Chapter One

I continuously look at the clock as my knee shook. In two more minutes, we would be free from school for the summer. I was excited. It was time for warm weather, county fairs, tanning, short shorts, and most importantly hanging with Craig.

The bell rang, and I wasted no time getting out of the school. I made my way outside to see Craig leaning on the hood of his car, waiting for me. It was just like a scene from a movie, perfect.

"Ready?" he asked.

"I'm more than ready," I replied.

He drove to my place.

"Are you going to Token's bonfire tonight?" he asked.

"Yeah, I was hoping you'd give me a ride, you know car pool," I smiled.

"I swear sometimes you only date me for a ride," he sighed.

"No, I date you for your bubbly personality," I replied.

He gave me a glare, "You're funny."

"You think so?" I responded.

"Anyways, I told Token I'd be there early to help him get the fire started," Craig said.

"Your version of helping is sitting there, criticizing everyone else while you eat potato chips," I pointed out.

"Yup, now let me help you get ready, your mom just went grocery shopping right?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes, "You are unbelievable."

I got out of the car, and Craig followed. We went straight to my room.

"What do you need here?" he asked.

"Well, I wanted to change-"

"What's wrong with what your wearing?" he interrupted.

"I wore them to school," I answered.

"So?" he questioned.

"So, these are school clothes, I need summer clothes," I replied.

"What's the difference?" he asked.

I looked down at what I was wearing, jeans and a t-shirt, "You'll see."

I grabbed some clothes out of my closet and walked to the bathroom across the hall to change. I came out with jean short shorts and a flowy white tank top that faded into blue at the bottom. I quickly threw my hair into a bun and went to show Craig.

Craig looked up from his phone, and his eyes went wide when he saw me entire the room.

"Yup, there is a huge difference," he smirked, eyeing me up and down.

"In your dreams, Tucker," I sighed.

"You're not wrong, I do dream that all the time," he admitted.

I felt my face heat up, "You are disgusting."

He let out a chuckle, but it stopped shortly, as he sat there deep in thought.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I just realized that we are seniors," he said. "One more year left in this shitty mountain town."

"This place isn't that bad," I smiled to myself.

"This place is worse than bad," he added.

"Oh please, without this place, you wouldn't have met me," I pointed out and gave him a kiss.

We were soon in a heated make-out session when Craig's phone went off.

"Shit, that's Token, we got to go babe," Craig said as he pushed me off him.

"I see were your priorities are," I mumbled on the ground.

"Are you coming?" he called from the hall way.

I let out a groan and went after hi.
