Playing Mariokart 8

"In your face Prompto! No one can beat the master!" You exclaim, putting your arms up in victory.
You hear him groan in annoyance, falling backwards onto your bed. You once again have destroyed Prompto in Mariokart 8. It was a close call from the last race. Prompto was leading in first place, but he got hit by blue shell, allowing you to pass the finish in first place with him following in second place. He pulls you down onto the bed with his arm, towering over you.

"P-Prompto what are you doing?" You ask nervously.

"Your punishment." He answers with a smirk.
You became a snorting, giggling mess as he tickled your sides. You tried to push him off you, failing since your body was completely immobile when tickled.

"S-Stop, I can't breathe!" You yelp out between giggles.

"Never!" He says, continuing to use his slim fingers to tickle you.

You hear a knock at your door, ending your punishment for winning first place. Prompto got off your bed, while you stayed on your bed, trying to regain your breath. Prompto opened the door, revealing a waiting Noctis.

"Oh hey Noct! Glad to see you here." Prompto greets excitedly.

"Hey Prom." Noctis replies, walking into your room, spotting a red faced f-n.

"Prompto, what the the hell did you do to her?" Noctis asks, facing Prompto with furrowed eyebrows.

"Just a little punishment for beating me in Mariokart." He answers.

Noctis shakes his head side to side at the silly antics Prompto loves to play on you. He sits himself down next to you, poking the side of your head with his finger. You open your eyes, seeing Noctis hovering over you.

"Noct!" You yell, sitting up quickly and pulling him into a hug.

"Hi f-n, nice to see your finally better." He says.

The two of them planned to hang out with you today and sleepover to help you get over your breakup. You caught your boyfriend cheating on you, kissing with another girl. You didn't come to school the next day, making both of them worried. The both of them visited your house right after their classes were finished. They rushed up to your room after being told about your breakup by your mother. They soon found you there, buried under a pile of pillows and blankets. The three of you talked nonstop for hours, crying on their shoulders. So, they planned this little hangout to make you feel better.

"So what were you guys doing up here?" Noctis asks, cutely tilting his head to the side.

"We were playing Mariokart 8. You wanna join us?" You answer, holding out a Wii Remote controller. He gladly accepts it, laying on his stomach on your bed. Prompto jumped next to Noctis, sitting on the edge of your bed. You planted yourself in your gaming chair, going to the character selection screen. You picked f\m\c (favorite Mariokart character), Prompto chose Yoshi, and Noctis chose Shy Guy. Each of you chose your own different vehicle combination.

The first stage you chose was the N64 Rainbow Road. All of you got the rocket start, your racers bumping into each other occasionally. You hear Prompto scream loudly, seeing Yoshi drift off the stage. Noctis was leading in first, you in second. f\m\c smashed into an item box, earning yourself three bananas. You throw all three of them, Noctis dodging them with ease. Noctis scoffs as he passes the finish line in first place, you in second, Prompto in third. You and Prompto glare at the smirking Prince. He looks at you with a 'what's wrong? You mad?' look. You face your T.V., determination burning in your eyes.

Time Skip to Last Race
The atmosphere in your bedroom was tense. You were in first, Prompto in second, Noctis in third. You were playing on the Electrodome stage. You could see the finish line, but the odds of you winning were gone. You screamed in annoyance, seeing a blue shell icon beeping at the bottom of your square. You watch your character flip in the air, spotting a Shy Guy and Yoshi passing by you. You pout deeply, your racer driving into their place. You go to the results screen; Noctis was first, Prompto was second, and you were third.

"I can't believe I lost!" You scream, slouching in your chair with a pout.

"Aw f-n don't pout. We can always have a rematch." Prompto says, smiling at your defeated form.

"But I wanted to win!" You argue back childishly.

Noctis sighs, before walking over next to you, scooping you up in his arms bridal style. You grab onto the collar of his jacket tightly in shock. He drops you onto your bed, so both of them were sitting on each side of you.

"Are you really going to be angry about this f-n?" Noctis asks with a raised eyebrow.

You nod a yes with your head, still pouting like a child whose toy got taken away. Prompto gives Noctis a look. Noctis nods in approval. Prompto grows a smug grin, before proceeding with his plan to make you smile again.

Prompto pushes you down again, tickling you again. You cover your mouth, trying to stifle your laughter. Noctis soon joins in, tickling your neck. You yelp, trying to prevent them from tickling you. You laugh loudly, unable to sit still. You breathe rapidly trying to regain your breath after the tickle fest you just had. You smile back at the two boys gazing at you playfully. It was your turn for payback. You push yourself back up. You pull both of them by their collar, yanking them close enough to you that you could deliver a kiss to each of their cheeks. Both of them sat in shock. Noctis was lightly touching his cheek with his hand, while Prompto was staring off into a wall, like a statue.

"You guys are too cute sometimes." You gush.

Author's Notes
Ermagud! My one-shot book has reached 1k reads! Thank you guys so much for reading all my stories in this little one-shot book. You guys are awesome! 😇
