
You're chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like cheesecakeisthebestfood.


squirrel is sad :(

awh whyyy

now cat is worried :(

why is my little squirrel sad?

squirrel ordered cheesecake but got chocolate cake instead :(

awhh hope i can bring you some

i got some at my house

hehe you don't have too

chocolate cake isn't that bad

it's just, nothing compares to cheesecake




'mY lItTlE sQuIrRel'

i might've just died

what whyyy?

because it's so cute :(

oh it is?

i will keep calling you that then

but that's not fairr

i have no nicknames for you :(

make me one then


how about

my cute kitty

hehe that's cute right?

there it is

you did it again

did what again?

you made me blush again >:(

can i not?

i mean

i'm not complaining

oh really

i thought you were lol

i was about to take it back and call you sweetheart instead


i mean-

i'm fine with either hehe

i'll give you another one too

cutie ehehehe

okay now we're fair and square yeay!

now tell me cutie

how's your day?

okay there sweetheart that was fast

is this character development i see?



you don't like it? :(

of course i do!

i mean-

i love it

but this chat today took a whole new turn

well you don't know what the real lee minho is capable off

they call me savage meanhoe for a reason

savage meanhoe?

you're a savage meanie?

and a hoe?

yea i'm very savage except for you ;)

and that hoe part-




hahahah why nott

because you won't understand :((


you know i understand you a lot right

i mean yeah but

kay fine i'll tell you but don't judge me

okay i won't

pinky promise?

pinky promise


so basically back in high school i almost fell for every guy in the school

and i repeat


until that one boy i told you about caught my heart and i was whipped af

i won't stop babbling about him to my friends and that's when that nickname was born

they say i'm whipped with almost every boy i see like a hoe ahahahah

that's actually really funny when i think about it that way

so you're literally telling me that

you are REALLY gay

that's it, right?

well yeah ig

that's completely normal

is it?

yeah i won't judge you for being normal lol

hehe thank you cutie

no problem sweetheart

now that was smooth

good job!

you actually made my heart flutter

i did?

that's an achievement!

uwu you're so cute min

you're cute tooo

but you haven't seen my face :(

i don't need to see your face to know you're cute jae

i'm a professional

oh are you

then what do i look like

well i can't picture it THAT WELL

but i guess i'll try

good luck ;)

okay since you say you resemble a squirrel

i'm imagining chubby cheeks and round eyes

now if that doesn't sound cute enough idk what does

maybe dark hair?

i can imagine you being as tall as me

maybe a bit shorter so you can lay your head on my shoulder AHAHAHA

just kidding

i mean why not lol

maybe brown eyes like mine too?

oh wait you really mean it? AHAHAHAH

i'm sorry that's really weird

no it's cute shut up

i'm gonna have to say this

you were pretty spot on

i'll give you 8.5/10

omg i am so honoured

see? i told you i'm a professional

you do look cute as i imagined

i mean i guess so

i wouldn't say myself is cute compared to you

shut up you're cute >:(

kay finee

gotta listen to my hyung don't i

hehe i got that power now

btw hyung we've been talking for an hour now

and i really need to take a shower

i'm so hot

you are? ;)


you know what i mean >:(

hehe just kidding

told you i'm dangerous

you didn't tell me shit

what have you done to my minho

stay away bitch

*cough* mY mInhO *cough*

but i am your minho :(

no u

i want my cute kitty back :(

okaaay i'm back now don't be sad

yeayy <3

okay i'll go now hyung!

bai! <3

bye! <3

Stranger has disconnected.

'new chat'
