i walked and walked. for a while. and i didn't realize i was lost until i ended up at a dark corner, in god knows which level. i took the elevator and clicked a random number, hoping that luck was on my side. it wasn't and it's never been. i began to grow nervous now. "where am i?" i whispered to myself, looking around, "I thought the stadium would be right here!"

"the stadium isn't in this floor, you know." a smooth voice said from behind me. i twitched in surprise before turning around to face the person. it was a tall man, incredibly tall. he had red hair and face paint. "s-sorry! am i in your way?" i asked, immediately scooting out of his way. the man only laughed, "don't fret, little girl. you were not."

"i'm not a little girl. my name is y/n, do you know where the stadium is, sir?" i asked, tilting my head. he stared at me for a moment, very hard which made me grow nervous. "sir....?" i repeated, making him snap out of his little phase. he smiled, "i can take you there."

i nodded, "thank you! that's really sweet." and with that he led me to the elevator. "so what brings you here, y/n?" he asked. i looked up at him and hummed, "my son is here. i'm watching him fight! but then i got lost.." i said, feeling a little embarrassed. "son?"

"yes! he's the cutest. if we have time i can introduce him to you! by the way, what's your name? i don't think you mentioned it," i said with a smile. he only waved his hand, grinning, "it's not important, you may call me... the magician."

i stared at his strange outfit, "so you're a magician? i've never met one before! do you have any tricks?" i asked excitedly. the elevator let out a ding and we finally arrived to our destination.

"tricks, i would not call them. but i can entertain you for a moment, sure." he said and leaned down to my height. he showed me his hands that were empty, not holding anything before he moved his right hand to the back of my head. i was a little flustered from how close we were, and when he pulled out a flower from the back of my head i gasped loudly, "woah! how'd you do that? that's amazing!" i said. 

"a magician never reveals his secrets." he said, before giving me the pretty flower. i thanked him.

"killua would love to see a cool trick like that!" i pointed out as we walked together.

he looked at me with sly eyes, "killua?"

"my son!"

"ah... so you're killua's mother." he stated, a grin found its way to his face. "i am! do you know him?"

"you could call us old friends."

"i never knew he had other friends! he said it would only be us 2 and gon coming here." i stated in surprise, making him sweatdrop a little. "you share information so easily," he said, toying with some cards.

i put my hands on my mouth in surprise, "oops! did i say too much?!"

"you're fine. and we've arrived." the magician stated, "go in there and you should see your son. he's up next." he pat my back, and i froze for a moment. his touch was as cold as ice and there was something else in it that i couldn't quite place a finger on... unknown to me, hisoka stared at me with sly eyes as he tried to hold in his excitement.

i recovered and thanked him before leaving to the stadium, brushing off the weird gut feeling i got from the magician.

i watched as killua and zushi entered the ring. luck wasn't on their side, as they both went up against each other. i felt bad for zushi, as killua had to beat him pretty hard before he fell. suddenly zushi did a weird stance, and was emitting terrifying aura. it was the exact same that silva and illumi had, making me freeze in fear. i couldn't breathe, feeling like my oxygen was getting cut short as i tried to reassure myself that i wasn't in that tower, locked up anymore. i felt like i was going to have a panic attack, but a sudden shout from wing snapped zushi out of it and he stopped whatever he was doing. i panted a little, holding my hand to my chest in panic as i tried to calm down. when i looked up it seemed that killua was also greatly disturbed by it.

when he finished, i left the stadium, feeling a bit sick to my stomach after that. i waited outside for killua, but was surprised to see gon waiting there too.

"are you okay, y/n-san?" he asked. i was surprised, "how did you know?" i asked, staring at the boy. he rubbed his neck shyly, "i have pretty enhanced senses, so i can usually tell things like that easily."

i smiled, "I'm better now, thank you for asking gon. you're very cute." i ruffled his hair.

the door opened and killua walked out. "killua! look, i got 60k!" gon said, approaching his friend, "it took you a while to get here."

"yeah. i ran into a little trouble."

we walked together as the boys spoke about the match. 

"when he changed his stance, his aura reminded me of my uncles." killua pointed out, catching my attention. i sighed, "so you noticed it too?" the boy looked at me, "mhm. i don't know what it was, but it must be a technique.

his master called it ren."


we sat on a chair as i snacked on some sweets. the boys were discussing more stuff about the arena that didn't include me, so i was basically zoned out the entire time. 

"mom," killua said, catching my attention. i looked at him and hummed in response. "we'll get to level 100 as soon as possible, so is it okay if you wait for us?" he asked, making me nod. "of course, killua. and gon! don't push yourselves too hard, if you ever get tired come to me and i'll take care of you." i said making them nod. "okay! we'll do a few more matches, we only need a few more wins until we proceed." killua said.

a few hours passed, and i was so sleepy by the end of it. it was really late, and the boys were beating opponents left to right. they didn't seem to get any tired though, which was good.


"yay! a private room!" gon cheered, jumping ontop of the twin bed. i placed down their bags on the floor. "i'm so proud! you two are doing so well!" i said, hugging killua tightly. "mom!" he groaned, pushing my hand but his cute flustered expression was telling me otherwise. i let go of him though and he sat on a nearby chair. he explained to gon the rules of level 100 and the ones above.

after that me and killua left for his room. since i wasn't signed up i was obviously not given my own room, but it's okay because me and my baby can share! killua was too embarrassed to though, stating that he was grown up now and can't share anymore, but i only bonked him in the head. "you're still a little baby to me. we've been seperated for 5 years, do you know how much i missed you?" i said, huffing as i fixed the bed. the boy pouted, "i also miss you.." he admitted. "you used to be so cute and fluffy! always running to hug me after your training ended and you'd never leave my side." i said, reminiscing old times. the boy was completely embarrassed as he took some things out of his bag. "no i didn't!" he defended.

in the end we both ended up sleeping on the bed. killua snuggled into my arms, making me smile. I missed this so much. it reminded me of the past, when he was a baby and when things were easier. but it's better now and despite it not being perfect I wouldn't switch out this result for any other. I was with my son, away from that mansion and family which is what matters to me most.

I'm still weak though, which means that killua has to protect me. it makes me a bit sad though, because I want to be the one to protect him. i don't want him to worry so much for me. he's just a kid.

i found myself wishing i was a normal mother, one that could protect her child until they're of age. he was forced to grow up too quickly, i just want him to have the childhood i never had. thankfully, he at least had friends that cared for him dearly.

i hate the feeling of weakness and helplessness.

a week passed, and the boys proceeded to level 150. i was really proud of them! unfortunately though zushi still stayed in the 50s.

currently, we are in wing's residence.  a few minutes earlier i was in killua's room, fixing his clothes when they suddenly barged in and dragged me along, saying something about wing teaching us something important. i sweatdropped, telling them that it's meaningless if i train because of how damaged and broken my body is from the failed poison resistance. gon was surprised, because that was obviously news to him, but he didn't ask about it.

i still ended up being dragged along so here i am, sitting on the couch and listening to wing's explanation about what nen is. he described what the four major principles were and i was intrigued. "y/n-san, if you want to learn you might have to come closer so i can teach you better," wing said, putting away the pen he used to write on the whiteboard.

i was going to decline, but killua pulled me up, "she will! right, mom?"

i stared at his eyes and gave in, "I guess it won't hurt to try." 

wing nodded, before getting into a stance. suddenly he emitted a horrifying aura, the exact same that zushi had that day, and the same that illumi and silva used to force me into obedience.

i was frozen in fear, immediately entering a freeze or flight state. i could feel killua's fear as well. i couldn't move or even breathe, finding myself stuck in that tower all over again. suddenly i felt a hand on my arm, and i was quickly pulled away from wing. it was killua and he dragged me behind him. 

wing stopped and i felt myself relax and finally be able to gasp for air. i felt killua's tight hold on me and put my free hand on his shoulder, "It's okay, killua." i mumbled and he removed his hold from me before rubbing his head in frustration. the others seemed surprised by our outburst, but i didn't put an effort to address it and only stood close to killua, keeping my hands clenched tightly. 

thankfully no one spoke about it because i didn't feel like telling my tragic story to people i don't know, let alone 2 children. wing continued his explanation, informing us what that was and how it worked.

finally we exit the house and walked back towards the arena. i wasn't as shaken up anymore and neither was killua. 

"he was lying." killua stated out of no where, surprising me and gon.

"he was?" we asked simultaneously. 

"yeah. the explanation made perfect sense and wing is clearly very strong. but his story had holes." killua explained, "zushi's toughness. he kept getting back up after i knocked him down. i was getting irritated, so i used all of my strength in my last attack. he was knocked out of the ring. that attack would've sent any normal person to the hospital, but he stood back up. willpower didn't keep him standing. he's hiding some other secret."

i clapped my hands in realization, "you're right! it was very strange that he was able to stand up immediately after that." i said, "but that kind of sucks. i thought wing and zushi were kind people willing to help us out."

gon nodded, agreeing. "they are, i think he's being cautious for other reasons." he stated.

after a few more days the boys finally upgraded to level 200 and we were now on our way to it. in the elevator we stood boredly. "how does the 200s look like?" gon asked and killua shrugged. "beats me. never been there."

the elevator doors opened with a ding and we entered the place. it was so pretty!

"the 200th floor is so fancy!" gon pointed out, looking around with a grin. "where's the receptionist though?"

i pointed at a sign, "to the right! let's go."

we walked until we ended up in a dark hallway. "um.. the receptionist is that way right?" i asked, making the two boys nod nervously. the hallway was really dark, and it felt dangerous to enter. i suddenly wanted to go back to level 100..

"let's go." killua said, and i zipped my mouth before i could say that i would go. i wouldn't want to come inbetween their little journey.

we walked, but suddenly we all stopped at the same time. i couldn't move my legs, out of fear. where is this murderous intent coming from and .. from who? "i can't move.." i said, feeling a shiver run down my spine.

"it's more like.. i don't want to move." gon said, shaking a little.

"hey! who's there?!" killua yelled, and suddenly a woman appeared.

"you must be killua-sama and gon-sama. the receptionist's desk is right over here." she said, "so please register for a 200s match today. you won't be able to register after midnight so please be careful."

"was she the source of all of that?" gon asked as we shook our heads. "I can't tell." killua answered, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

the lady explained to the boys the rules of level 200, but we quickly lost focus on what she was saying and stared at the card that appeared beside her. it fell near our feet and suddenly a tall figure appeared behind her this time. the woman finally noticed it and turned around. she was surprised to see... the magician? what was he doing here?

"h-hisoka... what are you doing here?" killua asked and my eyes widened. so this magician fellow is the hisoka friend they were talking about!

"it's hardly surprising. I love fighting, and this is a temple for fighting." hisoka said, a sly smile finding it's way to his face.

"just kidding~ this was no coincidence. I've been waiting for you. remember how you ordered airship tickets over cybernet? with a little effort, it's possible to determine when and where someone will arrive.

well, I knew you would come here eventually. and as a veteran I have a warning for you... it's too early for you boys... to step on this floor." he said before extending his arm towards us, "leave for now."

killua wasn't taking any of his nonsense and immediately yelled, "don't joke with us! we just came here!"

"I won't let you pass, not that you could anyway."

hisoka took a seat on the wall and suddenly the same terrifying aura emitted from him.

I was immediately frozen in my spot from fear, but the boys still tried to push on and keep going.

"don't be reckless!" a voice yelled, making hisoka stop whatever he was doing. we all looked behind us to see wing.  "wing-san!" gon exclaimed in surprise. "you have no defense, against his nen." wing said, "right now you're like someone standing  naked in a blizzard, wondering why it is cold. if you continue to strain your body, you may die."

"this is nen!? he can stop us from moving forward through willpower? don't lie!" killua yelled.

"yes, i was lying." wing confirmend, which made us all surprised. "though technically, i wasn't lying completely. i will teach you the truth about nen. so retreat for now." 

"hey, receptionist lady. what happens if we don't register for a fight today?" gon asked, catching the ladies attention. "gon-sama, you will have to start again from the first floor, but killua-sama will be banned because he failed to register the time before." she explained, making killua click his tongue in annoyance. "hey wing-san. if we back down now, will we be able to return here by midnight?" he asked.

"that depends on you." wing said.

i sat on the couch in wing's room, watching as he explained what nen was (this time, properly) to the boys.

"zushi underwent the deliberate method to unlock his nen, which took about 6 months. but there is a quicker method called the aggressive method." wing explained.

"will that be fast enough?" killua asked, stepping forward in anticipation.

"that will depend on you. can you learn to hold your aura within your body, before time runs out? that is the key." wing extended his hand. "i will now direct my aura towards you. this is known as hatsu, which i demonstrated earlier. i will attempt to shock you into awareness. i will give your sleeping body a jolt, so you can learn ten more easily. i will basically send aura to your body, to open your micropyles.

it could take a week... which is why it's unfortunate that we have so little time." wing sighed.

"i don't really get it. but quick and dirty is always better." killua said as he put his hands behind his head. 

"this method is highly frowned on. you will be ignoring the correct procedure. you could even die, if the person using this method were evil or weak." wing explained.

"but you aren't evil or weak, right?" gon said, making me smile.

wing sighed, before explaining why he suddenly wanted to teach them the truth about nen.

before they started, killua turned to me, "actually, can you do the same thing for my mom? her body is a bit fragile. but she'll be fine right?" he said, surprising me. 

"actually... she doesn't need to." he said, making us all look at him in confusion. "why not?!" killua said, a furrowing his eyebrows.

"because she has already unlocked her nen." he stated, making even me confused. i stood up, approaching him, "i'm sorry but i didn't know what nen was before i met you. how would i have unlocked it then?" i asked, putting my hands on my hips.

he smiled awkwardly, waving his hand, "well, there are some special people who have unlocked their nen through other measures. often specialists, their nen is different from the normal kind which would explain it." 

"specialist? what is that?" gon asked 

"i will explain that another time. take off your shirts and put down your bags, let's not waste any time chatting." wing said, making us nod. i went back ontop of the couch, holding onto the boys items as wing put his hands on their backs.

wing shot his nen into their bodies, making them scream from shock. suddenly,  smoke began emitting from their bodies. "this is your aura, or life energy. you can see it, because the micropyles in your eyes were also opened."

and from then on their training began.

i didn't train despite killua encouraging me, wanting wing to focus on the boys first because they had such limited and little time to learn it. promising him that i'd learn it another time made him calm down and focus on his task in hand, thankfully.

long chapter today! 5.1k words. gon book will be updated soon (it's hard for me to update multiple books at once because i often forget what they have so i have to re-read them to remember everything and that takes super long and i don't feel like doing it 99% of the time...)

