3:00 PM

"Aow, stop fidgeting Khun Luang!" Ying complained as I shifted in my position. I have been in this pose for more than an hour and my back is starting to get numb.

"Sorry, is it done?" I asked. Excited to see the finished product.

My Khun Ying has been painting me for a couple of days now. He wouldn't let me see his progress but he promised it will be done today.

Today. It feels like a premonition and I have this strange feeling in my chest.

"Just the finishing touches, babe," he said.

"I'm sure it is amazing."

"Oh, you!" He blushed.

He looked at me with pride and then looked at his painting.

"It's done," he said. "Come."

I smiled. Feeling proud of my baby. I stood and walked towards him.

I gasped. The watercolor painting is truly wonderful. He painted me in my pose but changed the background into a flower garden. I was sitting on a grassy area looking at a distance. I was surrounded by lovely flowers in bloom. The colors, bright but peaceful.

"Do you like it?" he asked.

"I love it. This is so wonderful." I embraced him tightly. "You are very gifted, you know that?"

He just giggled. "I'm glad you liked it."

"Yes, very much."

"Take care of this painting, okay? This is my parting gift for you, Khun Luang," Ying said.

I could not hold back the tremble in my hands.

"Are you saying goodbye?"

He nodded.


We both remained quiet. I held his hand and led him to the couch. I made him sit down on my lap. My sweet Khun Ying. I wrapped my arms around him and he rested his head on my shoulders.

I kiss his head.

"We already talked, and we have decided," he said.

I nodded. "It is today, isn't it?"

"Yes, because today is a special day."

I hummed my reply.

"But I don't want to go," he said.

"It's gonna be alright, baby," I said.

He slowly broke down in tears. His small body started shaking as he lets out the uneven sobs. I rub his back and whisper sweet nothings on his hair.

"It's gonna be fine... I love you so much... It's alright..."

I fight back my own tears. He shouldn't see me cry. I should be strong for the both of us. I waited until his hiccups subsided and his breathing evens out.

He looks at me and I look at him. I kiss his sweet lips one last time. 

"Goodbye, my prince," I whispered.

"... bye, I love you," was his muffled response.

We huddled over the couch for a long time. I stroke his hair until he finally falls asleep.

I slowly laid him down on the couch and covered him with the throw blanket.

I carefully removed the painting from the easel, and with one last glance at the sleeping boy, I walked away and closed the door.

<<Khun Luang - This is his pose. I cannot, for the life of me, paint or use Photoshop. Just picture him as a watercolor painting with a beautiful flower garden background.>>
