23. Help

I lay in bed, tears falling my ears as my boredom forces me to remember everything Daniel. The first day we met, the connection was instantly strong and bonded. It was more than unexplainable, it was more than complicated, it was so much more.

"On the inside she's thinking, 'all this money, and I don't know what to spend it on'." A voice says sneaking up behind me making me jump. I turn around to see its Andrews friend.

"You know mind reading without permission is a invasion of privacy?" I say as I put a hand on my hip and smile. He laughs, a little to hard for my liking. "I'm sorry, I guess I'll try to keep my talent to myself then." He says, a smirk still lingering on his face.

With a Quick grin, I turn and begin walking towards Victoria's secret. But this time I hear extra foot steps. I slowly stop walking, the extra foot steps stopping too. I take a step, there's an extra step. I jump, there's a mimicking sound behind me. I turn around to come face to face with Andrew's friend.

"Can I help you?" I ask, sassing a little. He smiles, "I wanted to actually spend some time with you." He says.

I raise an eyebrow, "you don't even know me." I point out. He shrugs, "I can get to know you. Plus I know your Andrew's new best friend so we might as well get to know each other 'cause we gone be seeing a lot of each other any way." He says.

Eh, I could use the company, I guess.

I nod at him, "alright, come on."


I stare at the pinkish white bra in my hand, imagining how it would look on me. "Oh, that's cute, get that!" Daniels enthusiastic voice floats into my ear. I look to my right, coming face to face with his chest. I look up and see a bra on top of his head.

I look around, "what is wrong with you boy! Take that off ya head!" I whisper, cracking a smile.

Daniel is great company, he's funny, smart, but stupid at the same time. Before I even set foot into the store, he had me laughing.

I watch as he pulls on the hanger that the bra is on. He screams like somebody just stabbed him in the neck.

"Shhhh! Shut up before I stab you in the neck! What's wrong?" I ask, my hand over his mouth. "Mish shluck min uh shlock!" He exclaims. I roll my eyes and remove my hand. "What?" I ask.

"Its stuck in a loc, I can't get it out." He whines, sticking his bottom lip out. I suck my teeth, "lean down." I command. He leans down, hands on his knees. I untangle the hanger from his hair, freeing him. I ignore him and look at the bra. "This is actually pretty cute, where did you grab it from?" I ask, looking back to him.

After a few more minutes of shopping, Im ready to check out and go somewhere else. "Danie--" I pause when I see the cashier pressing down on him. I hold back a laugh at his uncomfortable expression. I walk to the counter and put my things down, waiting for her to notice me.

After three minutes of her trying to flirt and Daniel being red in his face, I clear my throat. "Excuse me! Can you ring me up?" I ask, catching her attention. She glares at me before excusing herself from Daniel. He walks over to me as she starts doing her job. "Steph, I'm scared. She asked me out for coffee." He whispers in my ear. I bite my lips to keep my from laughing, seeing the glare that the woman is throwing at me.

"I don't even like coffee!" He explains, his eyes wide. I snort but before I get to full out laugh, this bit-- I mean lady cuts in. "$207.56," she sneers. I look at her with a blank expression as I give her my black card.


"So what else are you doing today?" Daniel asks, drinking some of his slurpee. We are now in the malls cafeteria, eating lunch. I have over a dozen bags thanks to Daniel suggesting things I would look Good in.

I drink some of my water, "I'm going to work out a bit before I go to work." I answer.

"Can I come with you?" He asks, "to work out I mean."

I shrug, "I don't see why not."

He nods, smiling softly before his expression turns scared but frustrated. "Okay, I have a question and you can't beat the fuck out of me if your answer is no, okay?" I nod, eyebrows raised in amusement. "Okay, areyouadanceratqueenofkingsthatgoesbythenameof'mystique'?" He rushes out.

After a second of deciphering what he said, I nod, "yep, that's me." I answer.

He sits back, his hands on top of his dreads, as he stares at me, semi-shocked. "Wow." Is all he says. I roll my eyes and chuckle, "anyway, I would like to go home and work out so let's go." I say, wrapping my salad up and finishing off my water.

He snaps out of his slight daze and wraps up his mass amount of food before standing and walking out beside me.

My heart hurts, really, really, bad.

"no, we're not best friends, we're--"

"Other halves." Daniel interrupts.

Yeah, he surely was my other half. Its been confirmed. Ever since Dawson told me that Daniel is dead, I've been feeling like half of me is missing; half of me is missing.

I walk into the club with Daniel by my side. The club just opened so the only people around are cleaners cleaning the poles and smearing powder on them, and bartenders cleaning glasses. "You wanna see my dressing room?" I ask looking at Daniel.

He nods, his goofy grin on his face. I smile and start walking to the back. My dressing room is black and white with dimmer lights. I have an actual full size bed, a couch, a small kitchen area, a bathroom, and a walk in closet. So imagine Daniels face when he sees all this. "This is what you get for dancing?" He asks walking to the idol pole that's in the middle of the room. He swings on the pole and I laugh, "this is what I get for being the best dancer." I respond.

He swings on the pole as I take my trench coat off. "What happened between you and Andrew?" I ask as I hang my coat up. I'm wearing on of the new sets that I Bought, its red and white. I sit in front of my make up station, taking my hair out of its braids.

Daniel shrugs through the reflection, "he's really protective over you for some reason. He doesn't trust me with you." He answers. I look at him through the mirror, "is there a reason he doesn't trust you with me?" I ask, eyes narrowed.

Daniel shakes his head, " I don't know. He knows that I was raised up the same as him, moral and respect wise, I don't know why he would question me."

I sigh and shake my head, beginning to comb through my hair with my fingers, "do you think I should trust you?" I ask, pausing my combing. Daniel stops twirling and stands beside me, looking at me through the mirror, "I think you should, "he walks back to the pole, grabbing it, "but that's up for you to decide."

I had trouble trusting people but when it came to Daniel, that shit was easy. I curl onto my side as a wave of nausea passes over me.

I watch as he closes his eyes and just sit there, mad with himself. I can't sit here and watch him be mad about something that isn't his fault. So I look away.

And then I stand.

I walk in front of him and lift his head. He looks at me with misty eyes and I feel a pang in my heart. I know we met today, but this boy is something special to me. I just feel so connected to him.

I slowly lower myself onto his lap and he wraps his arms around me. After a second of being stiff, I let myself relax into his embrace. Being with him feels so natural to me that me being on his lap with only a towel between my naked body and him doesn't even feel weird.

"I don't know what it is about you Steph," he mutters, "but you're something special."

He was something special. That night only solidified that I need that boy in my life. My nose tingles as I sniffle, "I still need you in my life Daniel. Despite everything that we've doe to each other, I need you beside me. I need you." I whisper.

I roll over in my bed and come face to face with Daniel. His dreads are sprawled all over his face, his lips parted slightly, his cheeks tinted pink as he sleeps.

His little light bright ass is actually cute.

I try not to laugh at my own joke but a small chuckle comes out. "I know I'm sexy, but its rude to stare." Daniels husky voice interrupts my laughing. He opens a eye and looks at me, "go back to sleep." He demands.

After the incident, we came back here and watched TV together. He complained about how tight the two braids I put his dreads in were so I let him take them out. We didn't talk about what happened any more, we just let it go. And I was fine with that, I didn't want to keep thinking about it for too long.

"Make me." I say childishly. Daniel smirks before slinging a arm towards me. I scream and try to roll off the bed but he catches me. He pulls me towards him and tosses his entire body on me, his face in my neck. I laugh as I try to push him off me. "Come on, Daniel!" I shout after a moment of being crushed by him.

"Go back to sleep Stephanie!" He groan in my ear. I shake my head, "no, its time to get up, so move!" I shout, poking his side.

He snores softly in my ear as my eyebrows furrow when I feel something against my hip.

Please, please, please don't be a morning wood! Please, don't be a morning wood!

I take a chance and peek down, eyes going to the size of saucers as I see his morning wood. "Oh hell no, Daniel you gotta get up now!" I say panicking as I shove him as hard as I can. "Why?!" He whines.

Men are the biggest babies.

"Because ya' monster is on my hip, move nigga!" I shout. I shove him back onto his side of the bed as he laughs. I narrow my eyes at him as he looks at me and laughs, "what's so funny, dufus?" I sass.

"Did you call my dick a 'monster'? I mean, I know its big and everything but really?" He asks trying not to laugh. I flip him off as I walk to my bathroom. His loud laugh follows me. I use the bathroom before brushing my teeth and putting my curly hair into a ponytail.

After my emergency shower last night, my hair went into its natural state which is barely tameable curls. I walk out the bathroom to see Daniel sleep again. A sly smirk develops on my face as I get a idea.

I tiptoe over to my dresser, grabbing my lotion. I silently squirt a bunch in my hand and put the bottle back. I creep over to him, raise my hand high, and bring it down hard onto the side of his face. "Smack cam, hoe!" I shout. He sits up so fast and disoriented. He looks at me as I laugh at the condition of his face. The place where I smacked him is as red as a ripe apple.

He smiles at me, "ooooo, I liked that ma, do it again." He coos and I laugh even harder. "You not gone do it? Okay, my turn!" He says sounding innocent.

"Hell no!" I shout as I turn to run but his long arm encircles my waist. I scream as he picks me up, slamming me onto my bed, face down. A slap is delivered onto my butt and I scream, thrashing to get away. "Daniel, let me go!" I scream.

He laughs, "no! Say 'I'm sorry big daddy Daniel, I won't do it again'!" He demands. I laugh and he smacks my ass again and I yelp, "Daniel!" I whine.

"Say it, Stephanie!" He teases, I can hear the laugh that he's holding back in his voice. I bite my lip, "let me go!" I whine.

"Why is it turning you on?" He whispers in my ear.


"No, it hurts so let me go." I state boldly. He does it again and I try to kick him, "just say 'I'm sorry big daddy Daniel, I won't do it again' and I'll let you go." He says as if it was that simple.

I sigh and turn my head into my bed, screaming into my sheets. He does it again and I feel my butt jiggle, "damn Stephanie, you got cake for real!" He comments before doing it two more times. It doesn't help that I'm wearing leggings.

"Okay! Okay!" I cave, "I'm sorry big daddy Daniel, I won't do it again! Now let me go!" I shout. He let's me go while sucking his teeth, "you're no fun." He mutters. I stand up and put a hand on my butt. I look him directly in the eye and roll my eyes. I turn to walk out the room but he grabs my hand.

"Awe, Steph you mad at me?" He asks, looking down at me. I drop eye contact and stare at his chest, crossing my arms a second later.

All these damn tattoos.

He smothers me with his chest as he pulls me in close. "Stephanie, talk to me!" He begs. "You can't be mad at me, we're other halves remember?!" He shouts in my ear and I keep from laughing. "Stephanie!" He yells like a crazy person as he rocks us side to side.

I just hold in my laugh and not hug him back.



"Stephanie!" He drags my name out that time. I just roll my eyes and ignore him. "Did it really hurt? Want me to kiss it better? Okay, danny-poo will kiss it better." He says like a child before dropping to his knees in front of me. He tries to turn me around but I stop him with my laughter.

Even on his knees, he's almost as tall as me.

"Aha, victory! She's laughing, mission completed!" He does an obnoxious laugh before going still, "Power down now." He says in a robot voice before falling onto his back, eyes closed.

I laugh, "you're such a goof." I comment.

He opens one eye, "But you love me though." He says and he shuts his eye.

"I do love you. I hate that after everything we've been through, I still love you like nothing happened." I sob and clutch my stomach as pain rips through me. The pain intensifies and I can't hold in my scream. Something spurts onto my leg and I look down to find blood pooling and surfacing through my sheets. I sit up as my breathing quickens, "no, no, no! Help! Somebody help me!"

What's happening with Steph? 10 comments with guesses on what's happening and I'll update again!
