
Cassie was going to McKay's for the weekend and wanted help packing so she called the girls over.

"I wanna look cute, but not eager." Cassie said pulling clothes out of the closet "Then don't wear that top." Maddy said

"This? I thought it looked good. I don't really know if I like this body suit, though." She said and held it up

"Why don't you like this?" Maddy asked looking at the body suit "I don't know, I just think it could look better." Cassie said

Cassie turned around and held a blue crop top up to her body "Love that." Maddy said "Like, perf." BB said not looking up from the phone "I like it." Natalie said

"Lex?" Cassie said turning to her sister "It's cute." Lexi said glancing at it making Cassie sigh "I wish I had your collar bones." Maddy said looking at Cassie

"I'm putting a lot of trust into you." Suze said as she walked in "Yeah, Cassie, don't get pregnant. We don't need another pregnant friend." Kat said smiling

"That's not funny, Kat. But don't you dare get pregnant." Size said walking over to Cassie

"Relax, Mom. He has a roommate." Cassie said "I want you to keep your phone on throughout the night. You send me a photo when you get back to the dorm with a clock in it." Suze said "Like a ransom photo?" Maddy asked

"I hate you." Cassie said with a small smile "Well, I love you." Size said "I love you, too." Cassie said and kissed her mom on the cheek

Mckay texted Cassie and told her he was outside. She quickly packed the rest of her things and ran out the door with everybody following.

"Have fun, baby girl." Size said "No funny business, Christopher!" She yelled over to him

Natalie grabbed maddys waist and started humping her to tease Cassie with Maddy playing long making faces

"Yeah, no, I promise." Mckay yelled back "Yeah, just be a gentleman." Suze yelled

"And don't you dare get pregnant." She whispered

Nate asked Natalie to come over and ended up having sex.

When they finished he leaned up and kissed her shoulder "That was amazing." Nate whispered in her ear out of breath

"I know." Natalie panted and layed down on her stomach nate kissed her head before going to get in the shower.

Natalie layed on the bed for a few minutes before getting up to put her clothes on

"Hey nate." She called and stuck her head through the bathroom "can I use your phone for a second I don't know where mine is at." She asked

"Yeah." Nate said without thinking about the text from Jules that were still pulled up on his phone.

Natalie walked over and grabbed his phone and unlocked it to see he was texting someone.

Natalie normally wouldn't read his text but when there are heart emojis and text saying he misses talking to this to some girl. She does.

She read the many text between him and Jules. Curious, she goes through his phone to see if there is anything else he's hiding.

She didn't find anything until she got to his photos. There were picture of him shirtless him and Natalie which she smiled at but it slowly faded when she saw a bunch of dick pics. That weren't his.

"What the fuck." She whispered to herself she sat on the edge of the bed with his phone in her hand. She pulled the text back up and waited for him to get out of the shower.

She thought about just leaving but she needed to know what this was. I mean, he said he wanted to be with her but he's texting other girls.

She heard the water turn off and watched him walk out the his bathroom with a towel drying off.

He put on some underwear and then noticed how pissed she looked

"Nat are you okay?" Nate asked Natalie sat sill not saying anything. She did t know what to say. "Nat?" He said again walking over to her

"What is this?" She asked and gave him his phone he looked at it and saw the texted before looking back at Natalie with a pissed off expression

"Did you go through my phone?" He asked "yeah, I did. I wasn't originally going to go through your phone. But when I unlock it and see that, I did." She said

"What is that?" Natalie asked again "it's nothing." Nate said locking his phone a throwing it on the bed. "It didn't look like nothing. Don't fucking lie me nate." She said but he didn't say anything

"If you wanted to be with Jules you could've fucking told me. Not lie and say you wanted to be with me." Natalie said raising her voice

"I don't want to be with Jules." Nate said "it doesn't look like it." Natalie said

"Why were you texting her the things you were texting her? And why are there a bunch guys dicks in your phone?" She asked him

He looked at her not knowing what to say. On one hand he could just tell her everything. But on the other hand he could lie. And he didn't want to lie. He was finally happy in a relationship

"Nate if you don't tell me the truth right now I will walk out that door and you will never see me again." Natalie said a grabbed her phone that had been tangled in the blanket.

Now that sentence scared Nate for a few reasons. One, because of how calmly she said it. Two, because he could loose her and his baby. And three, because she wasn't Maddy. He couldn't say sorry, give her kiss and she would be back. If she was going to leave she would and she would and she wouldn't think twice about it.

Nate took a breath and looked at her "Jules slept with my dad." He said "what?" She asked "Jules slept with my dad." He repeated in more of a whisper "can we go somewhere and talk about this cause he's here." Nate asked her

She looked at him for a second before putting her shoes on and waited for him to get fully dressed.

When Nate was done they got in his truck and drove. He ended up taking her to his dads construction site cause he knew no one would be there.

Nate rolled the windows down and turned the car off and looked at her.

"You know how my dad likes to record himself? Well him and Jules were together." Nate explained "Nate, Jules just moved here."

"Yeah I know." Nate said "wait, this was recently?" Natalie asked "yes."

"Well then how the fuck do you know?" She asked "I saw it." Nate said "wait, you're still fucking watching that shit?" She asked him but was met with silence

"Nate, you're gonna be a dad in nine months, and you're still watching your dad fuck other people. On video. I mean it's not even like you walked in on it. You chose to do it." Natalie said

"Don't word it like that." He said trying to stay calm "how else do you want me to fucking word it?" She asked and was met with silence she sighed and rolled her eyes

"I can't fucking do this with you." Natalie said making him look up immediately "what do you mean?"

"I mean, I know we haven't made anything official or anything. But we might as well have. And we haven't even been together a month and you basically cheated on me. I'm not doing that shit." She said and hopped out of the car.

"Natalie wait." Nate said getting out and walking over to her "no, Nate you cheated on me. I'm not going to be with someone who cheats."

"It's not like that." He said and gently grabbed her arm so she was facing him "then what is it like. I mean you still haven't said why you were texting Jules."

"Because she slept with my dad." Nate said "that doesn't explain why you were texting her. What, did you want to fuck her too?" She asked

"No, I don't want to fuck her." He said "then why were you texting her?" Natalie asked

"Because I need to make sure she wouldn't say anything." Nate said "what's that supposed to mean?" Natalie asked

"Did you see the pictures she sent me." Nate asked the red head "no."

"I got her to send me nudes so if I need to I could blackmail her. That's also the reason the dick pics were in my phone so I could send them to her so she would trust me." Nate explained but what they didn't know was that Natalie had accidentally called Maddy so she heard all of it.

"And 'Jules can you not say anything about my dad fucking you to the cops' wouldn't have worked?" She asked

Nate stood in front of her glancing at her every so often. For the first time in his life. He felt guilty. "I want you to end this right now. I want you to tell Jules that your names not really Tyler. I want you to text her and tell her to meet you right now and you can explain everything. And then I want you to delete your account from the dating app. And delete the picture of the dicks off your phone along with the nudes from jules. And if you keep this up. I will never let you come near this child." Natalie said

Nate looked at her for a second before pulling his phone out to text Jules. He told himself he was doing this for his child because he didn't want to seem like he was doing it for her. He didn't like not being in charge like he was with Maddy. But he knew how Natalie was and he knew that if they were together he wouldn't be in charge. He knew she wouldn't put up with that.

Natalie watched him type on his phone. She was honestly relived that he pulled it out. She was scared he would've told her no and she would have to raise this baby on her own and she didn't want that, but if it came down to it she would.

But she rather have help from Nate because she knew her mom wouldn't help out. Natalie was okay with that though. She was okay with her mom not helping because she did this she could've told Nate to put a condom on but she didn't.

Jules eventually rode up beside the truck and saw Nate. She was confused when he got out. Natalie watched them talk outside the truck. She smirked a little when she saw Jules slap Nate.

Jules walked past the truck and looked at Natalie with tears in her eyes. Natalie looked at her sympathetically and mouthed 'I'm really sorry.' Jules nodded as a thank you.

Jules didn't know Natalie but she heard a lot about her from rue. And based on what she heard she had a feeling that Natalie had something to do with Nate telling her everything that night.

Jules felt like her and Natalie could be good friends.
