Taking Care of Orphan Puppies

I was wheezing and fangirling so hard when editing the photo above. Using snapchat filter on a photo displayed on my tablet...That's a new low for me

The cutest noise in the whole world of Eos repeatedly echoed in your eardrums, your mouth etched into an irreplaceable grin, wrapping your arms tightly around the two or three puppies. All of them howled and barked loudly, awakening the two out of four sleepyheads from their nap. Once the four of you arrived in Lestallum to rent a hotel room, everyone dropped onto the nearest comfortable bed or couch in Noctis' case, to relieve their strained muscles and exhaustion from the never ending traveling. Constantly sleeping on the not-so-comfortable earth, despite the sleeping bags they set on the ground, took its toll on their energy.

You giggled like a child on Christmas Eve, the swarm of puppies circling around you. A loud thump caused you to flinch, cautiously pushing yourself up from your crouched position. A dagger materialised in your dominant hand, nearly cutting the half awake prince, barely registering the blade that nearly could have decapitated his head from the rest of his body.

"Mind removing that away from my neck, f-n?" The ravenette remarked, nudging away the blade with the back of his hand, stalking past you into the kitchen.

"S-Sorry about that Noct, reflexes." You responded sheepishly, wearing an awkward smile. His hand reached for a canister filled with decently cold water, screwing the cap off with an audible yawn, jumping onto the marble countertop. He suspiciously eyed the swarm of puppies nuzzling your ankle cutely, releasing an exaggerated sigh.

"Alright, did Prompto bring those creatures without authorization?" You gawk slightly at the oversized usage of vocabulary before shaking it off coolly.

"No! I overheard the shuffling of cardboard and rushed in here. Once I arrived here, I cut that box over there," You bobbed your head towards the vacant box sitting open near the doorstep, "And then these cuties tackled me!" To punctuate your statement, you scooped one of the hyperactive puppies into your arms, shoving it directly in his face with a closed eyed smile. His thin lips twitched into a small smile, scratching the puppy's crown with his fingertips, the dog sticking its tongue out in return, wagging its tail happily.

"H-Hey, what's going on here?" A sleepy blonde, his hair laying flat on his head, unlike his usual morning and afternoon appearance, stumbled into the dimly lit room.

"Good midnight to you, Prom." Noctis greeted before chugging down the rest of the canister's contents down his throat.

"Is this some kind of get together party at midnight that I wasn't invited to?" Prompto questioned with a pout.

"Of course not. You'd crash the party anyways." You answered cheekily, the pout on his freckled face deepening.

"Meanie." The blonde muttered before his eyes widened like circles, nearly stumbling upon the playful puppies.

"Aw~ Who are these little fellas?" He asked, crouching down towards them with a smile.

"I'm not sure. They might be orphan puppies." You suggested with a shrug, watching the puppies surround him.

"But who would abandon such adorable creatures! Don't worry, daddy Prompto will take care of you~" The dog lover says in a childish tone, the ravenette snorting from his best friend's antics.

"I need to go get my camera!" Prompto said, scrambling over his own two feet towards his room, scouring the room desperately for his camera.

"So Noctis, can we keep em'? You asked, a sparkling glint swirling in your irises.

"I'd say yes just to see that cute smile of yours, but we'll need to ask for Gladio's and Ignis' permission first." He answered, slipping off the countertop, his bare feet greeted by the barking pups.

"Did you just...?" You drifted off amid your sentence, shaking the thought of Noctis being a flirtatious, smooth talker. He seemed socially awkward in your opinion. The male smirked at your distant eyes, silently congratulating himself for reciting the sentence smoothly without complications.

A bright flash from the camera's shutter went off, your eyes stinging slightly from the blinding light.

"This will go straight in the album." He muttered, examining the picture.

"We should give them a bath straight away!" He announced, rushing into the nearby bathroom, your ears perking up at the sound of gushing water.

"Over excited as always over a few damn puppies." The young prince commented, leaning his backside against the border of the countertop.

"I don't know Noct, I actually find it quite cute that his childhood likes are still with him, even when he's older." You responded with adoration, seeing the blonde scoop up all the pups into his arms, nuzzling his chin against their fuzzy heads.

"Oooh, so now you like boys who keep their interests from childhood now, I see how it is." Noctis muttered, his eyes narrowing in envy.

"Noctis Lucis Caelum, are you jealous?" You placed your hands on your hips, grinning at the evident streak of red painted over his usually pale cheeks.

"N-No, why would I be..." He mumbled, scratching his cheek, his head lowered from your view. You pinched his cheeks softly before bursting from your position, locking the bathroom door behind you.

"f-n, f-n!" His voice traveled muffled through the thick wood of the doorway, Prompto mimicking a shushing noise, resuming to scrub away the mud from their fur, his eyebrows furrowed in focus.

"Noctis, Gladio and Ignis are still asleep so stop being loud." You scolded, the young prince rolling his eyes, despite your view being obstructed by the door.

"I will be quiet if you'd let me!" He whispered loudly, causing the two of you to laugh.

"Alright, come on in." You gestured with a hand to enter the large bathroom, enough space for all three of you to fit in.

You slipped onto your bottom, laughing bashfully as Noctis tumbled down next to you with widened eyes. Prompto weaved over your pair of legs, trying to catch the mischievous, runaway puppy of the bunch, soap suds and puddles dripping onto the tiled floor. Noctis, always loving to have a few laughs, purposely stuck his leg directly in front of his at the exact moment when the blonde performed a small leap towards the puppy, plunging him headfirst into the bathtub. Uncontrollable laughter broke through the sweet aroma air, the photographer's clothes drenched with water and soap, a puppy clinging on top of his head like an accessory.

"Bring it on Noct!" The blonde scooped a heavy amount of bubbly water into the cup he was using to wash off the puppies, pouring it directly onto the male's head. His black mane stuck messily to his head, his blue eyes concealed behind the mop of hair obscuring his view. You stifled a laugh, biting your teeth into your hand as some kind of muffler. The prince only huffed in retaliation, growing agitated as his bangs clung to his face, much to his annoyance.

"Would you guys quit it and help me round up all these runaways!" You beckoned, crawling over the slippery floors, grabbing the nearest puppy in your range. The two of them followed under your command, sending sniggers towards each other discreetly, not wanting another scolding lecture from you, again. Someone flattened you under their weight, slapping a hand over your lips, overhearing the creaking of heavy footsteps resounding outside the drenched bathroom.

Your breathing quickened, hearing the doorknob shift counter-clockwise, silently thanking for having such intelligent friends. One of them earlier warned the other, Noctis quickly tackling you onto the floor while Prompto rotated the lock, crouching inside the bathtub, his azure eyes peeking cautiously over the tiled edge. The jingling of the locked door ceased, all three of you releasing sighs of relief.

"Uh, you can get off me now Noct." You muttered, uncomfortable with the Lucian prince overlapping your body, feeling your cheeks flush.

"Oh, sorry about that." He responded, rubbing the nape of his neck, his evident blush reaching the tips of his ears.

"Calm down you two. No need to get all turned on..." Prompto muttered, grabbing a nearby towel suspended on a metal ring embedded in the droplet-stained wall.

"Shut up! I was just uncomfortable, all right?" You complained, whacking the blonde lightly on the shoulder, a light chuckle filling your ears.

"I'm joking!" He laughed out, placing the remaining puppies in the blanket, twisting the corners of the towel to the top, hauling a bag of freshly washed puppies.

"Psst, Noct? Check if the coast is clear." A hushed chang of the prince's warp echoed in the steamy bathroom.

"Aw Prompto, your hair is all messed up now." You comment, raking your slim fingers through his now moist, clumped locks of hair.

"Yeah, the others will probably be wondering why I reek of dog." He said with closed eyes, laughing quietly as a puppy poked its head out cutely from inside the towel-bag, licking his cheek with its warm tongue.

"How cute." You mumbled, inching closer towards the blonde, petting the puppies with an affectionate gaze.

"What about me!" Prompto whined, puffing out his freckled cheeks, moving the bag of puppies away from your range.

"Yes Prompto, so are you~" You responded with a teasing tone, pecking his cheeks softly.

"I wish I had my camera for that..." He murmured under his breath, feeling his cheeks grow a faint pink.

The bathroom door creaked open with an audible squeak, the raven's dimly lit face peeking partially through the doorway.

"Coast is clear." Noctis says, vanishing into blue crystals briefly before reappearing with a rubber ball in his grasp.

"Where'd you get that from?" Prompto questioned with knit eyebrows, his shoulders rising stiffly whenever a loud crack sounded through the nearly pitch dark room as he tip toed into the living room.

"It I told you, I'd have to kill you." Noctis answered before breaking into a soft laugh, despite the scared expressions plastered on your darkly illuminated faces.

"I'm kidding. I usually toss this old around when I'm bored, but it looks like I discovered a new purpose for this ball." He rolled the ball across the wooden paneled floor, the three of you watching the pups scurry across the floor, tumbling over each other as if they were rookie skaters on the ice.

"They're so adorable!" You gushed, taking a quick photo with the flash enabled on your phone.

"Hey! My job is photography. You and Noctis need to be the models with those rowdy animals." Prompto intervened, grabbing your touch screen phone from your grasp, placing it on the kitchen countertop.

The strap of his camera lowered from the crown of his head to his neck, snapping pictures with the shutter going off. At the moment, Noctis was currently being trampled over by the stampede of wild puppies, messy snorts and wheezes slipping past his lips, an entertained smile gracing your lips. He stacked a few boxes of random cereal on the floor, propping his prized camera on top, angling it correctly. He tapped the button, sliding on the floor towards you, crawling next to you.

"Hurry up guys! The camera's about to take a pic!" Prompto warned, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, Noctis doing the same.

Your fingers created a peace sign, forming a v as you smiled brightly towards the lens. Noctis sat criss crossed, holding a puppy in each of his arms with a smile. Prompto smiled with closed eyes, leaning into your personal bubble, which you didn't mind at all. The lens zoomed in, a hushed click sounding through the room, signaling that the camera took the photo. Prompto rushed over to the stacked cereal boxes, examining the picture with admiration and happiness, feeling the photography side of himself leap for joy.

"Can't wait to show Iggy and Gladio." Prompto comments, setting the discarded boxes back to their original positions in the cabinets.

"Too bad you can't Prom. Remember? They don't know about our little visitors." Noctis reminded, Prompto's shoulders sinking in defeat.

"Darn it! I really wanted to show it though." The blonde pouted at the cute picture, his eyes seemingly attracted to your smiling face, a blush glowing on his cheeks.

"We'll talk about the rest of this in the morning. Come on, let's go f-n. f-n?" Noctis called out your name twice in a row, glancing over his shoulder to see you fallen asleep on the floor, the puppies swarmed around you, looking like a group of stuffed animals. The two of them smiled, carefully picked each puppy one by one, dropping them into the cardboard box, swaddling them in a silky blanket.

"And here's the last puppy." Prompto says, hoisting you into his arms. A white flash blinded his eyesight for a split second before his vision refocused, spotting Noctis gazing down at the recently taken picture.

"That's a keeper." Noctis commented, gently placing the fragile camera onto the countertop.

Next Day
Feathers were hovering in the air, over the couch, on the ceiling fan, a thin layer concealing the two boys and a girl sleeping on the couch.

"Which one of us is going wake them up?" Gladiolus questioned, glancing towards the other awakened man standing with a blank stare at the mess.

"Let's give them a few minutes of tranquility before we disrupt them with a good call of interrogation." Ignis answered, rubbing the lenses of his glasses before applying them onto his nose, trying to keep a calm composure.

"Hm, sounds good to me." The bulkier man replied, walking towards the kitchen area with a Behemoth of an appetite.

Ignis' keen, emerald eyes noticed the abandoned camera, picking it up delicately with his gloved fingers. He smiled softly at the photos recently taken from the previous night.

"Let them off the hook for today?"

"Sure, why not?" Gladiolus responded.
