Chapter Nineteen

*Your P.O.V*

I stumbled into the apartment hushing everything that made noise.

"Shh, don't wake up Tyler," I scolded the plant.

"You can't wake up something that never went to sleep," Tyler said from the couch.

He was sitting in the dark surrounded by empty beer bottles.  There had to be at least the entire stash he keeps in the fridge.  He wasn't much of a drinker.  Sure, he'd have one or two, but this was excessive.  Not only was the beer gone, but he had the rum in his hand also.

"I saw you walk home with Craig," he said in a low voice.  "I thought you didn't like being around him.  Obviously, it was a lie if you'll go to parties with him."

"What got into-"

He threw a small object at me.  I looked down to see a necklace.  Not just any necklace, but the necklace Craig gave me junior year in high school.

"Tyler he gave that to me that to me 3 and a half years ago.  It means nothing-"

"Nothing, NOTHING!?!" he laughed like a maniac.

"Tyler, you're scaring me," I cowered back to the wall.

Tyler continued to step towards me until he had me pinned between him and the wall.

"If that stupid piece of shit means nothing to you, why did you hold onto it for 3 and a half fucking years?" he asked in a whisper causing me to tremble.

"Tyler, please," I begged, with all the alcohol from before fading.  "I'm sorry."

"Throw it away," he yelled in my face.

I squeezed by him, shaking, as I picked up the necklace and went to the trash.  I couldn't help but sob as I held it over the trash.

I can't do it.  I still love Craig.  I can't get rid of this.  Getting rid of this meant getting rid of everything.

"I can't," I sobbed.

"What?" Tyler asked throw his gritted teeth.

He stomped over to me and ripped it out of my hand.  He continued to the sink and threw it into the garbage disposal. 

"NO!" I cried.

After the necklace was completely destroyed, he came back over to me and said, "You belong to me."

The next thing I saw was his hand raise in the air and collide with my cheek.  I stumbled back, hitting the wall, and sliding to the ground.

Tyler froze as the normal him came back to reality, "(Y/N), I'm so sorry.  Please-"

"You hit me," I said more to myself than I did to him.

"I know.  I'm sorry.  I don't know what came over me.  I..." he started to cry.

"No," I said as my face began to throb.

I quickly got up and ran out of the apartment building, leaving Tyler crouched on the ground crying.  I started running down the block to a house and started banging on the door pleading for help.
