Chapter 13

~4 months later

Nikki's P.O.V
I'm 9 months pregnant now and, John has taken off work to come stay until my twins are born Tomorrow is my birthday and that is also when I'll have our twins.

John's P.O.V
Nicole looks like she'll be in labor any minute that's why I took off work to be with Nicole.


*Nikki and John are sleeping in bed when Nikki feels a sharp pain in her stomach*

"John!" Nikki said

"Yeah?" John said sleepish like

"I think my water broke" Nikki said

~John's P.O.V

I jumped out of bed and got dressed as fast as I could and got the car ready I got Nicole
In the car and drove off and then 20 minutes later we got to the hospital and as soon as we got there they rushed Nicole off to the delivery room and called Brie

"Hello?" Brie said

"You're sister is in labor Brie" John said

"Ok I'll be there what hospital?" Brie asked

"St.Paul hospital" John said

"Ok I'll be there" Brie said

Brie's P.O.V
I got Bryan and we got dressed quickly and ran out the door and drove to the hospital quickly and we checked in

"Umm excuse me m'am could you tell us where Nicole Garcia-Colace is?" Brie said

"Oh yes Ms.Garcia she in the Delivery room 12" the nurse said

~we got to the Delivery hallway and saw John waiting outside the door then I went in the room.

"Nicole I'm here!" I said

"I'm sorry M'am you can't be in here right now" One of the nurses said

"Umm.. I'm her twin sister so I have every right to be in here" I said

"Brianna you're here" Nikki said

"Of course I'm here here why would I miss my sisters first two children" I said

~for hours I heard Nicole screaming and panting and hearing the doctor saying push finally hour 5 I heard crying and it was her two little children. Then Bryan and John came in and John held Anthony-Felix while Nicole held Eva-Nicole

"Oh my god Eva has your eyes John" Nikki said

"So does Felix" John said

"Well welcome to the world Eva-Nicole Danielle Garcia-Colace Nikki said

"And Anthony-Felix Michael Cena" John said

Twins! yay I had to think long and hard in a day so I thank everyone who read my book for 1000 reads you are awesome

