Your P.O.V
I woke up in Jim's arms. The duel was over and Jesse looked at me with a smile on his face. But the door burst opened and duel ghouls walked in. I stood up and activated my duel disk, placing my seconded deck in.

"Hope this works. I summon Sauge De Fleur." I said. The spellcaster monster appeared. She had 2900 ATK. I drew 3 cards and summoned Gadarla, the mystery dust kaiju, Kumongous, the sticky string kaiju and Bahalutiya, the grand radiance. I grabbed Jim's hand and lead him to my dragon. We hopped onto Bahalutiya.

"Get on one of them and let's go! Sauge, give us some time to get out if here." I said. She nodded and created a flower barrier. The others got onto the other duel monsters but their was to many duel ghouls. Then Neos burst through the floor and Jaden was there. I sighed in relief.

"Jaden! Get on and let's go!" I grabbed him and we went rown the hole.

"Nice to see you Y/n! I'm sorry about the Sacred beasts." Jaden said.

"It's alright Jaden. We'll get them back." I said. After a few minutes, we landed and the duel monsters vanished. I sighed and sat down next to Jim and Shirley.

"Jaden. Where in tarnations are we?" My cousin, Jesse asked.

"I'm not exactly sure. It's some sort of underground tunnel system." Jaden replied.

"Looks like it goes on forever. How did you find it?" Alexis asked.

"Yeah Jay? What made you come down here in the first place?" Jesse asked.

"Bonaparte, he showed it to me when rescued me from Crowler." Jaden explained.

"They got Crowler too...great." I sighed and looked around. Everyone was talking while I was thinking. I sighed and stood up. I recognized these tunnels and knew a way out. This place was like a short cut to class if I was late or wanted to be alone.

"Hello Jaden. I wanted to applaud you for eluding my ghouls all this time. I never thought you'd last but I think enough is enough, so if you want to settle this once and for all meet me infront of duel academy. Now if you ein, I'll release all the students from my control but should you lose you and your friends will serve me forever. So Jaden? Do you agree to my terms as an added incentive, you have only 30 minutes to get up here. Otherwise I'll send your duel ghoul friends away forever." Marcel said. I growled.

"He's not giving us much of a choice now is he?" Jim asked.

"No. He isn't." I said.

"What do you reckon, Jaden?" Jim asked. It took a moment for Jaden to answer.

"If he wants a duel, he's got one." Jaden said.

"So Jaden has to reach Marcel within 30 minutes?" Alexis asked.

"Yep. And if he doesn't our friends would be sent away forever." Axel replied. While I was thinking, I heard Dark Beckoning beast calling out to me. Then Winged Kuriboh and Magikuriboh appeared.

"She's got a valid point, mate." Jim's voice got me out of my thoughts.

"But do we have a choice? He's got the upper hand now. So it looks like we have to play by his rules." Axel said.

"But rhe doesn't play fair." Alexis says.

"Well, it's a risk that I'm gonna have to take. I can't chance losing all our friends forever. I gotta duel this guy." Jaden said.

"Well then sarge. I'm going with you." Hassleberry said.

"Me too."

"Me three."

"I'm goung alone." Jaden said.

"Your what?" Alexis asked.

"It's just not going to safe. Marcel's too powerful." Jaden said. Everyone was confused. Jaden continued. "Well, I tried to stop him but you see, I was too late. Marcel was able to take Y/n's Sacred Beast cards."

"Jaden, you can't blame yourself. You tried everything you could. So what if he has the Sacred beasts. You have saved me and the Sacred beasts before. We're going to do this together. No matter how hard it is going to be." I said and knelt down infront of him. He looked at me, I smiled.

"You just have to believe in yourself, no matter how hard it is going to be, we're all here for you. Don't you ever think otherwise. Jesse that dragon will have to be in a battle between the sacred beasts. That's our way out." I said amd stood up.

"Are you sure?" Jaden asked.

"Y/n is right. If the rainbow dragon fought them then maybe the energy released would awaken its full power and open the portal." Baston explains.

"And then we could go back home." Jesse said.

"Exactly. Now the Rainbow dragon has to be summoned." I said.

"Ofcourse we have to find it." Baston says.

"Then there's no time to waste. I'm going to find the Rainbow dragon and when I do those beasts won't know what hit them. So you stall Marcel and then I'll join you with the card." Jesse said to Jaden. I smiled.

"Sounds good to us. Take some of us with you just in case." I say to Jesse.

"Are you sure cous'?" Jesse asked. I smiled.

"Hey, if anything goes wrong, you make sure you get everyone home. Promise me you will get everyone home." I said. Jesse brought me into a hug. I hugged back and smiled.

"I promise. You just promise me that you'll stay alive." He said. I nod eith a smile.

"I promise. And that's a Slifer promise." I said.

"We got company! The kind of drools and duels." Jim said.

"They're slouching down this tunnel too. Can we escape?" Hassleberry asked.

"Escape? I know these tunnles like the back of a dragons wing. This way!" I said and started running down another tunnel. Then duel ghouls walked up. I smirked and I summoned Kumongous, the sticky Kaiju with 2400 ATK.

"Give us a way out!" I said. The spider like duel monster gave us a way out. We ran past and Alexis  Hassleberry and Jim gave us cover. Everyone else ran.

"Cous'!" Jesse called out.

"Take the next left, that's a dead end but head up." I told him.

"What are you doing?!" Jesse asked.

"I'm giving you all time, go!" I said and stood next to Jim.

"Well, nice seeing you here." Jim said. I smirked.

"Ready for a duel, Cook?" I asked.

"You bet mate." He replied. We activated our duel disks and drew 5 cards.

"Say g'day to my Fossil Warrior Skull Knight." Jim said.

"Come on out Sauge De Fleur!" I said and summoned her.

"Attack!" We yelled out and our monsters attacked. The duel ghouls went flying back. We turned around and ran with our duel monsters following us. We burst through the walls and sand, attacking Chazz's monster. We smiled when we saw Alexis.

"Looks like Jaden is in a mac of trouble." Jim said.

"No problem! Play the trap card Artifact Sanctum!" I said and a knife like monster appeared. You two go and help them out!" I said and I ran over to them. The monsters kept the duel ghouls away.

"Thanks Y/n!" Jaden said. I smiled.

"Go and take Marcel down, we got it from here." I said. Jaden and Blaire ran. Jim ran over to me and we summoned another monster. "I play the field spell, Traptrip Garden!"

The duel ghouls summoned monsters and destroyed some of ours. I drew a card and pulled Raigeki. I played it and the duel ghouls monsters were destroyed.

"Thanks Y/n!" Hassleberry says. I gave him a thumbs up and saw that I had lots of duel ghouls on me. A duel ghould activated a spell card known as lightning Vortex. Then they summoned a monster.

"I activate my face down! Trap hole." I said and only one monster was destroyed. I realized I was wide opened. Their monsters attacked me but I didn't feel anything. I looked up and saw Fossil Warrior Skull knight. I turned around and saw Jim with a smile. I sighed in relief and drew a card.

"I summon Gadarla, the mystery dust kaiju." I summoned the insect. "Attack with Mystery dust!" I said. My duel monster attacked, I ran over to Jim and Shirley.

"You right?" Jim asked.

"Yeah, I don't know how much longer we can hold these guys off." I replied and more duel ghouls appeared. I groaned.

"Their rushing out the big blasters now. Brace yourselves!" Jim said. Our monsters were then destroyed.

"I have an idea but I need 2 level 4 insect or plant monsters!" I said.

"This can help. I play reckless greed." Alexis says. I drew two cards.

"This too! Ledger of Legerdemain! I'll banish 3 cards, you pick up 3!" Baston said. I nod and drew 3 more cards.

"Thanks guys! I then play Traptantalizing tune! By discarding one level 4 insect or plant monster from my hand, I can draw 2 more cards. I then play my monsters in defense mode." I say. Then a huge portal appeared infront of me. I tribute my level 4 Traptrix Atrax and my level 4 Traptrix Mantis to XYZ summon Traptriz Rafflesia! Then I tribute level 4 Traptrix Genlisea and level 4 Retaliation "C" to XYZ summon Traptrix Pinguicula!" I said. "This deck is great, I have to thank my parents for creating it for me."

Then Crowlers monster attacked my Traptrix Rafflesia but it didn't work. It is uneffected my any attack while it has materials. I smirked.

"Alright! Traptrix Pinguicula, attack!" She attacked and destroyed Chazz's monster. I smiled and set a card face down.

"Nicely done Y/n!" Baston says.

"Yeah way to go!" Alexis cheered.

"This might help though! I activate Jurassic impact!" Hassleberry says. It destroyed every monster except mine.

"Thank you Hassleberry!" I said. Jim stood up and walked up next to me.

"How's that for a little prehistoric prevention?!" Hassleberry cheered. "Oh yeah. That did the trick."

The show that Hassleberry pulled was amazing. I grabbed Jim's hand and watched the show. I then noticed my device on my arm was dead. Jim let go of my hand and got another arm device out. I smiled and he switched them around.

"That should do it." Jim said. I nod.

"I hope Jesse and Axel get here soon. Jaden needs that Rainvow Dragon card." I said.

"Now don't you worry. They'll get it here in time so we can go home." Jim said with a reassuring smile.

"Hope so Jim." I said and kept a look out for Jesse and Axel to get here with our escape card.
