Chapter 5

Nikki's POV
I flew to San Diego where my home is also for Friday night Smackdown so I went to my apartment and texted brie

N:hey brie

B:hey Nikki what's up?

N:well John basically told me he doesn't want to get married again and will never have kids and so I'm backhere in San Diego to rethink things😭

B:oh my gosh are you ok😥
N:no I'm not😩

B:I'll be over there in a minute

N:ok😄 I feel better already

*at Smackdown*

Nikki's POV
I was In my dressing room and thinking about John I put my Wrestling outfit on and went outside where I saw John staring at me from a far distance he liked miserable without me.Oh just forget it!

John's POV
I miss Nikki I think I was wrong for telling Nikki I'd never get married I have to apologise to her because I know that's what she wanted her whole life and I think I just crushed her dreams.

*after Friday night smackdown*

Nikki's POV
I made my way to my dressing after my tag team match with Brie I went in my dressing room and saw John there

"What are you doing here John?" I said

"I love Nicole and I'm sorry what I said I was wrong and you're right having one one divorce doesn't mean I can't get married again I've decided I want to spend the rest of my life with you." John said

Nikki's POV
Oh my God is he gonna?

"Stephanie-Nicole Garcia-Colace will you make me the luckiest man alive and marry me?"

Nikki's POV
Oh my God he proposed I never thought this day would come so fast I'm just so grateful I really am.

"Oh my god yes I will marry John" Nikki said as she cried and Kissed him

*Nikki got home and texted Brie once again*

N:OMG Brie something amazing just Happened


N:John finally proposed to me!

B:oh my gosh really congratulations

N:thank. I think since we're both getting married in 6 months we could have a double wedding

B:I don't know I already started planning.

N:we can plan together what do you say?

B:me and Bryan will think about it

*end of conversation

Sorry haven't updated in a while even though you all wanted me to so badly

What's next in stored For Nena?

Do you want me to make Nikki and Brie plan the wedding together?

Will they have a double wedding?
