13. Beneath You.

I'm driving to the bank, singing loudly to Rihanna as I go. I have 15 mil in the back seat and trunk of my car, I'm on cloud 999. I pull up at a red light, grabbing my phone out the cup holder to call the girls and tell them about my new business. Screaming makes me drop my phone, watching it slide near the brake.  "Shit." I mutter. I put the car in park and reach down to pick it up. I place it back in my cup holder and look to see whose screaming.

I spot a grown man smacking a teenage girl on the corner. I shake my head.

A man hitting a woman, that nigga is bitch made, like come on.

I grab my phone out the cup holder an call the police, telling them what's happening before pulling off and going to the bank.


I walk into David's hotel room and see the girls sprawled on the couch, doing nothing important. "Aye," I call out, sitting in front of them on the coffee table.

"Bitch, you better hope that table don't break." Tee's smart ass says making me a Kara chuckle. I put my middle finger up, "fuck you, but for real I need to talk to y'all about something."

They sit up straight, giving Me their attention. "I got a deal today with Jason, he gave me 15 mil to head his new club on the south side." The girls cheer and give me a high five. "That's Wass'up!" Tee says, grinning.

I smirk, "Now, we all know that we all in this together so, even though the deal was only offered to me, I figured out how to get y'all paid."

That fact makes them cheer even more. "Wait, don't cheer too much, you have to hear y'all positions first." Silence. "Managers, at the club."

"Oh hell no!"

"What the fuck Stephanie?!"

"If you bitches don't like it, I'll keep the 2 mil up front and the opportunity to myself and give it to somebody whose not gone bitch and moan." I snap. "The opportunity was for me, I don't have to offer y'all nothing because of the simple fact that all that money," I point to the bags of money I brought for them, "is all mine."

"You could've mentioned us in the meeting!" Kara shouts. "If it was meant for all of us then he would have called all of us." I say through gritted teeth.

I don't appreciate how ungrateful these girls are sounding.

Tee chuckles, "Well it's something, I just appreciate you giving me a come up, even if it is just a managing position." Tee daps me up, smiling. "Naw, I'm not gone let her be over me again." Kara says bitterly. I raise an eyebrow, "What's the matter with you?" I ask, eying her.

She sucks her teeth, "Ever since the start, I've been beneath you! 'Oh Stephanie is the best dancer in the state, and Kara is the third!'" She mocks. I narrow my eyes at her, "that ain't my fault. Maybe if you worked hard and began appreciating the small things, you would've been up there with me!" I snap back.

"Worked harder?! I bust my ass tryna get up there with you! But no! Jason never let me and Tee shine! All because your were the star and we were beneath you!"

"Aye, don't bring me into to this!" Tee shouts, putting her hands up in surrender. I turn to her, "you feel like this too?" I question. She shakes her head quickly, "Naw! I don't want your position at all! I'm fine with being second best! I don't want the responsibility that you had and still have! I like where I'm at in life." She says quickly.

I turn to Kara and relax my eyes, "If you feel like that Kara then you are welcomed to walk out of my life. If you feel like you're going to always be beneath me, then turn around and leave." I offer. She sucks her teeth and looks me up and down, "bye." She turns and walks out the door. I turn to Tee, my last good friend, "So you're offer just went up." I say with a smile.

"Damn right it did!"
