Jim's P.O.V
"Miss Fontaine? Do you read me? Are you okay? Please respond." Jaden said.

"Jaden, I can barely hear you. We've been surrounded they're trying to get in. Blair needs that first aid kit." She said.

"You're breaking up. Hello?" Jaden tried to reach Miss Fontaine but it cut out. I glanced at Y/n and she was swaying. I grabbed her shoulders and kept her balance. Jesse was concerned about his cousin.

"It's no use. I can't get in touch with Miss Fontaine anymore. We have no choice. We've got to go rescue them. We may be their only hope and I don't plan on letting them down." Jaden said but started to run off.

"Jaden! Wait." Jesse yelled out to him. Jaden stopped.

"What? We can't just stand around and do nothing." Jaden said.

"We understand so sign us up! Me and the boys are coming and hope you didn't think we'd let you do this all on your own. We're all in this together." Jesse said.

"Like a team. We fight as one." We turned to Y/n and she smiled softly. "Duel together, fight together." We all smiled and agreed. Y/n continued, "That's what we do, Jaden."

"Sounds like a plan. Now while we're gone. Hassleberry and Alexis. You two take the supplies and Y/n. Make your way over to the gym." I said. Y/n placed her hand on mine and I smiled softly.

"But we should help you." Alexis says.

"They'll be okay, Alexis. Our job is just as important as theirs is. And get Y/n to a safe place." Hassleberry says.

"Yeah. We need to keep the gym secure so you can't get it overrun. It might be our last strong hold." Adrian says. I passes Y/n to Alexis.

Your P.O.V
I tried to reach out to Jim. He smiled softly and grabbed my hand softly. "You'll be alright, love. Keep fighting." He whispered to me but I soon passes out from all the stress and how much energy I used up earlier.

Jim's P.O.V
"You'll be alright, love. Keep fighting." I whispered to her and soon she passed out. Alexis looked concerned.

"Okay. Jaden, let's do this." Jesse said with confidence.

"Alright." Jaden said with a smile.

"Hey guys. I've been thinking about a way to keep those duel ghouls distracted. Trust me. I think I know someone who can wing it." Axel said. I glanced at Y/n one last time. Hassleberry was carrying Y/n on his back while Alexis was carrying the supplies. They ran to the gym. 'Don't worry Y/n. I'll be back and make sure you're alright.'

Your P.O.V
"Do you think she'll be alright?" Someone said. Who was that?

"I'm not sure mate, but I just hope she'll be alright and wake up." I heard another voice said. Mate? Wait that has to be Jim! I slowly opened my eyes to see a bright light and a few faces. One including Jim. Then I saw my cousin that was in tears and Blair. Blair looked happy to see me. They all had tears in their eyes and I smiled softly.

"Don't cry. There's no need for tears. At least not yet anyway." I say with a small smile. I sat up and noticed a new device on my arm. Jesse then hugged my waist tightly. It was like I felt my soul trying to fly away.

"Jesse....can't....breathe!" I whimpered and he quickly let go.

"I'm so sorry, N/n! I'm just happy you're alright!" Jesse said with a huge smile. Blair then hugged me.

"I'm just glad you're alright." I say to Blair.

"You looked like you weren't going to make it. Just glad you're alright." Jim said. Blair let go and walked away.

"Hey! Y/n! Your okay!!" Jaden yelled out and ran over. I smiled and he knelt down and hugged me as well.

"Nice to see you to, Jay. Now tell me what happened." I say.

"When we were going to get Blair, Hassleberry and Alexis took you here so you could rest. When we got to Blair, Miss Fontaine got turned into duel ghouls. I dueled her, Jesse got Blair and after the duel, we ran her here and Jim put the device thing on your arm. But when we came back, you weren't doing to good either. You were white as a ghost and Jim got all worried." Jaden explains. Jim turned pink and he looked away. I also turned a little pink as well.

"So Miss Fontaine is now a duel ghoul...great." I sighed and slowly stood up. I groaned.

"Easy Y/n. That back of yours still needs time to recover." Jim said. Wait? My back?

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"When you were asleep, you started to glow and you looked like you were in pain as well. When we looked at your back, it had some sort of marking. We don't know what it was but it was also bleeding too." Jaden replied.

"You know when you were in pain years ago? It was like that and the exact same mark appeared." Jesse said. I remember now.

"The mark of the chosen one..." I mumbled. Jesse nodded and held out his student communicator and showed me the photo he took of my back.

"Wow. That looks sick." Jaden commented.

"But why me is the question. It looks like the Seal of Orichalcos." I said.

"The what now?" Jaden and Hassleberry asked.

"The Seal of Orichalcos is a seal that's part of the Great Leviathan that a guy named Dartz was abusing. If you payed attention to the history of duel monsters then you would know this." I explained.

"Anyway. Why is it acting up now?" Alexis asked. I pulled out Hamon, lord of Striking Thunder and it growled.

"I don't know. But the other Sacred beasts are calling out to me." I replied.

"Y/n. We're going to board up this place real tight. We don't want other students turning into duel ghouls, you in?" Jesse asked holding out his hand. I smirked.

"You betcha." I replied and grabbed his hand. Jesse pulled me up and smiled.

"Now. Alexis, Bastion. Grab some of the students and board up the halls so we can at least get to the supplies that are around. Jim, you board up the doors except the main entrance, we need to keep that going until we have everything we need brought in here."

"Axel you get some recruits and make sure we're all safe. Jaden, Jesse go and grab the rest of the supplies." The boys nodded and went to work. I sighed and grabbed some blankets and layed them out. I saw Jim and some other students hammering nails into the wood but they seemed to be struggling. I walked over and grabbed a hammer.

"Come on now. Put your back into it." Jim said. "Listen up, this is important. Hammer those nails in deep. These barricades are a last line of defense, they need to be strong enough to keep those duel ghouls out."

"Like this." I whispered and hammered the few nails they couldn't get. I smiled and they followed suit. I went over to Jim and started to hammer the nails into the wood. He smiled and I returned it.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" Jim asked.

"What type of leader would I be if I just let everyone do the work." I said to him. He ruffled my hair and smiled.

"If you say so mate." He replied and we kept working. I felt two spirits on me and was now rolling on the floor, play fighting. I laughed and they stopped. Ruby and Winged Kuriboh turned a little pink. It soon turned night fall and everything was up and running. I sat on the stairs. I watched everyone eating happily. I smiled and I knew we're going to run out of food soon thanks to the duel ghouls. I sighed and started to think of how we're all going to get out of here. I noticed someone holding half of the food Dorothy cooked up. I looked up to see Jim with the other half. He smiled and I took the plate.

"I assume you didn't get anything, thanks to the very hungry students. They're like a pack of dingos going after their pray." He said and I giggled.

"Thanks Jim." I said and started to eat the food. It was like old fudge. I smiled at the taste. Then we heard yelling from other students that wanted more.

"Just our luck." I mumbled and stood up. "Axel!" I pointed to the hungry students and he took care of it.

"This reminds me of the time I had to feed hungry Carpet pythons. Geez, they wouldn't leave me alone." I sighed and sat back down.

"Carpet pythons?" Jim asked.

"Yeah. I live in the forest with lots of animals, including snakes. I use to feed them since there was a fire and they had to come into the house. It got bad but we manged." I explained. I yawned, feeling tired.

"Tired?" Jim asked.

"Yeah..It was a long day." I replied.

Jim's P.O.V
I moved over to Y/n and wrapped an arm around her and she rested her head on my shoulder. I took the plate from her and placed it beside me on the other plate I had. Soon I heard soft snores coming from Y/n. I smiled and kissed her head softly. Dorothy walked over with a blanket. She smiled and gave me the blanket, taking the plates and leaving. I wrapped the blanket around us and rested my head on hers. Shirley walked over and fell asleep at our feet. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up before Y/n. Shirley was still sleep at our feet. I smiled and noticed I still had my arm wrapped around her. I felt my cheeks go warm. Y/n shifted in her sleep and opened her eyes slightly.

"Good morning." I greeted her. Y/n stretched and yawned, whipping away the tiredness from her eyes.

"Morning...." she replied with a grumble. Shirley then growled telling us she was also awake.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked Y/n.

"Good for once in my life." She replied. We stood up and noticed the others walking to the middle. We walked over and Jaden asked where the guy with a pompadour went.

Your P.O.V
"I overheard him and his buddies talking about finding food." Jesse replied.

"Well, how'd they sneak out of here." Axel asked.

"My fault Axel. They got through a window in the loo. I thought that my team had this place nailed down tight." Jim replied. I faceplated and groaned.

"I knew I should of checked that part of this place." I said and sighed.

"Attention students. As your host, I'd like to welcome you to your new home." I recognized that voice. It was Marcel! The kid that went missing, that night we found Blair.

"Where'd your accent go?  What's going on here? We want answers got that?" Jaden asked.

"Everything will be made clear in due time." Marcel said.

"In due time? How about right now?!" Hassleberry says.

"No joke." Jaden said. Dark beckoning beast appeared and took my mind to a place where we can talk.

"Dark beckoning beast? What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Y/n," Dark Beckoning beast said. His voice sounded young but wise. It was the first time I've ever heard him speak.

"Y/n, do you wonder why, we chose you as our mistress? Do you know why we don't listen or trust others?"  Dark Beckoning beast asked. I was confused.

"You aren't just any normal girl with a disability, Y/n. You were an Empress in your past life. You protected everyone you cared for...but, there was also a time when you turned dark thanks to your people that betrayed you, killed you and took your duel monters." Dark Beckoning beast explained.

"What do you mean?" I asked. I was very confused. What?

"You created the Sacred beasts to protect the Domain of monsters and your world. Where you stand, on the stairs...here was your kingdom, you home back then. You need to understand that you were reborn to protect us and the ones you hold dear to you. You're not the only one that has a destiny." He said to me.

"I don't understand! What do you me-" I was cut off and my mind was then taken back to reality. Jim then shook my and I shook my head.

"Alright! I'm awake!" I said, Jim stopped. He sighed in relief.

"You okay? You spaced out." He asked.

"Yeah...yeah. I'm okay." I said and smiled, nervously.

"Come on guys!" Jaden yelled out.

"Stop being a cute couple and get going!" Jesse said and I felt my cheeks getting very warm. We walked outside the academy and saw three creatures, that use to be students.

"Great..." I mumbled out. "So who's dueling them?"

"What's with the get up?" Jaden asked.

"I'll tell you, they have become the ultimate duelists a fusion of human and duel spirit." Marcel said.

"Fusion what? Whatevs. Well at least we know what we're up against, even if they're wearing masks." Jaden asked. He tried to go and duel them but Jesse had a chat with him.

"Besides, Y/n here is going to help me." Jim then said.

"Wait what? I'm confused." I said and Jesse smiled. I have no idea on what's going on.

"Alright. Looks like you got a team, Jess." Jim said with a smile. What? Jim grabbed my hand and we walked over to the students. Axel, Jesse, Jim and I actived our duel disks. I sighed and wondered how I got into this mess.

"Let's duel." We said. Since Jim and I are teaming up, our opponent got double the life points.

"I'm in a bad mood. So watch out." The student said.

"Alrighty then. Let's see what you got." Jim said.

"It's your move." I said.

"Don't tell me what to do. I'm drawing. I summon a facedown and summon Anchor knight." He said. His monster had 1500 ATK. "You like that? He'll rip your heads off pal."

"Let him try. I've seen worse." Jim said back.

"And so have I!" I said and remembering the nightmares and other scary things.

"Aren't see nothing. Because they each of these discs are you got whacked 600 points." He said. His monster attacked us. Jim dodged and I moved out of the way. Our life points went down to 2200. Since we share the same amount, we both lose the same.

"What's the matter, Jimbo? Don't you know the anger is a gift. Lucky for you both, I'm feeling generous today." The student said. I growled.

"Jim, you can start us off." I said to him.

"You sure?" He asked. I smiled and gave him a nod.

"Right mate. I draw. Then I summon weathering soldier in attack mode." Jim said. His monster had 2000 ATK. "And the forecast looks grim. Now blow that Anchor knight away with wind slash attack." Jim's monster attack and brought our opponents life points to 7500.

"Why you...now you really made me angry." The student said. The he did something and something grabbed Weathering soldier.

"What's this?" Jim asked.

"If you really think your little breeze can blow away my Anchor knight, you see by discarding one card from my hand, I can resurrect my knight in defense mode." His monster came back and had 600 DEF.

"Not good. We gotta figure out a way to stop him before my soldier loses another 600 ATK." Jim said. I nod.

"Then I have just the thing. I draw." I drew Evil HERO Malicious edge. Perfect. "Since you have a monster on the field, I can summon a monster from my hand. Then I normal summon Archfiend Empress in attack mode." I said. "Archfiend! Attack his Anchor knight." She attacked and destroyed his monster. I smiled and the effect on Weathering soldier was gone.

"Thanks Y/n!" Jim said. I smiled at him.

"I place one card face down. Alright Edge! Let's lower his life points a little more shall we?" I said and Edge attacksx, sending our opponents life points down to 4900. He then did the same thing by sending a card to the grave and bringing his monster back but Anchor's effect went to Archfiend Empress sending 600 ATK down the drain.

"My move. I switch my knight to attack mode. Then I reveal my trap card, Violent salvage. When Anchor is still on the field, this trap let's me take the top three cards from my graveyard and then add them to my hand. The thing is, I'm not I'm not allowed to use them." What is this guy up to?

"Hold up. You discard them again then that means..."Jim trailed off.

"There's a special delivery coming your way because by sending three cards from my graveyard I can send 1600 points to you." His monster attacked and our life points went down to 400. Then he attacked my empress.

"I reveal my trap! Call of the Earthbound! When you attack on of my monsters, I can choose the target. Sorry Jim but I choose Weathering soldier." His monster then attacked his soldier and we lost 100 life points, bringing it down go 300. "Sorry Jim. It was the only way."

"You did what you could do, Y/n don't sweat it." Jim said with a soft smile. I then glanced at Axel and he done his duel. I sighed in relief.

"Listen! I think this duel is a decoy." Axel said.

"A decoy?!" We asked.

"Yeah. You gotta ditch these duels so we can find out what Marcel's really up to." Axel said.

"Alright then! I guess we got to hop to it and take this guy out." Jim said and I smirked.

"You bet!" I said. Now I was getting into it now.

"It's my move. I draw. Right now mate, I activate the specimen inspiration spell. By sending one card to my graveyard, I can call out a type and level of a monster and you got to take a card that matches and send it straight to your graveyard. Match a level four warrior type monster. That includes you Y/n." Jim said. I looked through my deck and couldn't find a level four warrior monster. "No luck?" Jim asked. I shook my head.

"They're all different levels. Sorry Jim." I replied. He nodded and our opponent discarded a monster.

"Perfect. Now with that out of the way, I activate fossil fusion. Next I activate Weathering knight and Anchor knight from our graveyards to fusion summon Fossil Warrior Skull Bone." Jim said. A new monster came into play and it looked a bit creepy but cool at the same time. It had 2000 ATK. "Next up, from my hand I activate time stream. By paying half our life points, I can change a monster from the cenozoic era to the mesozoic era. So I'll devolve my fossil warrior." Jim explained. Our life points went down to 150.

"You what?" Our opponent asked.

"Into something stronger. Like Fossil Warrior Skull knight." His monster devolved and it ATK points were now 2400. "Then I further devolve it." Jim said. Our life points went down to 75. I didn't know what was going to happen next.

"It's worth every point to bring out my Fossil Warrior Skull king." Jim's monster was now up to 2800. "Skull king! Go, attack with king swordblade." His monster attacked Anchor knight and sent our opponent s life points to 3600. "Your up mate."

"My move. I draw." I drew Elemental HERO Honest Neos. "I activate Elemental HERO Honest Neos effect. Since I have a Hero on my field, I can choose one of his effects. But by discarding Honest Neos, I give 2500 more attack points to Evil HERO Malicious edge, he gains 5100 ATK. Then by banishing Honest Noes, I can special summon Bystial Magnamhut." I explained and summoned the dragon. "Then I activate Mythical space typhoon, destroying that face down of yours. Alright! Edge attack his remaining life points and throw them into the depths of the shadows!"

Evil HERO Malicious Edge attacked and won us the duel. I smiled and the duel ended, everyone behind us cheered and Jim gave me a thumbs up. I smiled and glanced at my cousin. He was still dueling.

"Jesse!" I yelled out. I was worried now. 'Come on Jesse.' Jim walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm activating the field spell card, Ancient city rainbow ruins." Jesse said. The scenery around us changed. "Next I summon crystal beast, sapphire pegasus." He summoned his pegasus.

"I'm at your command." Sapphire pegasus says.

"When I successfully summon Sapphire pegasus I can take one crystal beast from either my hand, deck or graveyard. Amd pit it in my trap/ spell card zone. I'm sending my Ruby carbuncle." Jesse said.

"Not so fast, I activate silent space and destroys sapphire pegasus." His oppenent says. Jesse's pegasus became a crystal.

"Thank you. Because when my pegasus is destroyed ruby can come out to the playing field." Jesse explained. Ruby came out of her crystal and activated her effect. I smiled.

"Now with Ruby ready for action I can summon as many crystal beasts from spell and trap card zone as possible." Jesse said.

"Then I play silent space again-" His oppenent was then cut off by Jesse.

"Actually no you don't horse. Cause I activate rainbow ruins special ability. See if there's three or more crystal beastsvin my spell and trap card zone, I can send one beast and send it off to the graveyard in order to negate all your spells  and traps." Jesse explained.

"Nice one Jesse!" I yelled out. He looked at me amd smiled.

"I summon sapphire pegasus and amber mammoth!" Jesse said. His monsters came out of their crystals. "You ready? Let's silence this guy once and for all." His monsters attacked the guy and won the duel. I cheered and ran over to Jesse. He smiled and hugged me tight.

"Well done Jess." Jim said. I nod and he let go of me. I then saw dark beckoning beast. I then sensed trouble. "The Sacred Beasts!!" I yelled out and ran to were they were. The others followed me. "Uria, Raveil...I'm coming!"
